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Official Utah/Minnesota/Philadelphia Pick Watch

Here's a scenario. The Twolves pick is barely in the lottery and ends up being number 3 and the Jazz are number 7. Do you trade 3 and 7 to get to two? Or do you just pick 3 and 7? I would stay with 3 and 7 and the rebuild is done..lol.
Here's a scenario. The Twolves pick is barely in the lottery and ends up being number 3 and the Jazz are number 7. Do you trade 3 and 7 to get to two? Or do you just pick 3 and 7? I would stay with 3 and 7 and the rebuild is done..lol.
Hey mate... then we have those 14 12 picks.

And the cap space.
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Here's a scenario. The Twolves pick is barely in the lottery and ends up being number 3 and the Jazz are number 7. Do you trade 3 and 7 to get to two? Or do you just pick 3 and 7? I would stay with 3 and 7 and the rebuild is done..lol.
3 and 7 without a doubt. Same thing if we could move 3 and 7 for #1. I still take 3 and 7.

One thing that I was thinking would be really cool is if it came down to the last game of the season and the t-wolves and jazz were neck and neck in the draft pick rankings. Then the jazz play all their best players big minutes and we look amazing after sucking for weeks and we win our final game by 30 points and knock the t-wolves down 1 spot below us so the wolves pick is like 6th and ours is 7th.
Who would you take? I am thinking Amen and Whitmore or maybe Jarace. Heck maybe both of the Thompson twins. And then pray that Sidy is still around with the BKN pick.
Same thing if we could move 3 and 7 for #1. I still take 3 and 7.
No... you've gone too far.

Getting a legitimate once every couple decades prospect (and Wemby is actually a never before seen type player) even with the risks (health really the only one) I wouldn't give up the chance at getting that dude for anything. I'd gladly give up #2 and #3 for Victor, and the team with #1 wouldn't even consider it.
It is delightful to watch you hedge against allowing yourself to hope for better than that.
The pick at 14 for example in the case that the Wolves choke in the play in vs 18 if they don't is not much difference at all. Not sure why it even matters at this point.
But keep on thinking I am hoping for something smh
They have 1 more loss

Yeah, I don't by it. The difference between 7th seed and 12th seed in losses is 2 games. It takes a 3 game losing streak to change the outlook entirely. Minny is very capable of 3 game losing streaks my friends.

Add to that the fact that they feel pressure from behind and they have choked under pressure most of the season. Incorporating KAT back in won't be a walk in the park.

OKC and the Blazers are winning and never count Dame out.

Minny has tough SOS remaining. 9 games on the road. 3 back to backs. Quite a few swing games against NO, Portland, Sac, GS, and the Lakers.

I have my popcorn out and am ready to watch. Jazz are free falling FINALLY!!!
It might happen I guess, if the Wolves do in fact try to insert the KAT this late in the season, but every indication is there is no timeline for his return and that will not happen. They are probably not going to avoid the play in and could very easily lose both games, but thats what I said would have to happen. You think they will be so bad they wont even be the 9 or 10 seed I dont know what to tell you.
Here's a scenario. The Twolves pick is barely in the lottery and ends up being number 3 and the Jazz are number 7. Do you trade 3 and 7 to get to two? Or do you just pick 3 and 7? I would stay with 3 and 7 and the rebuild is done..lol.
If they are willing to move the #2 pick for #3 and a couple other future firsts that is what I'd circle back to if I was the Jazz. I'd want to get the picks this year to have the best chance at matching Lauri with another young star or two.

If you offer #3 and the 2025 Minny pick, 2027 Lakers pick for #2 that seems fair enough and preferable for us. If they are not willing to move the #2 bowling them over with 3, 7, and additional picks likely doesn't work.

It feels like sentiment is that Scoot's stock has slipped a little... at least around here. I am not sure NBA teams feel that way. If he stays healthy he will be a monster.
Who would you take? I am thinking Amen and Whitmore or maybe Jarace. Heck maybe both of the Thompson twins. And then pray that Sidy is still around with the BKN pick.
Like I implied here. I would NOT trade the 3 and 7 picks. I would get the talent and then in the offseason, I would trade whatever it would take to get Dame (Dame or Scoot?...Dame for sure even for 4 years) on this team and for the next 4 years fight for the championship.
It might happen I guess, if the Wolves do in fact try to insert the KAT this late in the season, but every indication is there is no timeline for his return and that will not happen. They are probably not going to avoid the play in and could very easily lose both games, but thats what I said would have to happen. You think they will be so bad they wont even be the 9 or 10 seed I dont know what to tell you.
I'm just saying that they are in a dog fight. I think the odds are that they make the playin games.

But one injury. One locker room issue. A few bad games. They're close enough to the edge where they could fall on either side of that line. It's just not a done deal as you suggested.
I'm just saying that they are in a dog fight. I think the odds are that they make the playin games.

But one injury. One locker room issue. A few bad games. They're close enough to the edge where they could fall on either side of that line. It's just not a done deal as you suggested.
I mean make no mistake I am not claiming to know what will happen, but I definitely think the only way the Wolves pick has a real chance to move into the top 4, which is the only point of caring where it is after the top 10 for us, is if they lose in the play in games. I guess technically they might only have to lose one depending on pre tournament seeding.
I don't beleive there is any realistic chance, they are going to lose enough to not be in the 9 or 10 and more probably in that play in as a 7 or 8 seed only needing one win and having to lose 2 for us to be winners in the draft game
I am going to throw out a bold prediction and say that KAT won’t player another game in the regular season this year.
I am going to throw out a bold prediction and say that KAT won’t player another game in the regular season this year.
I think he's like a week or two away. Only way he doesn't play is if he has a setback. He's started basketball activities... next step will be a more clear indicator.
I think he's like a week or two away. Only way he doesn't play is if he has a setback. He's started basketball activities... next step will be a more clear indicator.
My official prediction is he plays on or before the home game on 3/22