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Pick a Salary Dump Trade

You are forced to do one of these deals. Which trade do you do?

  • Trade 1

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Trade 2

    Votes: 12 44.4%
  • Trade 3

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Trade 4

    Votes: 5 18.5%

  • Total voters
My thoughts are that we need to move up in this draft and Hendicks is the most interesting player in the draft for me.

We need UPSIDE players and I think he has the most upside in the lottery. Mikal Bridges is my comp for him. Lanky, rail thin, defensive minded, versatile player. I think he compliments the team well and whatever needs to be done to move up a few picks, I think it's the right choice. If that means a trade like the one above fetching us the Mavs pick and trading the 10th and 16th for the 6th, I think that's a deal for everyone involved.
I think Atlanta is in a world of hurt and I disagree... but fine. Jalen Johnson emerging and playing well plus being $10M over the tax already right now... and with extensions for Murray and Okongwu for next year.... They are out of runway and dude has been on the market for literally years. They gonna settle.

GS would end up saving like $120M+ in the deal over 2 years. To move down 9 spots and move on from a guy that is like 8th or 9th on the depth chart. Maybe they find a taker for Poole but that contract looks real rough.

OK, you're making arguments that these teams need to save money but hardly anything about the trades themselves. There is more than one way to skin a cat.

I don't doubt that ATL wants to get rid of salary, just doesn't seem like an ideal trade for them. This goes for all draft day deals, but it has to be really really good because it eliminates any kind of alternative they might in the summer. I don't look at this deal as one that's so good they have to do it and forgo all their other options. With a new coach and FO, they might not even want to go with a different direction. They don't need Kelly, and I think the guy they should really think about trading is Capela. They already have the younger player who needs to be extended and might already be better than him. Capela also likely has more value and they might even be able to get something for him on his current deal. If there is a Collins salary dump in the future, I would expect it to be during FA and executed with the 2024 pick they own from Sacramento.

I also don't doubt that GSW wants to shed some money, but I don't think they will have a problem finding a suitor for GP2. It should take a couple seconds max, and they have that. Tbh I would take GP2 on his contract right now for free. He's a good player. They also might not not need to dump him if they plan on moving Poole, which feels likely. Again, this just doesn't seem like a knockout deal where they should forgo any future options to get it done. They could go a different direction with how they want to cut salary and even if GP2 is the guy they decide they need to shed they still have the means to dump him later in the offseason.
I chose number 2 but I also like number 3 alot.

I dont like number 1 at all and number 4 is just a mess.
I think Atlanta is in a world of hurt and I disagree... but fine. Jalen Johnson emerging and playing well plus being $10M over the tax already right now... and with extensions for Murray and Okongwu for next year.... They are out of runway and dude has been on the market for literally years. They gonna settle.

GS would end up saving like $120M+ in the deal over 2 years. To move down 9 spots and move on from a guy that is like 8th or 9th on the depth chart. Maybe they find a taker for Poole but that contract looks real rough.
Simple solution for Miami and GS is to send Dunn in the deal.

I really like Dunn, but his greatest long term utility is improving our future facing assets because he won’t be here in 5 years. He might not even be here in one year.
OK, you're making arguments that these teams need to save money but hardly anything about the trades themselves. There is more than one way to skin a cat.
I understand there are other deals they could do... but they need a team under the cap to do something meaningful. Those teams are Houston, Detroit, San Antonio, Indiana, Orlando, and OKC... Vic and GP2 might fit in some trade exceptions so maybe the market is wider for those guys. In any case.. the market is limited to like 20% of the league. Houston has some goals with their cap space so may not take on a salary dump. OKC may not want an obligation that long... so you are down to a few teams.

So there are other suitors... but the pickings are slim.
I don't doubt that ATL wants to get rid of salary, just doesn't seem like an ideal trade for them. This goes for all draft day deals, but it has to be really really good because it eliminates any kind of alternative they might in the summer. I don't look at this deal as one that's so good they have to do it and forgo all their other options. With a new coach and FO, they might not even want to go with a different direction. They don't need Kelly, and I think the guy they should really think about trading is Capela. They already have the younger player who needs to be extended and might already be better than him. Capela also likely has more value and they might even be able to get something for him on his current deal. If there is a Collins salary dump in the future, I would expect it to be during FA and executed with the 2024 pick they own from Sacramento.
I think KO gives them something they need as a stretch big. Could literally step into the lineup in JC place for a year. Capela's trade value ain't gonna be higher than Collins. Limited center that has stuggled at times to stay on the court. They also kind of need him as a lob threat for Trae and Quin without a drop center? Say they did find someone to take Capela... they need to send back $10M less (or more) in salary and get a solid player in return... without adding draft comp... they also need the contract they acquire to be expiring.

You may be right on the timing... but I doubt that is ideal. A few teams will drop out of the cap space game while you wait and your options get more limited. A couple may end up realizing their space isn't going to be worth what they thought and may end up settling for less. If they have to add the pick later then I'm guessing they would have rather just done a swap and moved back. It also lowers the cap hold on the pick they make... when you are strapped as Atlanta every million helps.

Not trying to be antagonistic or have a big dialogue here... just giving more context as you mentioned I didn't talk about the quality of the trade.

I also don't doubt that GSW wants to shed some money, but I don't think they will have a problem finding a suitor for GP2. It should take a couple seconds max, and they have that. Tbh I would take GP2 on his contract right now for free. He's a good player. They also might not not need to dump him if they plan on moving Poole, which feels likely. Again, this just doesn't seem like a knockout deal where they should forgo any future options to get it done. They could go a different direction with how they want to cut salary and even if GP2 is the guy they decide they need to shed they still have the means to dump him later in the offseason.
They don't have a ton of options to cut salary unless its with meaningful players (looney, Wiggins, Green) or a guy like Poole who is at his lowest value right now. It will be more expensive than a pick swap if they have to do it in season. A pick swap from 28 to 19 is essentially worth a few seconds... ish.

GP is a hard one to gauge... I think since he has really only been effective in GS teams might think they are getting something less. He's a good player... with some injury issues (is the core thing lingering)... and is paid in a range that isn't wonderful. Flipping GP for a minimum is their path of least resistance to saving money. Maybe they find a cheaper way to do it but I'm telling yall... teams gonna get tight this summer. These types of deals may not feel the brunt of it but dumping salary will not be as cheap as it has been in the past. No one wants to help GS either.
Simple solution for Miami and GS is to send Dunn in the deal.

I really like Dunn, but his greatest long term utility is improving our future facing assets because he won’t be here in 5 years. He might not even be here in one year.
I like keeping Dunn... if we got value in a trade I'd move him but I'm not sure his comeback was long enough for teams to buy in. I like him as the stopgap if we don't sign or trade for another pg and go the draft route. So movable for value but not adding him as a throw in.
Salary dumping grounds are likely Utah, Detroit, San Antonio, Orlando... guessing Houston, Indiana, OKC are trying to improve the teams or keep some powder dry.

If you don't think there will be a premium on cap space trades this summer that is fine... but many of the experts like Zach Lowe have mentioned basically teams need to get their houses in order by October or it will get much harder to do so. I see a push on this type of stuff coming and we will see some trades that raise eyebrows... I think we will be heavily involved in those conversations.
I’m not trading KO to facilitate a trade. I think he still had value at this point. I would probably just hold out for a straight pick and use my cap space as the asset being used.

John Collins and #15 or Duncan Robinson and #18. Then use the value of the picks the Jazz have to maneuver around the draft board for the guys they want.

Would still guarantee the Jazz three guys in the top 20 of (what looks to be) a very good draft this year.
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I understand there are other deals they could do... but they need a team under the cap to do something meaningful. Those teams are Houston, Detroit, San Antonio, Indiana, Orlando, and OKC... Vic and GP2 might fit in some trade exceptions so maybe the market is wider for those guys. In any case.. the market is limited to like 20% of the league. Houston has some goals with their cap space so may not take on a salary dump. OKC may not want an obligation that long... so you are down to a few teams.

So there are other suitors... but the pickings are slim.

I think KO gives them something they need as a stretch big. Could literally step into the lineup in JC place for a year. Capela's trade value ain't gonna be higher than Collins. Limited center that has stuggled at times to stay on the court. They also kind of need him as a lob threat for Trae and Quin without a drop center? Say they did find someone to take Capela... they need to send back $10M less (or more) in salary and get a solid player in return... without adding draft comp... they also need the contract they acquire to be expiring.

You may be right on the timing... but I doubt that is ideal. A few teams will drop out of the cap space game while you wait and your options get more limited. A couple may end up realizing their space isn't going to be worth what they thought and may end up settling for less. If they have to add the pick later then I'm guessing they would have rather just done a swap and moved back. It also lowers the cap hold on the pick they make... when you are strapped as Atlanta every million helps.

Not trying to be antagonistic or have a big dialogue here... just giving more context as you mentioned I didn't talk about the quality of the trade.

They don't have a ton of options to cut salary unless its with meaningful players (looney, Wiggins, Green) or a guy like Poole who is at his lowest value right now. It will be more expensive than a pick swap if they have to do it in season. A pick swap from 28 to 19 is essentially worth a few seconds... ish.

GP is a hard one to gauge... I think since he has really only been effective in GS teams might think they are getting something less. He's a good player... with some injury issues (is the core thing lingering)... and is paid in a range that isn't wonderful. Flipping GP for a minimum is their path of least resistance to saving money. Maybe they find a cheaper way to do it but I'm telling yall... teams gonna get tight this summer. These types of deals may not feel the brunt of it but dumping salary will not be as cheap as it has been in the past. No one wants to help GS either.

I don't really see the GSW happening at all. Maybe I'm off base, but if GP2 is a negative contract it's by a very small amount. I think there would plenty of teams who want him at the number he's at, and I would do that if I were the Jazz. If he were a free agent right now he'd probably get a small amount less, but his contract is not so drastically bad that they have to move him and the urgency is so much they decide to do it on draft day.

ATL might be more realistic, but again, not exactly a deal they can't say no to. The timing of this matters a lot because you're basically shaping your off season without getting the chance to even explore other options. When a new FO comes in I don't think their agenda is to keep the same but get worse by losing Collins and worsening your draft position. That might be what they end up having to do, but I doubt they decide to punt everything on draft day. Teams that are cash strapped obviously move picks to get off salary, but if I were them I'm thinking about that 15th pick and saying we desperately need to hit on this pick and make it a value contract. Fans opinion is skewed because they don't care about the saving money part, but if you did present this to Hawks fans I bet they'd laugh this away.

None of these deals, including option #1 which I think is semi realistic, feel like deals that are so good the other team feels the need to jump on it asap and make a big decision on draft day. The Jazz will also have some aspirations themselves on how to use their cap space this summer and might not want to punt some of it away before FA. I just don't see a salary dump trade happening on draft day. If there was a player we got in a salary dump I think the most likely guy is Rozier tbh.
I think KO gives them something they need as a stretch big. Could literally step into the lineup in JC place for a year.
Not saying it's a terrible fit, but would he really? KO can stretch the floor, but I wouldn't think he's very useful hanging around in the corner either. He needs touches to show his real strengths.
I don't really see the GSW happening at all. Maybe I'm off base, but if GP2 is a negative contract it's by a very small amount. I think there would plenty of teams who want him at the number he's at, and I would do that if I were the Jazz. If he were a free agent right now he'd probably get a small amount less, but his contract is not so drastically bad that they have to move him and the urgency is so much they decide to do it on draft day.
You do it on draft day to do it with a swap rather than other firsts. He may not be super negative but I don't see a team taking him for nothing. Maybe it ends up costing nothing to dump him. They may thing a guy they like will be there and see the cost as zero... but sure they may find another taker.
ATL might be more realistic, but again, not exactly a deal they can't say no to. The timing of this matters a lot because you're basically shaping your off season without getting the chance to even explore other options. When a new FO comes in I don't think their agenda is to keep the same but get worse by losing Collins and worsening your draft position. That might be what they end up having to do, but I doubt they decide to punt everything on draft day. Teams that are cash strapped obviously move picks to get off salary, but if I were them I'm thinking about that 15th pick and saying we desperately need to hit on this pick and make it a value contract. Fans opinion is skewed because they don't care about the saving money part, but if you did present this to Hawks fans I bet they'd laugh this away.
If the new GM cares more about what the 12 hawks fans think than saving his owner from like a 30-40M tax bill and huge future ramifications (losing Murray... paying more to get off of Collins... losing Okongwu... going into the repeater tax and being over the second apron). I give zero ***** what Hawks fans say lol. Last year they didn't even want to trade Capela and Collins for Rudy.

I get the whole shaping your offseason... but for Atlanta there is no offseason unless they move salary. Waiting to move Collins provides zero other options... cuz all they will be able to do is sign minimum guys. Moving Collins is their offseason.... they've tried the patient route with that and... it has not been great. Don't move salary and there is nothing to shape lol. They are painted into a corner... moving Collins is what gets them out of the corner. And maybe we keep KO and they drop far enough they can sign someone. They are super stuck... getting off Collins is what grants them a little glimmer to get unstuck.

None of these deals, including option #1 which I think is semi realistic, feel like deals that are so good the other team feels the need to jump on it asap and make a big decision on draft day. The Jazz will also have some aspirations themselves on how to use their cap space this summer and might not want to punt some of it away before FA. I just don't see a salary dump trade happening on draft day. If there was a player we got in a salary dump I think the most likely guy is Rozier tbh.
I mean if Charlotte got Scoot I could see them moving Rozier... but they have no motivation to make it a salary dump... they can trade him for similar salary and still have cap space, future flexibility, etc. Like why even mention them with a salary dump deal.
Not saying it's a terrible fit, but would he really? KO can stretch the floor, but I wouldn't think he's very useful hanging around in the corner either. He needs touches to show his real strengths.
KO shot 44% from the corners. He could also come off the bench as the third big or play with bench units and do a bit more. He'd be helpful for them.
I like keeping Dunn... if we got value in a trade I'd move him but I'm not sure his comeback was long enough for teams to buy in. I like him as the stopgap if we don't sign or trade for another pg and go the draft route. So movable for value but not adding him as a throw in.
My point is he might be the thing that actually closes those deals (they will want an on-court product, especially GSW since they’re losing one in their trade). In other words, they might not work without him. Turning a 30 year old reclamation into - in this argument - a trade up of ~10 spots in the draft IS value.
KO shot 44% from the corners. He could also come off the bench as the third big or play with bench units and do a bit more. He'd be helpful for them.
Yeah, he'd be of some help, but I wouldn't think playing with Trae is maximizing his abilities. But of course, he'd probably be a half decent Collins replacement, so I can see them doing it.
You do it on draft day to do it with a swap rather than other firsts. He may not be super negative but I don't see a team taking him for nothing. Maybe it ends up costing nothing to dump him. They may thing a guy they like will be there and see the cost as zero... but sure they may find another taker.

If the new GM cares more about what the 12 hawks fans think than saving his owner from like a 30-40M tax bill and huge future ramifications (losing Murray... paying more to get off of Collins... losing Okongwu... going into the repeater tax and being over the second apron). I give zero ***** what Hawks fans say lol. Last year they didn't even want to trade Capela and Collins for Rudy.

I get the whole shaping your offseason... but for Atlanta there is no offseason unless they move salary. Waiting to move Collins provides zero other options... cuz all they will be able to do is sign minimum guys. Moving Collins is their offseason.... they've tried the patient route with that and... it has not been great. Don't move salary and there is nothing to shape lol. They are painted into a corner... moving Collins is what gets them out of the corner. And maybe we keep KO and they drop far enough they can sign someone. They are super stuck... getting off Collins is what grants them a little glimmer to get unstuck.

I mean if Charlotte got Scoot I could see them moving Rozier... but they have no motivation to make it a salary dump... they can trade him for similar salary and still have cap space, future flexibility, etc. Like why even mention them with a salary dump deal.

I brought up Hawks fans because you don't seem to consider the other side of these trades. Point is everyone, whether it's a fan or a GM, has higher hopes and aspirations to this. They may have to end up doing this anyways, but to make the decision and punt before you even have the chance to do something else just isn't something I think will happen. If you presented this to a non jazz fan they would we see the problem with getting worse in the present and the future. I do believe that a new FO would like to gives themselves a chance to reshape their team and explore other options.

Maybe I'm wrong about that, but feel free to seek out outside opinions if you think this is a trade that this these trades not only make sense, but are so good that they have to forgo any future options and shape their off season around it. I don't care to go into this further, but to me all of these trades are viewed through a heavy a Jazz centric lens.
I mentioned Jordan Poole a couple of days ago and it wasn’t accepted well. Are you guys out on him?
I mentioned Jordan Poole a couple of days ago and it wasn’t accepted well. Are you guys out on him?

I think the Warriors end up moving him. Hard to know what opinion on the league is around him but I don't see the Jazz as a destination.