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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

I wonder what our founding fathers would think... They created the smallest government the world have ever seen with protections like the constitution and bill of rights that also restricted this tiny governments power and influence. Now we have the largest and most powerful government the world has ever seen with 800+ military bases all over the world that takes 30% of its citizens earnings outright and piles taxes upon taxes on top of it all. It seems to me like something went completely awry. Many empires have ended due to over extension militarily but hey who cares.
Well see, the military industrial complex exists so that there is no such thing as over extending our military.

The founding fathers would have hard ons harder than when the hottest house slave is dusting the floorboards if they could see this.
Meh, it's pretty good for me just doing my day to day life, going to work, paying bills, having a string of hobbies that I pick up and drop like a street walking hooker, taking the occasional vacation, watching my 80" 4k TV, filling my virtual monster truck with 23 gallons of gasoline so that I can use it to commute just myself to and from work, trying all the new restaurants that open in my city... I mean life is good man. If that's because of the military industrial complex then give me more military industrial complex because THEY ARE KILLING IT! They know exactly what I want and they give it to me.

Am I supposed to trade this in for some shot in the dark ideologue, some charismatic leader of some kind of utopian dream, a populist strong man? I'm all good man. I'm happy with what I have and I'm not looking to trade it in for whatever in the **** you're selling.

I just want competent politicians to keep this gravy train rolling!
Bring on the nukes- sardines sounds like he will happily give 50% of his income to police, crush, and torture people all over the world for their natural resources. We don't get competent politicians out of our current system- obviously.
After seeing how our congress can so easily be gridlocked when one out of two parties is divided has made me realize that our system is not compatible with three or more parties, so I'll never support a third party candidate again. I have in the past, but no more. Especially when one of the options a third party could help is a letteral traitor who has made clear that the Constitution is nothing more than toilet paper to him when it means he doesn't get his way and it's his rallying cry when he can use it to stir up his zealots who are convinced Dear Leader is the one who loves and cherishes the Constitution.
If it were Mitt Romney vs. Joe Biden, I could respect a third-party vote.
The uniparty duopoly has given us horrible candidates that turn out to be warmongering war criminals that bow to the oligarchs that pay them for decades.
True. If this is your only standard, by all means think of the parties as the same. I see huge differences in other areas I think are important (access to health care, rights for minorities/oppressed groups, compassion for the less fortunate, etc.), and will vote accordingly.

BTW, this time the duopoly has given us one warmongering war criminal who does not plan to subvert democracy, and one warmongering war criminal who plans to remake the entire executive branch along christo-fascist guidelines and has already attempted to overthrow one election. That difference should be stark even for you.
If it were Mitt Romney vs. Joe Biden, I could respect a third-party vote.
I voted third party in Romney VS Obama, largely because I wasn't worried who won. Both were competent people, but neither of which I was supportive of.

Today, I'd vote Romney vs Biden. If I could vote over again in 2012 I'd vote Obama.

I will never support a third party candidate again at any level. Our system isn't compatible with that. It has nothing to do with who is running for me anymore. I learned that our system is not compatible with more than two parties and that having more we will have a broken government. I want my government to function and to fund the things they took our tax money to fund.
Holy ****, what a twerp. LOL

This reminds me of a classic episode of "COPS" where a very fine yet heavily inebriated gentleman struggled with police who were trying to arrest him and inadvertently had his ostrich belly boots damaged.

This was later satirized by Reno 911, but there is nothing like the original.
What do you guys think of RFK Jr.? After hearing about him at first I thought he was a kook but after seeing him on a podcast and in a few other interviews my opinion has changed. Still need to vet him more but he seems well educated and knows his history which I think is a huge asset for someone who wants to be President. Interested to learn more about him, good and bad.

having listened to a few very lengthy interviews he's given i certainly don't agree with quite a few things he mentions but to call him a kook is just lazy. He's extremely well versed in the areas that he talks about and when given the opportunity the questions and issues he has regarding vaccines aren't unreasonable. His criticisms of the pharma corporations and governing bodies vaccine schedules seem to have given him a certain reputation and some of it is unsubstantiated particularly with regard to autism but he is quite clear that he's asking questions that he would like answered. I didn't find him unreasonable and he is certainly very articulate and intelligent unlike the other two candidates. But for sure would have to look more into him
this It's pretty pathetic really

What's pathetic is the level of this man's Napoleon complex. He's a huge bully. This is the dude who got married at Disney World yet sued Disney because he hates gays(probably afraid of his own impulses), sent migrants to Martha's Vineyard like they are props, bans books, seeks to deprive women of free will over their own bodies, promotes the virtues of slavery, tries to shut down Universities and goes to war against "woke". His pumped up kicks are a window to his soul.
What's pathetic is the level of this man's Napoleon complex. He's a huge bully. This is the dude who got married at Disney World yet sued Disney because he hates gays(probably afraid of his own impulses), sent migrants to Martha's Vineyard like they are props, bans books, seeks to deprive women of free will over their own bodies, promotes the virtues of slavery, tries to shut down Universities and goes to war against "woke". His pumped up kicks are a window to his soul.

You might be reading too much into a pair of boots
Holy ****, what a twerp. LOL

A Trump campaign spokesman says, "Instead of telling the truth and just being comfortable in his own skin, he resorts to borderline psychotic behavior by lying to the American people." This is from the campaign of the candidate who (1) wears makeup at all times while in public, (2) also wears elevator shoes, (3) refuses to be seen near wounded veterans because it "makes him look bad," (4) calls up financial magazines and pretends to be his own publicist so that he can attempt to falsely inflate his net worth, (5) Wears a wig/toupee. Would anyone, anywhere say that this is the behavior of a man who is "comfortable in his own skin"?

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What a pleasant chap. One of his Veteran’s Day messages to his fellow citizens:

"In honor of our great veterans on Veteran's Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. Lie, steal, and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American dream," he wrote.

"The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within. Despite the hatred and anger of the radical left lunatics who want to destroy our country, we will make America great again!"

