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Oscar Nominations

The last Sci-Fi flick I watched was Cocoon.

I would actually be interested in your American Sniper review.

First of all, Cocoon was awesome. Admittedly I might be a little sentimental about it because Wilford Brimley in Cocoon reminds me of my dad to an almost unreal degree.

I haven't seen American Sniper yet (the Madame isn't particularly interested). I might be able to talk her into it if I really play up how much popcorn and air conditioning will be there.

I will say I was astonished that it was a big hit out of nowhere. Nothing about it looks particularly special.
First of all, Cocoon was awesome. Admittedly I might be a little sentimental about it because Wilford Brimley in Cocoon reminds me of my dad to an almost unreal degree.

I haven't seen American Sniper yet (the Madame isn't particularly interested). I might be able to talk her into it if I really play up how much popcorn and air conditioning will be there.

I will say I was astonished that it was a big hit out of nowhere. Nothing about it looks particularly special.

Eastwood and Cooper bro. The Academy loves em. As far as the general public goes, our awesome society loves patriotism, violence and over-inflated tall tales.
Eastwood and Cooper bro. The Academy loves em. As far as the general public goes, our awesome society loves patriotism, violence and over-inflated tall tales.

And I have heard the original sniper, Chris Kyle, does nothing but brag about his kills. Kinda makes me hate the movie.
And I have heard the original sniper, Chris Kyle, does nothing but brag about his kills. Kinda makes me hate the movie.

That's in the past now, as Chris Kyle is dead. Jury selection for his killer's trial is going on now I think. Obviously he bragged - why else would he have written his book?
That's in the past now, as Chris Kyle is dead. Jury selection for his killer's trial is going on now I think. Obviously he bragged - why else would he have written his book?

A good chunk of his stuff was likely entirely made up. Keep in mind that Jesse Ventura won a libel/defamation suit against him for making up chunks of his book.
A good chunk of his stuff was likely entirely made up. Keep in mind that Jesse Ventura won a libel/defamation suit against him for making up chunks of his book.

I don't know if I would really classify that as "chunks". It was one story about punching him. It took up maybe an entire page, if that.
I don't know if I would really classify that as "chunks". It was one story about punching him. It took up maybe an entire page, if that.

Kyle made up much else as well. It simply was not in the book. But he did go onto tv and tell these fallacies multiple times. One was his famous story of killing two men who tried to carjack him in Texas. He went into a lot of detail about the incident and yet it was all a lie. All of it. Another was his embarrassing tale of sniping people after Katrina from the roof of the Superdome. A lie as well. There were other lies as well though they were smaller.
Kyle made up much else as well. It simply was not in the book. But he did go onto tv and tell these fallacies multiple times. One was his famous story of killing two men who tried to carjack him in Texas. He went into a lot of detail about the incident and yet it was all a lie. All of it. Another was his embarrassing tale of sniping people after Katrina from the roof of the Superdome. A lie as well. There were other lies as well though they were smaller.
Don't get me wrong, I have no doubt there are lies and embellishments. I was simply saying that one story was not "chunks" of the book.
And I have heard the original sniper, Chris Kyle, does nothing but brag about his kills. Kinda makes me hate the movie.

I googled it real quick. Here is one hit:


3. The Film Portrays Chris Kyle as Tormented By His Actions: Multiple scenes in the movie portray Kyle as haunted by his service. One of the film’s earliest reviews praised it for showing the “emotional torment of so many military men and women.” But that torment is completely absent from the book the film is based on. In the book, Kyle refers to everyone he fought as “savage, despicable” evil. He writes, “I only wish I had killed more.” He also writes, “I loved what I did. I still do. If circumstances were different – if my family didn’t need me – I’d be back in a heartbeat. I’m not lying or exaggerating to say it was fun. I had the time of my life being a SEAL.” On an appearance on Conan O’Brien’s show he laughs about accidentally shooting an Iraqi insurgent. He once told a military investigator that he doesn’t “shoot people with Korans. I’d like to, but I don’t.”
Kyle made up much else as well. It simply was not in the book. But he did go onto tv and tell these fallacies multiple times. One was his famous story of killing two men who tried to carjack him in Texas. He went into a lot of detail about the incident and yet it was all a lie. All of it. Another was his embarrassing tale of sniping people after Katrina from the roof of the Superdome. A lie as well. There were other lies as well though they were smaller.

The one about sniping people after Katrina, how could that get him anything but sent to prison if it were shown to be true?

Wow he seems like a first-class douche. I suddenly don't want to see the movie anymore.
Saw American Sniper last night, wasn't impressed. I don't like action/war movies so maybe that had to do with it. That and it didn't really have a plot. Thought the editing was choppy.
The one about sniping people after Katrina, how could that get him anything but sent to prison if it were shown to be true?

Wow he seems like a first-class douche. I suddenly don't want to see the movie anymore.

I think he may have said that FEMA or some other body called him in to lay atop the Superdome or some such bs...so it was signed off on.
I think he may have said that FEMA or some other body called him in to lay atop the Superdome or some such bs...so it was signed off on.

"Yeah, hi, this is FEMA. You know, FEMA, the emergency guys. Yeah them. Anyway, we are really late getting to New Orleens to take care of this whole thing. Yeah I know, but whatever, right? Ha ha, yeah I agree. Anyway, we were checking out the news while we were having lunch at Applebees and found out that there are WAAAYYY more people than we have stuff for, like all we are bringing is Steve's pickup with a bunch of granola bars and some bottled water from Walmart. Yeah, got it on sale, pretty cool huh? Anyway, there is no way we can try to hand this **** out with all those people running around. Exactly, yeah we don't need a riot or anything, and hell I have to get home to watch NCIS tonight. So we wondered if you would mind climbing up on the superdome and like, you know, 'thinning the herd'? Yeah, just take out as many as you can. Of course we will give you the proper documents and stuff. Yeah and we will reimburse you for the bullets, so we were glad to hear you were the 'American Sniper' guy. Anyway yeah, if you can just get up there maybe this afternoon and start on that, that would be great. Uh-huh. What's that? Yeah we can bring a 12-pack no problem. Ok, thanks. Buh-bye."
"Yeah, hi, this is FEMA. You know, FEMA, the emergency guys. Yeah them. Anyway, we are really late getting to New Orleens to take care of this whole thing. Yeah I know, but whatever, right? Ha ha, yeah I agree. Anyway, we were checking out the news while we were having lunch at Applebees and found out that there are WAAAYYY more people than we have stuff for, like all we are bringing is Steve's pickup with a bunch of granola bars and some bottled water from Walmart. Yeah, got it on sale, pretty cool huh? Anyway, there is no way we can try to hand this **** out with all those people running around. Exactly, yeah we don't need a riot or anything, and hell I have to get home to watch NCIS tonight. So we wondered if you would mind climbing up on the superdome and like, you know, 'thinning the herd'? Yeah, just take out as many as you can. Of course we will give you the proper documents and stuff. Yeah and we will reimburse you for the bullets, so we were glad to hear you were the 'American Sniper' guy. Anyway yeah, if you can just get up there maybe this afternoon and start on that, that would be great. Uh-huh. What's that? Yeah we can bring a 12-pack no problem. Ok, thanks. Buh-bye."

Don't shoot the messenger bro.