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Israel-Hamas War

How does this help anything?

Israeli settlers have expanded their attacks on aid trucks passing through the West Bank this month, blocking food from reaching Gaza as humanitarian groups warn that the enclave is sinking deeper into famine.

Groups of settler youth are tailing relief convoys, setting up checkpoints and interrogating drivers. In some cases, far-right attackers have ransacked and burned trucks and beaten Palestinian drivers, leaving at least two hospitalized.

The assailants use a web of publicly accessible WhatsApp groups to track the trucks and coordinate attacks, providing a window into their activities. Working off what they say are tips from Israeli soldiers and police, in addition to the public, members pore over photos to work out which vehicles might be carrying aid to Gaza and mobilize local supporters to block them.
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Such a weird way to report that news. The tag line doesn't tell you how many hostages were freed, but instead give you the number of hostage takers who died in trying to keep the hostages from being reunited with their families. It is like giving a review on Schindler's List saying the movie was about a hundred thousand German people dying in Poland near some hostages.
Not hard to understand….

“There’s been so much death and destruction, and no let-up from the crisis in Gaza and with Hezbollah … This is a major moment of relief. Everyone cried when they heard the news that four hostages were free,” said Zonszein.

“People have not cared about the Palestinian casualty count the whole time, and the media doesn’t really report it, so I wouldn’t expect them to start caring about it now, during of all things a rescue operation. As we have seen before, there is an Israeli narrative in the war, and an international narrative, and they don’t really meet.”
Such a weird way to report that news. The tag line doesn't tell you how many hostages were freed, but instead give you the number of hostage takers who died in trying to keep the hostages from being reunited with their families. It is like giving a review on Schindler's List saying the movie was about a hundred thousand German people dying in Poland near some hostages.
Seems like an odd spin on your part. The piece talked mostly about the high civilian casualties. I know footage I saw included many children, some with missing limbs. The first line in the write up stated how many hostages were freed. The article also included criticism of Hamas:

“The bloodshed on the ground prompted a rare venting of criticism at Hamas from people in Gaza.

Hassan Omar, 37, said he lamented the unnecessary loss of lives in Israeli strikes, telling the BBC: "For each Israeli hostage they could have freed 80 Palestinian prisoners and without any bloodshed - [that] is a million times better than losing 100 dead.

"My message to Hamas is stopping the loss is part of the gain, we should get rid of those who control us from Qatar hotels.”

In fact, the only mention I could find of the “hostage takers” at all:

“Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said special forces operated "under heavy fire" when rescuing the hostages. One special forces officer was wounded and later died in hospital”.

The descriptions in the article were almost entirely about casualties among the civilians, not casulties among the hostage takers of Hamas at all. The emphasis of the piece was the many non combatant deaths, women and children…..

So again, I find you interpretation far weirder than the article itself. I believe it’s human to care about both innocent Gazans and Israeli hostages.
I know footage I saw included many children, some with missing limbs.
I’m going to need to see the footage you are referring to because I’ve seen no footage of the operation to free the hostages that showed Israeli soldiers shooting civilians. I’ve only seen undated b-roll of Palestinians in medical facilities with a voiceover describing current events.

Remember, this was a hostage rescue. It had to be surgical or Israel would have risked killing its own people. The narrative of indiscriminate killing or there only being civilians around the abducted Israeli people is nonsensical. The ONLY people who would believe this are those who already hate Jews and want their feelings affirmed.

It all boils down to this: The reason bullets were flying on that day was because Israeli hostages were taken and being held against their will. If anyone is upset at who those flying bullets may have hit then see the reason why the bullets were flying on that day.

“The White House has cancelled high-level talks between American and Israeli security officials in Washington, following a video posted by Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, criticising the Biden administration for delays in arms supplies to Israel.

According to Axios, the cancellation was intended to send a message to Netanyahu that such public criticism was unacceptable. “This decision makes it clear that there are consequences for pulling such stunts,” a US official was quoted as saying.

A senior Israeli official added, “The Americans are fuming. [Netanyahu’s] video caused a lot of damage.”

“It’s inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunition to Israel,” Netanyahu said in the video. “Israel, America’s closest ally, is fighting for its life, fighting against Iran and our other common enemies.”

“During World War II, UK leader Winston Churchill told the United States, ‘Give us the tools, we’ll do the job,’” the Prime Minister added. “And I say, give us the tools and we’ll finish the job a lot faster.”


Open criticism of Hamas is building in Gaza as Israel's deadly offensive rages on: 'May God curse them'​

Gazan residents also told the BBC that cursing Hamas' leaders had become common in the markets.

In one video seen by the BBC that was filmed outside a hospital filled with wounded Palestinians, a Gazan man covered in blood shouts: "I am an academic doctor. I had a good life, but we have a filthy [Hamas] leadership. They got used to our bloodshed, may God curse them! They are scum!"

"I'm one of you," he added, "but you are a cowardly people. We could have avoided this attack!"
I was taken aback when I read some Israeli official had told Washington that it wasn’t a strategic decision, but a “use it or lose it” situation.
Initially I assumed it was just some exploit that Israel discovered that allowed them to hack the pagers and just cause the battery to massively overcurrent and that was the "explosion." Similar to what we saw back in the day with the Samsung Galaxy Note or the occasional vape battery failure.

But it sounds like somehow Israel was able to get explosives into devices used by Hamas. Can't wait for the full details to come to light. Its fascinating.