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The 2011 NBA Draft Lottery Thread, May 17th, 8:30 EST

Cleveland is taking Irving. It's a 100% guarantee. The question is what Minnesota will do with the 2nd pick. They have Beasley and Johnson that play the same position as Williams. I could see them taking Kanter.

I agree and I hope it goes that way, but they already have this dude named Darko, who is similar to Kanter. IMO
This is fun. There are a lot of options now. See if Dwill2 falls, or if not they can take Kanter or see what another team would give to get him - pickup some other assets (2012 picks?) and still land Biyombo maybe. This will be fun.
It's impossible to tell what The Timberpups will do. They are actually stacked at every position besides Center and SG, the two positions that aren't that prevalent in this draft. They have a ton of talent on the team, but no direction or coaching. I think they will take Kanter, but I dont doubt that they may trade down or take a huge reach on someone like Bismack or Jonas.
Not to be the downer here, but $@%#$@Q%^, why did it have to be this crappy draft that we move up in? lol

But, hey, glad we did, 3 is still better than 6....hopefully..
Not to be the downer here, but $@%#$@Q%^, why did it have to be this crappy draft that we move up in? lol

But, hey, glad we did, 3 is still better than 6....hopefully..

Yes, better 3 than 6 - now the Jazz could maybe trade the pick and pick up assets if they want. Or not. I'm just saying they have options.
I actually think that Minny would take Kanter or move down for someone who wants D-Will. They need someone in the middle.

I could see us taking Derrick Williams, but he'd have to play the 3. I think having Millsap come off the bench would be beneficial for us with Favors starting.
I actually think that Minny would take Kanter or move down for someone who wants D-Will. They need someone in the middle.

I could see us taking Derrick Williams, but he'd have to play the 3. I think having Millsap come off the bench would be beneficial for us with Favors starting.

They have DARKO!
They wouldnt take Williams, they already have TWO SF/PF hybrids...
Traded DWill to draft the other DWill...

I like this lineup > Harris-Hayward-Williams-Favors-Jefferson

Yep and a second team possibly of:

Okur/Fes - center
Millsap - power forward
Ak - small forward (if he re-signs for cheap) or Singleton (if we take him at 12)
Miles - Chucker, I mean shooting guard
Point guard - Watson or Jimmer (if we take him at 12?)

With the Golden State pick next year, I think we just jumped back into contention for a championship. Like I said before I love the D'Will trade!
Jazz should take Kanter.
There are other PGs at 12 who have potential to be as good as Knight.
Millsap can't like this. We either draft a big, that could play over him. Or we draft a 3, that eliminates his chance of playing the 3.