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Jazz cancelled my family's season tickets after 36 years.

Anyone want to set the Over/Under on how many times GMiller has had to address something 'sirkickyass'
PM = no PR.

If it was really Greg, I feel like he would private message instead of posting on the forum, but idk.

It was a very public (in a small message board meaning of public) airing of grievances, responding in the same arena is appropriate. Focusing the post on the concern and Inviting the offended party to bring the issue back to a private conversation was smart.

Now I'm breaking down posts allegedly made by the owner. I'm desperate for Jazz Basketball. How many days until media days?
It was a very public (in a small message board meaning of public) airing of grievances, responding in the same arena is appropriate. Focusing the post on the concern and Inviting the offended party to bring the issue back to a private conversation was smart.

Now I'm breaking down posts allegedly made by the owner. I'm desperate for Jazz Basketball. How many days until media days?

plus, i tweeted it to him too
We don't want any bad press, do we Greggy? Go put a little more gel in your hair like you're a 16 year old boy and let an adult take the reins. Play time's over.

****ing douche.
Negged. And I would neg this every day if I could. I think any member who has any respect for this community ought to also neg you for this. If the post you are responding to really is from Greg it is very cool of him to come in here and try to find a solution. It is extremely lame of you to treat him so badly. You're only a tough guy because you are hiding behind the anonymity of your constantly changing screen name. Would you talk to him this way to his face?
Dear Greg,
I was the biggest fan of our former Player BIG-AL Jefferson. This Christmas my only wish is to have Big-AL Jefferson back in Utah, who is the best Center in the World right now and also is beloved by every jazzfan on this site.
Please, bring back AL... :(
Youre most loyal Utah Jazz Fan CAKAR...
This post is massively incorrect, but at least CAKAR has the class to state it in a respectful manner.
We don't want any bad press, do we Greggy? Go put a little more gel in your hair like you're a 16 year old boy and let an adult take the reins. Play time's over.

****ing douche.

Wow...I am going to just assume this is Greg and if so this is a really rude response. Kudos to Greg for coming on the board and trying to rectify this.
Negged. And I would neg this every day if I could. I think any member who has any respect for this community ought to also neg you for this. If the post you are responding to really is from Greg it is very cool of him to come in here and try to find a solution. It is extremely lame of you to treat him so badly. You're only a tough guy because you are hiding behind the anonymity of your constantly changing screen name. Would you talk to him this way to his face?

Yes, I would talk to him this way. It has nothing to do with being a tough guy, which I'm not. It has to do with him being a joke due to his general lack of courtesy and lame business practices.

If this is Greg, his posting on this board is transparent as can be imo. It is a simple proactive move to avoid bad press so he can keep the pure Jazz image going, his status in the eyes of the fans, secure.

Do you really think the person in charge of the Jazz does not know their ticket policies and how they work? If he doesn't, then he's not doing his job. That's not micromanaging, that's being aware of the ins and outs of the business and what is going on and in this case, I'm of the belief that Greg knows their ticket policies as it pertains to situations like these. I'm also of the belief that he is aware of their practices as it pertains to having their reps contact Kick's uncle less than 48 hours after his grandfather's death. And if he's aware, he's signed off on such practices. At the end of the day, he either supports such policies and that's why they're in place or he hasn't a clue as to what's going on in his own company. Either way, he's a dumbass.
Yes, I would talk to him this way. It has nothing to do with being a tough guy, which I'm not. It has to do with him being a joke due to his general lack of courtesy and lame business practices.

If this is Greg, his posting on this board is transparent as can be imo. It is a simple proactive move to avoid bad press so he can keep the pure Jazz image going, his status in the eyes of the fans, secure.

Do you really think the person in charge of the Jazz does not know their ticket policies and how they work? If he doesn't, then he's not doing his job. That's not micromanaging, that's being aware of the ins and outs of the business and what is going on and in this case, I'm of the belief that Greg knows their ticket policies as it pertains to situations like these. I'm also of the belief that he is aware of their practices as it pertains to having their reps contact Kick's uncle less than 48 hours after his grandfather's death. And if he's aware, he's signed off on such practices. At the end of the day, he either supports such policies and that's why they're in place or he hasn't a clue as to what's going on in his own company. Either way, he's a dumbass.

I'll preface my comment by saying I really know nothing of these sorts of things...

But I would not be at all surprised if an owner knows little about specific policies such as these - that's why there is a General Manager, a Director of Basketball Operations, etc etc etc...

The GM probably is more focused on team issues and less on ticket policies, might be the same for the Director of Basketball Operations, I really don't know.

Here's a LINK to the corporate offices and structure

just a sampling from the link
CEO, Miller Management Corporation: Greg Miller - Twitter @GregInUtah
President, Miller Sports Properties: Steve Miller
Chief Operation Officer, Miller Sports Properties: Jim Olson
Chief Revenue Officer, Miller Sports Properties: Don Stirling
President, Utah Jazz: Randy Rigby
General Counsel: Robert Tingey
Executive Assistant to Randy Rigby: Judy Adams
Executive Administration for Steve Miller: Charlene Peterson
To me, those other people should run those areas, yes, but Greg should know through meetings with these other executives exactly what is going on and the practices and policies the Jazz have in place.

This is Greg Miller. I'd like to offer my condolences on the passing of your grandfather.

I'd appreciate the opportunity to discuss this season ticket issue with you personally. I invite you to contact my assistant Tobie Warner by calling (801) 563-4100 to schedule an appointment.

I'll preface my comment by saying I really know nothing of these sorts of things...

But I would not be at all surprised if an owner knows little about specific policies such as these - that's why there is a General Manager, a Director of Basketball Operations, etc etc etc...

The GM probably is more focused on team issues and less on ticket policies, might be the same for the Director of Basketball Operations, I really don't know.

Here's a LINK to the corporate offices and structure

just a sampling from the link

by the way, there is no Tobie Warner listed on the page and the "Contact us" is
For all Jazz-related questions, please call (801) 325-2500, and you will be directed to the appropriate person. Thank you.

(wouldn't be surprised if it's somebody playing a joke on a co-worker...)

and QSH, I respectfully disagree that Greg would necessarily be aware of specific policies. To me, that would reflect a bit of micro-managing. It all depends how their structure is set up.

And we don't know the specific of how Kicky's grandpa owned and paid for these specific tickets - and I certainly don't know how Jazz tickets are marketed and sold.
Yes, I would talk to him this way. It has nothing to do with being a tough guy, which I'm not. It has to do with him being a joke due to his general lack of courtesy and lame business practices.

If this is Greg, his posting on this board is transparent as can be imo. It is a simple proactive move to avoid bad press so he can keep the pure Jazz image going, his status in the eyes of the fans, secure.

Do you really think the person in charge of the Jazz does not know their ticket policies and how they work? If he doesn't, then he's not doing his job. That's not micromanaging, that's being aware of the ins and outs of the business and what is going on and in this case, I'm of the belief that Greg knows their ticket policies as it pertains to situations like these. I'm also of the belief that he is aware of their practices as it pertains to having their reps contact Kick's uncle less than 48 hours after his grandfather's death. And if he's aware, he's signed off on such practices. At the end of the day, he either supports such policies and that's why they're in place or he hasn't a clue as to what's going on in his own company. Either way, he's a dumbass.
You can't possibly be this stupid.
Yes, I would talk to him this way. It has nothing to do with being a tough guy, which I'm not. It has to do with him being a joke due to his general lack of courtesy and lame business practices.

If this is Greg, his posting on this board is transparent as can be imo. It is a simple proactive move to avoid bad press so he can keep the pure Jazz image going, his status in the eyes of the fans, secure.

Do you really think the person in charge of the Jazz does not know their ticket policies and how they work? If he doesn't, then he's not doing his job. That's not micromanaging, that's being aware of the ins and outs of the business and what is going on and in this case, I'm of the belief that Greg knows their ticket policies as it pertains to situations like these. I'm also of the belief that he is aware of their practices as it pertains to having their reps contact Kick's uncle less than 48 hours after his grandfather's death. And if he's aware, he's signed off on such practices. At the end of the day, he either supports such policies and that's why they're in place or he hasn't a clue as to what's going on in his own company. Either way, he's a dumbass.
Do you have the slightest concept of how big the Miller operation is or the sort of a lifestyle all of the money it generates makes available to those at the top? I would be very surprised if Greg had anything whatsoever to do with the setting or approval of these policies.

I get that your jealous that Greg is in an incredibly fortunate position simply as a matter of birth, and I'm sure it is a brutal shock to your system to learn that life is inherently unfair, but neither of those come anywhere close to being an adequate excuse for your continuing pathetic behavior. Grow up.
Thank you everyone for your attention to this issue. Obviously this got bigger than I ever anticipated as I just assumed that I'd grouse about it and it would be gone in a day or so.

I've forwarded your many kind offers (including GMiller's) for help to my uncle who was primarily in charge of managing the tickets year to year in recent seasons. Since I only visit Utah once a year or less it is appropriate for my Uncle to make the actual decisions regarding this issue. Obviously Greg Miller responding himself is big news to him. I will let you all know what he decides to do about it when I find out.
by the way, a look-up of the phone number (801) 563-4100 shows that it does belong to the Larry Miller Group offices in Sandy, Utah

a google search for Tobie Warner, Utah comes up with a door-to-door cosmetics sales company...
here's a couple links for the skeptical*

Anyone gonna call the number and ask for Tobie?

* which ought to be all of you!

I always think of Kunta Kinte when I hear the name Tobie/Toby.
I understand that you're implying that every seat in front of my grandpa was held in their respective family for decades until someone died. We both know that's not the case. There are many reasons people stop buying season tickets. Every team in the league (Except for Cleveland) has a shrinking season ticket base for a reason. 36-year subscriptions are easily within the 99th percentile.

It sucks that your grandpa passed, but they were his tickets. Not yours, not your uncles, not your families. Sorry, I think they should be available for someone else.
Sorry for your loss and 100% bush league classless move by the Utah Jazz. Shame on them. I would expose this through the paper, Gephardt, or whatever, even if you don't want to buy the tickets. This is low.