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Jazz Sign Kris Dunn for ROS + 1-Year

I'm guessing he gets signed for the rest of the year. If we sign him beyond this year I could see Jazzfanz flipping on him though.
Let's say we get a high profile PG in the draft, then the next question would be who could show him the ropes or cover some of his minutes. Dunn or THT probably should be still around for that. And that would be a solid group of players at the PG spot.
Let's say we get a high profile PG in the draft, then the next question would be who could show him the ropes or cover some of his minutes. Dunn or THT probably should be still around for that. And that would be a solid group of players at the PG spot.
Guys generally aren't crazy about "mentoring" their own replacements unless they're close to retirement. Fans like to believe in feelgood stuff like that but I don't think it happens very much. The competition for minutes is dead serious since there's literally millions of dollars in play. Particularly for a guy like Dunn who's a marginal NBA player.
you don't have to sit a guy down and give them step by step training for them to learn from you. they can just watch how you execute the offence while they are on the bench and apply it to their own games. they still learn without a word being spoken.
Apparently they signed him to a deal... I haven't seen if there is a second year... I will likely have a minor melt down if we didn't get the second year.
The only "official" link provided so far is that from Tony Jones saying "Not sure yet but deal is likely multi year with team option of sorts for next year"
Does anyone have an exact read on our cap situation? I know we were close to the tax....but as we all know, $500k under the tax isn't much different than $500k over the tax to Ryan :p
We are 949k under the tax and that includes Dunn’s salary for the rest of the year.
Did we get any relief from Westbrook’s buyout? I never heard if that was the case - just that we bought him out, waives him and the Clippers were dumb enough to sign him for the rest of the season.