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Jazz Sign Kris Dunn for ROS + 1-Year

I was really worried about his body when he had the ATL injuries. He was on bedrest in the middle of covid, but he looks fully healthy and better than ever. Extremely dominant in the G-League too after a not so great showing at the end of last season. It makes sense that he needed a lot of time to recover and now he's squashed the health concerns I had about him and I'm a believer in his late career renaissance. He's not 30 yet.

I think the cap situation is tough, but I would love to give him a long term deal.
Lessee, Dunn is averaging 12/4/5/2 steals with 1.4 TO in 23 MPG on 54/41/78 shooting splits at 60% EFG, with TS% at .611, 8th on the team. That is pretty damn efficient tbpfhwymf.

In advanced, he is a BPM of +4.6, with a +0.8 OBPM and +3.8 DBPM. This BPM actually tops the entire team with Lauri right behind him at +3.9. THT is currently at a -1.8 overall, with -1.9 OBPM and 0.0 DBPM. He is 3rd on the team for WS/48, at .185, ahead of Lauri at .183 and just behind Kessler at .197. He is 2nd in AST% at 28.5 behind only Conley who left the team at a 34.3 AST%. He is even ahead of Olynyk in TRB% at 11.4 where Kelly is at 10.7. The 6'3" guard is a better overall rebounder than one of our 7-footers. If you just take DRB% he is directly behind Lauri, at 19.2 where Lauri is at 20.7. On top of this his current PER is 20.1, well into the solid contributor level of production.

And according to the RAPTOR WAR rating, Dunn is our 7th best player. This all sounds like exactly what you want from a play-maker off the bench. Sign him for a few years, see where this goes.
If he's that good, he's absolutely gonna love playing behind Sexton, Clarkson, THT and Ochai next season. Plus maybe a high pick rookie.

I dislike Dunn because he's like the combination of all the attributes I hate in an NBA guard. Needs the ball, can't shoot, dribbles too much, gambles for steals. He's a guy from 2002 trying to get by with an outdated skillset in 2023.
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If he's that good, he's absolutely gonna love playing behind Sexton, Clarkson, THT and Ochai next season. Plus maybe a high pick rookie.

I dislike Dunn because he's like the combination of all the attributes I hate in an NBA guard. Needs the ball, can't shoot, dribbles too much, gambles for steals. He's a guy from 2002 trying to get by with an outdated skillset in 2023.
Is your opinion based on 2023 G League + Jazz minutes or pre-2020 Bulls? Is there a reality where he figured things out and gained a 2nd life?

Just FYI..

Bad shooter?
in 2022-23 he has 27 games total (20 G League, 7 NBA) where he has 301 FGA and 68 3PA with combined 53/41/77 splits.

Overdribbler? Less dribbles per touch than anyone who has played PG position for us.

Never trust a guy who's on his best behavior because he needs a deal.

As you might have guessed, I'm no fun at parties
Hahah.. love the self-irony.

But yeah fighting for a contract can do wonders for a players buy-in and behavior, but shooting% improvement is either real or some kind of anomaly stretch.

Give him non-guaranteed money for few years and see if it holds up.
No freaking way.

Dunn has a maddeningly loose handle, is an undisciplined ball hawk of a defender and plays a super inefficient brand of basketball.

He needs the whole interior for his extended one-on-one dribbling escapades, which pushes Kessler out of rebounding position and makes Lauri stand around on the perimeter to space the floor. When it sometimes works, he looks like MJ... but most of the times it won't, and he kills the whole offense.

Don't be fooled. Don't think you're smarter than the entire league. There's a reason why Dunn was a #5 pick but fell out of the league. He's a gigantic bust, one of the worst of the last 20 years.

Realistically, he's a 9th man on a good team. If you just use him for 5 to 10 minutes per game to get a different look, I'm fine with him. But as an overdribbling PG who mainly looks for his own shot? GTFO.

If he's that good, he's absolutely gonna love playing behind Sexton, Clarkson, THT and Ochai next season. Plus maybe a high pick rookie.

I dislike Dunn because he's like the combination of all the attributes I hate in an NBA guard. Needs the ball, can't shoot, dribbles too much, gambles for steals. He's a guy from 2002 trying to get by with an outdated skillset in 2023.
None of what you are saying is playing out on the jazz, WTF are you talking about?
This morning I read this as “Jazz sign Kris Dunn to a long-term deal” and thought it was a new thread.

Oh well. Hopefully it’s a good omen.
Hahah.. love the self-irony.

But yeah fighting for a contract can do wonders for a players buy-in and behavior, but shooting% improvement is either real or some kind of anomaly stretch.

Give him non-guaranteed money for few years and see if it holds up.

I think his improvement is for real. On his drives he has a better understanding to sometimes slow down in the crowded spaces. With his time in the Bulls I followed he sometimes lost the ball in same kind of manner JC is still doing in his thirties. Dunn seems smarter with decision making off from his drives now. His catch and shoot form looks better as he gets his legs under the shots more. Still has work to do but much more with the off-the dribble shots. There his jumpers still fall too short and too often.
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Give Clarkson Dunn’s defensive prowess and we’ve got ourselves a player.
Sarah Todd writes that Dunn's second 10 day contract expires after the Miami game. The Jazz have to either sign him for the rest of the season or let him walk. The Jazz also need to sign another player as well before the Boston game on Friday.
Sarah Todd writes that Dunn's second 10 day contract expires after the Miami game. The Jazz have to either sign him for the rest of the season or let him walk. The Jazz also need to sign another player as well before the Boston game on Friday.
I think it is obvious that Dunn will be signed at least for the remainder of the season. I wouldn't mind Dunn being signed for a team-friendly multi-year deal. He has really worked hard and been humble during the past years to get back in the league and he deserves a contract.