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Interesting Article On Rudy Haters.

Also lmao at Looks weird *** Pippen tangent

Pippen is not disrespected in the slightest. He is underrated, sure. Those two things are not the same.
Yeah, since this is a debate I'm very familiar with, that Pippen was the anchor of that historic Bulls team and that his absence hurt the team more than Jordan's, and I'm not really an NBA fan just a Jazz fan primarily, means that Pippen has not been overlooked or disrespected. It could be argued that he is underrated, but I could care less if MJ's "Robin" is underrated. If every memory of that team burned in a fire I'd throw a party.
It's rings culture. If you have rings you have an authority level in the NBA. It's just how it is and something you endlessly promote in here with your rhetoric.
Nah. Rings don't change the narrative. Lambeer won titles and people still hate that guy.

Rudy gets bashed for a few reasons. Draymond doesn't get bashed for his own reasons and actions.

Just too bad that Rudy isn't more well liked by his peers.

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Yeah, since this is a debate I'm very familiar with, that Pippen was the anchor of that historic Bulls team and that his absence hurt the team more than Jordan's, and I'm not really an NBA fan just a Jazz fan primarily, means that Pippen has not been overlooked or disrespected. It could be argued that he is underrated, but I could care less if MJ's "Robin" is underrated. If every memory of that team burned in a fire I'd throw a party.
Pippen is very disrespected. That's why he is so pissed at the Last Dance. That's probably why he skipped the all star festivities.

MJ was literally a loser (5 losing seasons) without Pippen. People confuse off court legacy with on court dominance. They talk about MJ in a vacuum like he carried teams. People have the "LBJ MJ" debate and don't even mention Pippen.

In the history of the NBA, Pippen is extremely disrespected. He's a top 15-20 type player but always gets relegated to late 20's or 30's. Phil said Pippen was his best defender. Pippen won so many more playoff games for the Bulls without MJ than MJ ever did without Pippen.

Talking heads like Barkley are so much up MJ's *** they don't even talk about Pippen or give him his due. Pippen gets disrespected on a daily basis.

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This was a great part here...

I think Rudy is respected by his peers but is also disliked by most of his peers.

Player votes on awards/etc and all that prove that he is respected.

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So the wolves players saying they fear porzingas more as a rim protector is not disrespect?
Nah. Rings don't change the narrative. Lambeer won titles and people still hate that guy.
Umm you do know why players hated him right? He literally is the dirtiest player who ever walked the earth, hell he openly tried to hurt other players and admitted it. I mean are you this idiotic in thinking he was hated because of his charming personality alone?
Pippen is very disrespected. That's why he is so pissed at the Last Dance. That's probably why he skipped the all star festivities.
So MJ is everyone. Let’s not forget that he gave up on his team twice. Once for not getting a surgery sooner as not to miss a bunch of games in a contract year and again for refusing to enter the final seconds of a playoff game needing a game winner because one of the best coaches ever didn’t call his number. That might rub people wrong. Players hate Gobert because he got emotional in an interview or the Covid thing. Not his fault, I don’t care that he took it lightly, millions of Americans did.
So the wolves players saying they fear porzingas more as a rim protector is not disrespect?

Umm you do know why players hated him right? He literally is the dirtiest player who ever walked the earth, hell he openly tried to hurt other players and admitted it. I mean are you this idiotic in thinking he was hated because of his charming personality alone?

So MJ is everyone. Let’s not forget that he gave up on his team twice. Once for not getting a surgery sooner as not to miss a bunch of games in a contract year and again for refusing to enter the final seconds of a playoff game needing a game winner because one of the best coaches ever didn’t call his number. That might rub people wrong. Players hate Gobert because he got emotional in an interview or the Covid thing. Not his fault, I don’t care that he took it lightly, millions of Americans did.
Pippen has been a giant douche in retirement as well
So the wolves players saying they fear porzingas more as a rim protector is not disrespect?

Umm you do know why players hated him right? He literally is the dirtiest player who ever walked the earth, hell he openly tried to hurt other players and admitted it. I mean are you this idiotic in thinking he was hated because of his charming personality alone?

So MJ is everyone. Let’s not forget that he gave up on his team twice. Once for not getting a surgery sooner as not to miss a bunch of games in a contract year and again for refusing to enter the final seconds of a playoff game needing a game winner because one of the best coaches ever didn’t call his number. That might rub people wrong. Players hate Gobert because he got emotional in an interview or the Covid thing. Not his fault, I don’t care that he took it lightly, millions of Americans did.
Pippen gave up on his team by trying to get paid? Dude, take MJ's cocktail out of your mouth for a sec.

Pippen was making like $4 million a year while MJ was making $35+. Pippen has always been disrespected.

The MJ idol worship should be MJ Pippen Idols worship. MJ was a loser without Pippen. Literally, MJ was 1-10 in playoff games without Pippen.

As for Rudy, he needs to win a title. That would shut everybody up.

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This bothers me more than it probably should. I probably shouldn't feel sorry for a guy that's going to make 100s of millions of dollars in his career, but it kind of sucks for Rudy because there is nothing he can do.

I think the worse part is how the NBA almost encourages this stuff. There are always gong to be cliques, jerks, and bullies. Having the All Star draft, and consistently giving Green a platform to spew his garbage may be good for drama and ratings, but sends a pretty awful message to the young fans of the league.
Pippen is very disrespected. That's why he is so pissed at the Last Dance. That's probably why he skipped the all star festivities.

MJ was literally a loser (5 losing seasons) without Pippen. People confuse off court legacy with on court dominance. They talk about MJ in a vacuum like he carried teams. People have the "LBJ MJ" debate and don't even mention Pippen.

In the history of the NBA, Pippen is extremely disrespected. He's a top 15-20 type player but always gets relegated to late 20's or 30's. Phil said Pippen was his best defender. Pippen won so many more playoff games for the Bulls without MJ than MJ ever did without Pippen.

Talking heads like Barkley are so much up MJ's *** they don't even talk about Pippen or give him his due. Pippen gets disrespected on a daily basis.

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You give weight to the wrong people.

That's your problem and doesn't make anything you say any more true.
I think many people have tried to blame the Rudy hate on one this or that, which I think the article did a good job providing controls that counter that. My view is that there are minor contributors that help push it, such as his personality, but that this has arisen in the same way high school dynamics do. Sure, some kids really are cool and some kids really are not, but the vast majority of what fuels that is really independent of all of it and people get comfortable with expectations or reputations. Somewhere at the end of the Hayward era, I believe, was when KD started throwing some thinly-veiled and unnecessary shade. Hayward definitely wasn’t in the cool kids’ club and Rudy started to rise from those ashes as Donovan was new. I’d say that a well-liked player (amongst other players) offering an opinion is going to be contagious. And likewise for who’s considered cool.

*I misspelled Rudy initially and it autocorrected to Zeus, for whatever that’s worth.

Donovan ****ed Rudy on the Covid thing. He was already disrespected before that but Donovan put it into high gear. Donovan is like Lebron.
I think it was all due to his showing the tiniest bit of sensitivity. If you can't make "grab'em by the *****" jokes in the locker room and say "****'em all" when you don't get what you aspired to, and you show some passion about your career, then you are obviously the "*****" (alternate word for cat if that gets blanked out) and worthy of not just dismissal but contempt and derision. The one thing that they danced around but didn't get into head on is toxic masculinity. Anyone want to know why Rudy is not respected? They cannot and will not respect a *****. It started before the crying incident, but picked up ungodly steam at that point. Its more an indictment of everyone else in the league at this point, not Rudy, for anyone with the balls to see it for what it is.

[see what I did there?]

Great post.
Three main factors:

1. He is tall
2. He is foreign
3. He is not traditionally skilled and gets a lot of recognition

Skilled players are always jealous of taller/athletically gifted players without traditional skill because they see them as being less deserving of their ability.

Giannis got similar hate as well but now he has a ring so he's more undeniable.

And his skin is not all that dark. Let's face it, this narrative is being cast by insiders.
This was a great part here...
Ok that block was insane. His recovery and focus on that was other-worldly. I have seen few perimeter defenders recover like that, let alone make a block like that. If we had had even 1 capable perimeter defender to complement Gobert that series would have gone much differently.
You give weight to the wrong people.

That's your problem and doesn't make anything you say any more true.
I give weight to logic. MJ was less than TMac without Pippen yet Pippen is a footnote to this massive conglomerate driven agenda to promote Michael Jordan as some sort of God. Hell, Pippen even called out MJ for using his own company to make the Last Dance. There is zero objectivity.

As for Rudy, a number of factors led to use his rep. Most of which is we live in a NBA culture where it's cool to mock people. Rudy cried, beat Draymond in DPOY and Draymond has a voice to mock Rudy. It sucks.

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I think part of it too is just the tendency to hate the guy on the other team that annoyingly disrupts your game. Look at Ainge and the way he played. Irritating the point players targeted him and he got knocked down a LOT in his career. I remember a kid we played against in high school. Maybe 5'5" being generous, but he was fast and good with the ball, and had an irritating habit of just running around someone and taking the ball away from them. I have no idea how many steals he got for the season, it had to be a ton, but he was very punchable, and part of it was the fact that we knew it was coming and could do little about it. We shifted our entire offense to keep the ball in the air with more passing, less dribbling. And he could hit the 3 with good regularity to there were plenty of steals then 3 pointers to boot. I know he was a nice guy, but on the court we hated the guy. I guarantee you every one of these "insiders" pushing this narrative have had their run-ins with Gobert under the rim, maybe they had to alter their shot, or got blocked outright, or ended up backing out of the paint, but it bothered them that they couldn't just overpower him like they do most people, so that is irritating. Add to that the fact that he does a good job of putting on the air of not giving a **** what people think. Nothing bugs a bully more than someone who refuses to be phased by their bullying. They want that reaction, it makes them feel justified they got the best of the "*****" so he deserves what they gave him. Gobert won't give them that, which is why they go back to the crying incident so often. Add to that the fact that he has likely flexed on all of them a few times too many, and the bully just cannot take a guy that refuses to give them their satisfaction AND then turns around and flexes on them.

G-Damn the NBA is a toxic fraternity.