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Following Potential 2025 Draftees

Oldtimer - No I am not a BYU fan. However Demin has improved as the season went on and would not be a bad pick at all if he fell to the T-wolves pick which is likely around 18-20. He has good size and passing skills especially for his age. His shooting was trash, but has improved as the season went on.
I've been disappointed in Ace Bailey lately. not sure what the issue is, but he's been pretty bad for about at least a month - maybe more. he hasn't been as bad or as invisible as Cody Williams down the stretch last year, but his play reminds me of that. At this point, due to potential, I think you still draft him top 5, but you might wait until 5. his defense and effort has been consistently stellar, but you are drafting him to be a scorer and my biggest question is whether he will ever be able to do that efficiently.
It's helped a few, like Benedict Mathurin and Franz Wagner, who went lottery after their 2nd year of school when they otherwise would have been later FRPs.

There have been some for whom the decision to return or delay the draft a year has backfired. That Czech guy Roko Prkacin got hurt and fell off the map when he could have been a FRP. Overall, returning to school probably hurt Filipowski's draft stock, though there were other factors at play for him slipping to the 2nd round. You see how nearly everyone has forgotten about that Spanish forward Baba Miller at this point, when he was once considered a late 1st - mid 2nd-round pick.
Were those guys projected first-round picks before returning tho?
I've been disappointed in Ace Bailey lately. not sure what the issue is, but he's been pretty bad for about at least a month - maybe more. he hasn't been as bad or as invisible as Cody Williams down the stretch last year, but his play reminds me of that. At this point, due to potential, I think you still draft him top 5, but you might wait until 5. his defense and effort has been consistently stellar, but you are drafting him to be a scorer and my biggest question is whether he will ever be able to do that efficiently.
He's going to be a great conundrum
Ace had 2-3 weeks of good basketball and sucked for the rest of the season. He has a lot of talent, but I really don’t like his BBIQ or intangibles. Might drop to #6 for me.
He easily has the widest range of outcomes for any player in the draft as he could either clearly be the best player in the draft or out of the league entirely. Drives me crazy.
He easily has the widest range of outcomes for any player in the draft as he could either clearly be the best player in the draft or out of the league entirely. Drives me crazy.
He's the classic guy that gets gms fired... either because they passed on him and he's awesome or because they pick him and he struggles. If he hits you can hear Bill Simmons saying "yeah of course the athletic wing shot maker is amazing like duh" or "of course the guy who's brain is broken isn't going to live up to the hype... duh".
One thing I'd like to know is how coachable Ace is and what his intangibles are. I haven't heard anything bad about him, but I do get the impression that he doesn't have a natural feel for the game and nobody has ever told him how to play the right way. Even if a lot of his poor play is due to his situation, I don't think it's as easy as flipping a switch and I'm not sure you can get rid of all the bad habits even through coaching/work ethic.

He's probably going to end up like a Wiggins/Barnes. Fake good scorer or decent role player with attitude and role adjustment.
One thing I'd like to know is how coachable Ace is and what his intangibles are. I haven't heard anything bad about him, but I do get the impression that he doesn't have a natural feel for the game and nobody has ever told him how to play the right way. Even if a lot of his poor play is due to his situation, I don't think it's as easy as flipping a switch and I'm not sure you can get rid of all the bad habits even through coaching/work ethic.

He's probably going to end up like a Wiggins/Barnes. Fake good scorer or decent role player with attitude and role adjustment.
I like the MP Jr. comp as long as the shot comes along. Wiggins has motor issues that I think Ace may not have. If we landed 4 I would be relieved to have VJ slide to us... I'd be excited and nervous if we took Ace. I would understand the pick though. Its a good bet... I think.
I like the MP Jr. comp as long as the shot comes along. Wiggins has motor issues that I think Ace may not have. If we landed 4 I would be relieved to have VJ slide to us... I'd be excited and nervous if we took Ace. I would understand the pick though. Its a good bet... I think.

I hated the MPJ comp initially. Ace's offense started out 99% mid range iso's and nothing off the ball. MPJ is an exclusively off the ball player. As the season went on Ace started shooting more 3's and making more of them (and his FT's) so it makes more sense....but I still struggle to classify as a guy who will be completely off the ball and an elite shooter. I still feel as though his actual ability to score on his own is elite and his three point shooting is just decent....so there's kind of a direct mismatch in style of play there. I think he will have to play more like MPJ in the NBA, but if you're drafting him I wouldn't expect him to be an elite shooter and would be betting on the shot creation/making.

About his motor, I guess I have mixed reviews on that. He has moments where he definitely locks in, but I would have to disagree with those who say it is consistent. He does the salient things that show effort, but he is the opposite of a little things guy. And I guess when we're talking about the little things that help you win, it takes some intelligence as well. I can't tell if he's not playing hard or if he's just not recognizing situations.
My comps for Ace are Brandon Ingram and GG Jackson. Which… I mean, we could’ve drafted GG with the 28th pick or sent a garbage pick for Ingram. But sometimes that archetype is Kevin Durant? You gotta believe in your organization’s player development to be high on him and I think the Jazz do a good job there. I think.
Ace will continue to be a top-4 prospect because he has the potential to be nearly unguardable. He can shoot over the top of defenders off the dribble and make tough shots. That skill alone makes him a top prospect.

In the NBA, he'll get more space and repetition from spots on the floor where he's comfortable. He'll also get more open lanes to drive the ball.
If someone were to ask me to guess when the last time a white dude burn in America was the number 1 pick I would have guessed like 30 years or something.
Fun fact: the last time a white American born player was taken number one was some dude I never heard of in 1977. 48 years ago!

Flagg is very very special.
Ace will continue to be a top-4 prospect because he has the potential to be nearly unguardable. He can shoot over the top of defenders off the dribble and make tough shots. That skill alone makes him a top prospect.

In the NBA, he'll get more space and repetition from spots on the floor where he's comfortable. He'll also get more open lanes to drive the ball.

It would be enough if he was an elite elite elite shooter, but he's just not. He's good but not great at shooting.

And he doesn't get nearly as much elevation as MPJ or Durant.

I think he's clearly worse than post third back surgery MPJ because his jumpshot and ability to get up jumpshots are definitely worse.

I think a poor man's post third back surgery MPJ is probably his best comparison. Like the 20th best PF in the NBA. He just cannot create good shots at all. His first step is so awful that it's hard to see him having any on-ball potential.