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Joe Rogan On Shapiro's Show

Shapiro on the other hand is a faux intellectual who has built his brand around talking fast and sounding smart. It's amazing how well that's worked out for him.
"Faux" intellectual? Lol

You realize the guy graduated law school from Harvard, right? I mean, you might disagree with his political opinions, and he's wrong sometimes (and admits it,) but this whole thing of trying to knock on this guy's intelligence is laughable. The guy has excelled at everything he's done in life. He's a musician, was the youngest recognized columnist in the US, graduated Harvard, is a millionaire, routinely destroys people in debates.

You may not like him, but he's smarter than you. I guarantee it.
Am I alone on my island of increasing sadness and disdain for the growing intellectual dishonesty, team above all mentality and over dramatization all around/among us ?
"Faux" intellectual? Lol

You realize the guy graduated law school from Harvard, right? I mean, you might disagree with his political opinions, and he's wrong sometimes (and admits it,) but this whole thing of trying to knock on this guy's intelligence is laughable. The guy has excelled at everything he's done in life. He's a musician, was the youngest recognized columnist in the US, graduated Harvard, is a millionaire, routinely destroys people in debates.

You may not like him, but he's smarter than you. I guarantee it.
Omg Harvard wow. That's so amazing. Educated =//= intelligent. I've met plenty of people more educated than me that are complete buffoons, and plenty less educated who are much smarter than me.

That he has been so successful is more an indictment of what passes for conservative intellectualism these days than it is any proof that he's a great thinker.

That you describe his debate success as "destroying" those he debates is actually kind of funny. The debates I've seen from him are rife with strawman arguments and red herrings. And like I said earlier, he can talk really fast and sound smart while doing it.

This article breaks down an interaction he had about the issue of transgenderism. It's chock full of fallacies and clever rhetorical tricks, but short on the "facts" and "logic" he pretends to be devoted to.

Omg Harvard wow. That's so amazing. Educated =//= intelligent. I've met plenty of people more educated than me that are complete buffoons, and plenty less educated who are much smarter than me.

That he has been so successful is more an indictment of what passes for conservative intellectualism these days than it is any proof that he's a great thinker.

That you describe his debate success as "destroying" those he debates is actually kind of funny. The debates I've seen from him are rife with strawman arguments and red herrings. And like I said earlier, he can talk really fast and sound smart while doing it.

This article breaks down an interaction he had about the issue of transgenderism. It's chock full of fallacies and clever rhetorical tricks, but short on the "facts" and "logic" he pretends to be devoted to.

Ok. You win. Shapiro is so stupid. He's only pretend smart.

Remind me where you got your grad degree again?
Pretty much. He isn't a bad guy, although I don't think giving a platform to alt-righters as he does is the best idea.

I dunno - I'm a firm believer that if you give an empty suit enough rope they'll eventually hang themselves.

A perfect example is Joe Rogan's exchange with Candace Owens about climate change:

After watching this clip it's glaringly obvious this dingbat hasn't spent more than 5 minutes of her life objectively thinking about climate change. All she knows is she's on the side of politics that doesn't subscribe to it.

If you still find her compelling after watching this clip then there's nothing I can do for you.

And this is the benefit of long-form podcasts like Rogan's. If this was a right leaning show then the question would have been framed in a way to make her look good. If this was a left leaning show the entire exchange would have been dismissed as liberal bias.
Unless the subject is stand-up comedy, MMA or fitness Joe Rogan doesn't have any viewpoints. If he has a liberal on he sounds like he's reinforcing liberal ideals, if he has a conservative on he sounds like he's reinforcing conservative ideals.

He's a old school interview guy, like Mike Douglas, Merv Griffin or Johnny Carson - what he's good at is making his guest look/sound good. That's why so many people come on his podcast. And that's why so many people, including myself, listen to his podcast. You're getting information without it going through someone else's filter first.

I would add hunting and drugs to the list of things he knows what he's talking about.
I dunno - I'm a firm believer that if you give an empty suit enough rope they'll eventually hang themselves.

A perfect example is Joe Rogan's exchange with Candace Owens about climate change:

After watching this clip it's glaringly obvious this dingbat hasn't spent more than 5 minutes of her life objectively thinking about climate change. All she knows is she's on the side of politics that doesn't subscribe to it.

If you still find her compelling after watching this clip then there's nothing I can do for you.

And this is the benefit of long-form podcasts like Rogan's. If this was a right leaning show then the question would have been framed in a way to make her look good. If this was a left leaning show the entire exchange would have been dismissed as liberal bias.

It's funny how the anti-fascists routinely try and suppress differing of opinions.

For example, Rogan has been close friends with Alex Jones for 20 plus years. He calls him crazy and a loose cannon. He says he needs a baby sitter before he talks. Jones is legit mental (not just saying it to be cute.) That said, if you're so dense that you're bugged by right wing conservatives and their opinions you'd rather silence them than let them talk, you're the fascist. Rogan's last podcast with Jones was absolutely entertaining and gold. They talked about interdimensional aliens and the government. Lol

Rogan is insanely smart. He's like an encyclopedia. His ability to retain information is next level. Outside of Howard Stern, I'd say he's the second best interviewer. Loved listening to his podcast with Penn from Penn and Teller this week.
It's funny how the anti-fascists routinely try and suppress differing of opinions.

For example, Rogan has been close friends with Alex Jones for 20 plus years. He calls him crazy and a loose cannon. He says he needs a baby sitter before he talks. Jones is legit mental (not just saying it to be cute.) That said, if you're so dense that you're bugged by right wing conservatives and their opinions you'd rather silence them than let them talk, you're the fascist. Rogan's last podcast with Jones was absolutely entertaining and gold. They talked about interdimensional aliens and the government. Lol

Rogan is insanely smart. He's like an encyclopedia. His ability to retain information is next level. Outside of Howard Stern, I'd say he's the second best interviewer. Loved listening to his podcast with Penn from Penn and Teller this week.
Saying that fascists shouldn't be given a large platform to spread their propaganda isn't itself fascism. Nobody is owed a platform, nor are those who provide one immune from criticism for it.

Of course Rogan is free to interview whoever he'd like to, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Unless the subject is stand-up comedy, MMA or fitness Joe Rogan doesn't have any viewpoints.

It's clear you don't listen to his podcast. This statement is laughable.

I could post clips all day of his opinions with a vast variety of guests.
Saying that fascists shouldn't be given a large platform to spread their propaganda isn't itself fascism. Nobody is owed a platform, nor are those who provide one immune from criticism for it.


Yeah, ok, guy.

Let me guess, you'd have Shapiro shut down just like the crybabies at UC Berkeley because his talks might hurt your feelings, right?
I should mention Rogan calls himself dumb all the time and is smart enough to recognize that. That said, the dudes knows a lot of ****ing things and is great at conversation.

Don't be the competitive, dim guy that thinks he's the smartest in the room. Lol

Joe is high as a kite in this vid too.
Omg Harvard wow. That's so amazing. Educated =//= intelligent.

Yeah, getting into Harvard Law School and graduating IS nothing short of amazing. You might be too dense to admit this, but one's education is indeed reflective of their intelligence. That said, one's lack of education is not neccesarily reflective of their intelligence.

Again, where did you go to school? What are you successful at in life? You seem to keep putting people's accomplishments down like they don't mean ****. Talk is cheap, dude. What's your resume?

It's clear you don't listen to his podcast. This statement is laughable.

I could post clips all day of his opinions with a vast variety of guests.

Maybe l should have used the word biases. For the most part, he doesn't try to steer the conversation towards any preconceived agenda.
Yeah, getting into Harvard Law School and graduating IS nothing short of amazing. You might be too dense to admit this, but one's education is indeed reflective of their intelligence. That said, one's lack of education is not neccesarily reflective of their intelligence.

Again, where did you go to school? What are you successful at in life? You seem to keep putting people's accomplishments down like they don't mean ****. Talk is cheap, dude. What's your resume?

You'll excuse me if I'm not terribly interested in getting into a dick measuring contest with you.

Yeah, ok, guy.

Let me guess, you'd have Shapiro shut down just like the crybabies at UC Berkeley because his talks might hurt your feelings, right?
Uh, no actually, it's not my campus so that's pretty much up to them. But again, no one is owed a platform. He has plenty of avenues to spread his message around.