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Matthews: Jazz never made me an offer. I would have accepted less.

What's the problem with offering Wes a contract like 4 year 16-20 mil and see if he accepts. In that case he may have signed. If he doesn't is then when you let him see what offer he gets and decide from there IMO (EX: Blazers offer too much so you let him go)

Why would you go tot he expense of creating a contract on terms that have not been agreed to?
What's the problem with offering Wes a contract like 4 year 16-20 mil and see if he accepts. In that case he may have signed. If he doesn't is then when you let him see what offer he gets and decide from there IMO (EX: Blazers offer too much so you let him go)

How do you know they didn't? Just because they never wrote down the offer does not mean they did not throw it out there when meeting with the agent. BTW your offer is still too much IMO. But that's not the point. People are bashing KOC for letting Mathews even receive the Portland offer.

Why would Mathews ever agree to less than MLE without 1st finding out if he could get it? Not 1 person bashing KOC for this has come up with a reasonable response to this. And I and others have asked this or something similar repeatedly without a reasonable (ex. not 100% homerish) answer.
I'm saying the Jazz should have offered first and seen what Wes thought of it. Wes said multiple times on that fanhouse article he didn't ever receive an offer.

Archie- If the $ is handed to you like that no one would have declined it. It's just a guess but I'm guessing the Jazz probably didnt want to pay him for than 4-5 mil a year. Point is he seems not to thrilled the Jazz didn't offer him and now is in a bad situation w/ Portland(Depth issues) They just drafted 2 guards and a G-F in Babbit, already have Miller and Roy, have Fernandez,Bayless,Batum and Mills. They might send the rookie's to the D league but will still have 8 guards including Matthews. I wouldn't be surprised if they dealt 1-2 of them
I'm saying the Jazz should have offered first and seen what Wes thought of it. Wes said multiple times on that fanhouse article he didn't ever receive an offer.

Again. How do you know that it was not discussed? Why make an offer if the agent tells you flat out it won't be accepted?
This is the kind of article that agents plant to try to make teams look bad and create leverage for future negotiations. You see a handful of these every year. I think they are all bogus.

Matthews knew what the Jazz were thinking, and he knew if he got a big enough offer they would let him go. They were gambling that he would not, hoping to get a bargain, but knowing that if he did and left there would be other options.

Funny how the NBA is a business when the players use their leverage, but they feel disrespected when the teams use their leverage.
Again. How do you know that it was not discussed? Why make an offer if the agent tells you flat out it won't be accepted?

His agent had told the Jazz what offer they wanted and the Jazz decided to take their chances at that price.

No mystery here.
wes matthews is the highest played sophomore basketball player in the leauge. a number one draft pick makes what 4-5 mil in their 2nd year. props to matthews, wanted to keep you but u chose portland and the money, have fun in oregon
That's the Jazz for ya. Cheap as always. This will come back to haunt them. They could've gotten Matthews, probably for $16-20 million for 4/5 years, if they simply made him a fair offer. Instead they had to low-ball him. They f'd both Matthews and themselves. Did the same to Korver. Shows you how much they value loyalty.

Wesley didn't have to sign the sheet. He could have had his agent make a phone call to the Jazz and tell them Wes was close to signing an offer for the full MLE, but Wes would sign with Utah for 5/$25. He didn't. And now Wes has to live with the consequences that HE and HIS AGENT knew could very well happen.
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wes matthews is the highest played sophomore basketball player in the leauge. a number one draft pick makes what 4-5 mil in their 2nd year. props to matthews, wanted to keep you but u chose portland and the money, have fun in oregon

Is he possibly the highest payed sophomore basketball player ever?
Is he possibly the highest payed sophomore basketball player ever?

I don't think so. Homey don't play dat.

They was a time, before the rookies got sold out, without their participation or consent, by their union "brothers," when rookies were gittin, like, $80 million dollar contracts, eh?
I don't think so. Homey don't play dat.

They was a time, before the rookies got sold out, without their participation or consent, by their union "brothers," when rookies were gittin, like, $80 million dollar contracts, eh?
You're absolutely right. And lower-level veterans were getting shut out due to the exorbitant rookie deals. That's why the rookie pay scale was created. And Matthews' contract is an example of an unfortunate loophole. Of course, no one ever thought an UFA could come into the league, make a moderate impact, then be offered a king's ransom over the next 5 years. I think this may be addressed in the next CBA, or maybe not, it happens so rarely it's probably a non-issue.
From Ross Siler vis Twitter:

"Kevin O'Connor usually chooses his words carefully but he was blunt in refuting idea that Jazz didn't try to make offer to Wesley Matthews".

"O'Connor told reporters to call Matthews' agent and ask what really happened behind scenes".

"Jazz felt there was little attempt to negotiate on Matthews' end".
I think Portland was surprised when we didn't match.

I wonder how their new GM feels about that contract. Considering the success he had in OKC and building a young team, this move seems like a poor decision on Portland's end. Not really a gamble you want to make on an undrafted 2nd year player coming out of Utah's system.
I wonder how their new GM feels about that contract. Considering the success he had in OKC and building a young team, this move seems like a poor decision on Portland's end. Not really a gamble you want to make on an undrafted 2nd year player coming out of Utah's system.

With Paul Allen being worth 20B I doubt it hurts them that much.
I liked what one of the SL writers said to the effect that Portland would offer a trained porpoise tons of money if they thought it would screw up Utah.
Well played, F.O.

When I first heard about that exorbitant contract I felt sucker punched. 5 minutes later it dawned on me the moronic trap Portland set for itself, and I was cautiously elated (cautious because I worried Jazz might match). But yeah, at the poker table you look for patterns (but you play a lot more hands at the table than you do in NBA free agency -- this was only the Jazz' second hand!! to quote a line from "UHF" : SO STOOPID!!!).
Since the Jazz matched Millsap's contract the previous year/hand they must've thought they detected a pattern and that they could play the Jazz into a stupid loss. I'm so glad the Jazz F.O. isn't dumb. Right or wrong sometimes you wonder, but they've played very well this off season. Just not matching Wes' contract alone was some smart play. Raja and Al -- we're on a streak!

Eat it Portland!