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John Stockton Claims He Had Proof of 1000 Athletes Dying of Vaccine

The part where you compared seatbelts to putting an experimental drug into ones body that was unconstitutionally mandated? It was a stupid analogy. The government has never killed people with seatbelts.
What? The Covid vaccines aren’t experimental drugs.

As predicted, more fact free emotional garbage.

There are a variety of factors for low vaccination rates among African American groups. You using them as a heat shield is pretty shameful.
Pointing out that you just call people something negative every time they disagree with you. Like I said earlier your name calling this week is “rotten brain”.

People bring up facts and articles; you then try to sham the person because you can’t respond with facts. Call people anti-vaxers or brain rot is the emotional response.

They do, lots of people do when they debate you. You just don’t want to receive the information.

Are you saying the right wing is responsible for polio cases? Where are your facts? You want to debate with facts bring it.

Where are most polio cases happening? Not in the USA, try the Middle East.

“4. Why is polio rebounding?​

The $19 billion global campaign eradicated the virus from much of the globe. But it has retained a foothold in Pakistan and Afghanistan, areas of continuing conflict with a history of suspicion of vaccination programs that was amplified by the US Central Intelligence Agency’s use of a vaccination worker to gather information that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011.”

What about the USA? Interesting after 6 months of a vaccination push, they lifted the emergency.

Interesting, I was told by @The Thriller that Fox News was making vaccine hesitancy worse. Yet it doesn’t look like that with polio.

Bring some facts to the table.
Woo boy

I don’t even know where to start with that big pile of ****

Whatabout whatabout deflect squirrel!
What? The Covid vaccines aren’t experimental drugs.

As predicted, more fact free emotional garbage.

There are a variety of factors for low vaccination rates among African American groups. You using them as a heat shield is pretty shameful.
You called them right wing extremist. Your too bigoted to understand there are many many reasons people don't like vaccines that were made in a year.

Yes... The SARS 2 COVID vaccine was brand new. Stop playing stupid. Read reds post
You called them right wing extremist.
Oh Yes yes yes, I’m sure. The well-being of African Americans has been your top concern throughout this thread and you’re certainly not going to use them to deflect from the pts and questions that you refuse to address. *eye roll*

There are a variety of factors for low vaccination rates among African Americans yet somehow I doubt your sincerity in actually caring to address them.
Oh Yes yes yes, I’m sure. The well-being of African Americans has been your top concern throughout this thread and you’re certainly not going to use them to deflect from the pts and questions that you refuse to address. *eye roll*

There are a variety of factors for low vaccination rates among African Americans yet somehow I doubt your sincerity in actually caring to address them.
Exactly just as everyone else.

I understand why people are hesitant there are many many understandable reasons. Insecure fascist like you bully them and shallowly consider it 'right wing extremism'. Shallow *** bully.
You called them right wing extremist. Your too bigoted to understand there are many many reasons people don't like vaccines that were made in a year.

Yes... The SARS 2 COVID vaccine was brand new. Stop playing stupid. Read reds post
I agree, read his post and the article attached. Where did it list that these vaccines were “experimental drugs?” Throughout the article it describes the wide range of testing that was done on these vaccines prior to their authorization. It’s now 2023 and we now know that the vaccines helped slow transmission and guard against severe disease and death even if they’re slightly less effective due to the newer variants.

I don’t think Red or his article is supporting what you want it to support.
I think vaccine hesitancy has far more to do with tribalism and the vaccine disinformation peddled by garbage propaganda sources like Fox News everyday than any 25 year old weighing her options.

More Facts for you @The Thriller

Adults who said they were either uncertain or unwilling to get vaccinated were asked which of the following reasons is primary reason why:​

Looks like people have hesitancy because of what I explained to you earlier. But you dismissed that. Said it was tribalism.

Well let’s look at that:
31% of independents not planning to or will not get vaccinated. What tribe do they belong to? Do independents gobble up Fox News? Doubt it. They are closer to republicans on hesitancy than democrats. Why is that? Bring facts.

Here is where an average American Adult is getting there news source:
Woo boy

I don’t even know where to start with that big pile of ****

Whatabout whatabout deflect squirrel!
No whataboutism. YOU brought up polio with no facts. I respond to Polio with facts now you deflect and then try to downplay my response. You just make **** up, you get called out and then run. Again you have no depth at debating.
Exactly just as everyone else.

I understand why people are hesitant there are many many understandable reasons. Insecure fascist like you bully them and shallowly consider it 'right wing extremism'. Shallow *** bully.
It’s pretty undeniable at this pt that the right wing has taken up anti-vaccination. Even Trump and Bill O’Reilly were booed a year or so back when they brought up vaccination. Alex Berenson and other anti-vaxxers were regulars on Tucker’s show throughout 2021 and 2022. Republican politicians shoveled anti vax disinformation too. The most influential anti vaxxer either appeared on conservative platforms or their work was featured on conservative platforms.

If this is the hill you want to die on… then okay?

View: https://www.npr.org/2021/05/13/996570855/disinformation-dozen-test-facebooks-twitters-ability-to-curb-vaccine-hoaxes

Top anti vaxxer on Tucker:
More Facts for you @The Thriller

Adults who said they were either uncertain or unwilling to get vaccinated were asked which of the following reasons is primary reason why:​

View attachment 13619
Looks like people have hesitancy because of what I explained to you earlier. But you dismissed that. Said it was tribalism.

Well let’s look at that:
View attachment 13620
31% of independents not planning to or will not get vaccinated. What tribe do they belong to? Do independents gobble up Fox News? Doubt it. They are closer to republicans on hesitancy than democrats. Why is that? Bring facts.

Here is where an average American Adult is getting there news source:
View attachment 13621
I think you severely underestimate the impact of anti vaxxer disinformation spewed by Fox News and Facebook have on the American populace. One doesn’t have to watch Fox News to receive the narrative that they’re peddling. Fox News in a way, sets the narrative for all the other news organizations (and social media platforms), forcing them to have to cover what Fox News covers or react thereby covering it, just as Fox News intended.

My brother doesn’t watch Fox News. But he does have Facebook and reads the garbage that Fox News spews from our aunts and uncles who watch Tucker religiously and who post his garbage on social media all the time. I don’t think this is unique to my brother.

This isn’t just unique to vaccines either. See how Fox News created the CRT scare and what they’re currently doing against public and school libraries and the LGBT community.
No whataboutism. YOU brought up polio with no facts. I respond to Polio with facts now you deflect and then try to downplay my response. You just make **** up, you get called out and then run. Again you have no depth at debating.
Humda humda humda squirrel!

Polio was an example of many of the diseases previously eradicated but due to anti vaccination disinformation, has made a comeback. As long as we keep our vaccination rates high, then these viruses won’t make a comeback here in the United States.

You brought up something about the CIA, Afghanistan, and I just can’t today…

But go ahead, please continue.

Humda Humda Humda squirrel!
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I think you severely underestimate the impact of anti vaxxer disinformation spewed by Fox News and Facebook have on the American populace. One doesn’t have to watch Fox News to receive the narrative that they’re peddling. Fox News in a way, sets the narrative for all the other news organizations (and social media platforms), forcing them to have to cover what Fox News covers or react thereby covering it, just as Fox News intended.

My brother doesn’t watch Fox News. But he does have Facebook and reads the garbage that Fox News spews from our aunts and uncles who watch Tucker religiously and who post his garbage on social media all the time. I don’t think this is unique to my brother.

This isn’t just unique to vaccines either. See how Fox News created the CRT scare and what they’re currently doing against public and school libraries and the LGBT community.
No facts presented. Show me where Fox News is the most watched clips on social media. Show me which ones. I know exactly what you are saying here and I agree how clips get broadcasted on other platforms. What I don’t see is proof that it’s Fox News. I personally would put money on libsoftictok having more reach than Fox News on those other topics.

I think more and more people are getting info from online independent sources.
What? The Covid vaccines aren’t experimental drugs.
They also haven't been unconstitutionally mandated (or mandated at all in general, altho some locations or professions may require it). But that hasn't stopped him from saying that over and over, either.

***EDIT*** I'm speaking about in the US, of course. I have literally no idea what other countries have in their constitution. I could look it up, but... meh. It really doesn't matter for this discussion.
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No facts presented. Show me where Fox News is the most watched clips on social media. Show me which ones. I know exactly what you are saying here and I agree how clips get broadcasted on other platforms. What I don’t see is proof that it’s Fox News. I personally would put money on libsoftictok having more reach than Fox News on those other topics.

I think more and more people are getting info from online independent sources.
Conservatives sharing Fox News content (and vice versa) dominating the Facebook charts is well documented.


It’s how Covid disinformation spread widely:

Fox News drives the narrative and Fox News hosts and regulars like Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino get the nonsense distributed widely. No one was talking about CRT until Chris Rufo began his campaign on Tucker Carlson. Now that CRT has run its course, it’s all about trans kids and books that must be attacked. Six months from now Fox News will be driving the narrative against another group of people and the other news outlets will follow Fox in covering up whatever made up scare Fox News comes up with.


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Hypocrisy at its finest. Even the most Trump hating scientists give Trump administration mass credit for his part in the creation. The only difference is that Biden told you to take it not Trump.

Sorry man, no hate but it's true. I don't even like Trump.
I took the vaccine first during the Trump Presidency. I agree Trump did great with his part in getting the vaccine ready so quickly. I also agree that he did this primarily because he wanted to be re-elected, not out of concern for most of the populace.
Where did Biden who heads the US government get the lie that it did stop transmission?
It does partially stop transmission. If you don't get covid19, you can't transmit it. Preventing the disease prevents transmission.

... but John Stockton is the devil.
I don't recall anyone saying anything stronger than Stockton being in over his head here, Who *metaphoricly or literally) called him the devil?
Yet you were ok with the government unconstitutionally forcing people against their will to take an experimental drug?

Personally I think it's one of the biggest human rights violations in American history.

I know a ton of people who stupidly chose not to get vaccinated and made the pandemic worse. They werent forced to get vaccinated silly. At my work 60% got vaccinated. You know what that means? 40% didnt. They werent forced. They chose not to.
One co worker chose not to get vaccinated until he almost died from covid. Got vaccinated soon after leaving the hospital. Could have avoided the hospital if he just would have been smart enough to get vaccinated in the first place.

Anywho the main point is that no one was forced to get vaccinated.

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You might be, but I was talking about Biden lying that the vaccine stopped COVID and you will not get it and how it's ok for him to lie("the virus is over") but John Stockton a nobody is the devil.

It's astonishingly absurd. There's misinformation everywhere on both sides. The only difference is Stockton went against the authority.

Difference is that its dangerous to make people afraid of vaccines. Vaccines have saved so so so many lives over the years. Eradicated deadly diseases. Lying to Make people scared about vaccines kills people. Lying to make people think vacccines are more amazing than they actually are saves lives. That is the difference.

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