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Game Thread Nov 19, 2023 06:00PM MT: Jazz vs. Suns

Added to Calendar: 11-19-23

Broadcast is on mute for me. Boler and Thurl were bad to begin with.....way too much cheesiness. I used to be ok with it but now it's in overdrive. Holly added a weird 3rd dynamic and is so biased. She's much better on National TV stuff where she's impartial IMO.

Almost all of the local broadcast teams are terrible....so maybe I'm just not the key target audience.
There are very few broadcasts that are terrible imo. Some are biased beyond belief but our brand of terrible is exceptional. If they were knowledgeable homers or funny homers or annoying but insightful… you catch my drift. They are boring, not insightful, not funny, and sometimes Boler just makes up rules about basketball/can’t tell you what’s going on… Holly is over here trying to make up nicknames for guys or inserting some preplanned cringy question/thought. Thurl could be salvageable but is generally just dull.

We bad bad
I love how Lauri doesn't get the call at the end of the game but Booker gets back to back calls by trying to run baseline, flopping when brushing his defender, and gets to shoot free-throws because of it.
I love how Lauri doesn't get the call at the end of the game but Booker gets back to back calls by trying to run baseline, flopping when brushing his defender, and gets to shoot free-throws because of it.
Those were bad.
There are very few broadcasts that are terrible imo. Some are biased beyond belief but our brand of terrible is exceptional. If they were knowledgeable homers or funny homers or annoying but insightful… you catch my drift. They are boring, not insightful, not funny, and sometimes Boler just makes up rules about basketball/can’t tell you what’s going on… Holly is over here trying to make up nicknames for guys or inserting some preplanned cringy question/thought. Thurl could be salvageable but is generally just dull.

We bad bad

I think the cheesiness of Boler/Thurl had its charm at one point. Like at least those two were enjoying the game. It doesn’t bother be that much that Boler can barely tell what’s going on. But sadly, I think Holly’s addition made things worse. She’s often in her own world, like she’s trying to fit in as many random factoids in 15 seconds of airtime before Boler/Thurl get back to it. It’s like she’s doing a sideline report every minute and not actually in the same conversation. Other times she’s doing her own brand of cheese like making up the nicknames. Whoever the producer is for the Jazz is complete **** because Holly is a pros pro for football.

There’s a bunch that are terrible or just annoying. Most of them because of how incredibly biased they are. Our broadcast is biased, but they are almost too goofy to take them seriously. It’s like listening to some casual fans at the potluck complaining versus drunk/passionate bros at a dive bar thinking there’s a conspiracy against them. TOR, GSW, HOU, IND, DAL, PHI, BOS….those come to mind and are horrid. I can’t ever listen to them.
Not gonna do my usual longer write up here. All Im gonna say is:
  • F the refs
  • Good game by Lauri and THT. Ochai and Sexton also solid.
  • Keyonte with his worst game as a starter, and Clarkson was also bad (connection there?).
  • Collins also had one of his worse games, but had couple of great shots keeping us in the game.
We are getting better by the day.

Hardy wanted to double Durant and Booker quite often, which always causes some open shots for others. But our defense wasnt as terrible as some here make it seem. We forced them to late clock shots, protected the paint the best we have since Kessler got injured and didn't give up as many shooting fouls or and-1s as we have in most games. We also rebounded very well despite them getting some lucky long bounce offensive boards (inluding that last killer one in 2OT).
With how poorly we shot the 3 this game I am surprised it was this close. We are definitely improving as a team. We still need to take another step forward and start winning but this is a healthy Suns team that is considered one of the top teams this year.

This was probably Keyontes worst games as a starter but he at least got 11 assists. He also got mauled this game over and over and didnt get very many calls.
Kinda surprised that no one has publicly recalled the time we (CJ Miles) got away with a foul on Kevin Durant in an overtime win against the Thunder. Maybe not precisely the same, but certainly enough similarities that I thought someone might bring it up.
I still think we win this one with THT. Suns prepared well Vs clarkson and keyonte but not tht or sexton. He put up 25pts but didn’t play the last 14 minutes of the game.
Tough loss obviously, We play well. Refs are pure garbage as usual when they officiate a ''top team''..... this is the most annoying things in NBA for me. Refs have 2 ways officiating, one for normal team and one for ''star'' team...
In the postgame Hardy indicated that he kept Keyonte in the game in OT because of developmental reasons. He wanted him to get that experience. Wasnt necessarily a "coaching to win now" choice, but "coaching to win the future" instead.
There's another name for that kind of thing.
THT 9-18, 4-10 from 3, 3-3 FT, 4 REB(2 ORB), 3 AST, 2 STL, and... 1 TO in 29 min. His gadget-arms also caused a steal that Keyonte got and he was very active on defense.

"Another bright spot was Markkanen going toe-to-toe with a future Hall-of-Famer. It was poetic, in a sense, that the game ended with a play involving both Markkanen and Durant since both put their teams on their backs.

Durant had 39 points, 10 assists and eight rebounds; Markkanen answered with 38 points and 17 rebounds. It created a fun back-and-forth of a game that had a bit of everything: big shots, comebacks, buzzer beaters and a bit of controversy, too.

"He's done so much for the game. It's a pleasure to compete against him every time," Markkanen said. "Obviously, he's a heckuva player, and he did his job against us for sure. He's a player I watch film a lot on. It's a pleasure to be able to share the court and compete against that type of player. There's a lot of things I can learn from him."

Markkanen learned something about his own team Sunday, too.

"Obviously, you want to win that kind of game, but it didn't happen tonight," he said. "But we showed that we can play with these guys, and we're moving on to the next one."
There's another name for that kind of thing.
I'm not going to buy the idea Hardy is coaching to lose. I think he is looking for day to day improvements and knows its still a long season ahead of us. Right now we are trending in the right direction.

It wasnt like he knew Key+JC pair was gonna lose the game for sure or that THT+Sexton would have won it for sure. He wanted to show trust in the rookie. That stuff carries weight.