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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

I personally am anti Trump because of what he’s doing to marginalized groups, not to me. Because my background is studying and teaching history, I know that the greatest atrocities of the previous century were enabled because people gave a blind eye to injustices of marginalized groups. My wife and I are fairly successful landowning white Mormons in Utah. So Trump’s deportation and authoritarian policies that he’s proposing right now towards the “vermin poisoning our national blood” won’t directly affect us negatively. But in my 39 years of life, one constant I’ve learned is that it might be someone else’s turn in the barrel now. But if I turn a blind eye to that injustice now, who knows when my turn will be? Will anyone stand up for me? Or will they too turn a blind eye to my suffering because what’s happening to me isn’t directly impacting their life?

I think a “politics of selfishness” only enables authoritarianism. We’d benefit more by seeking out a politics that widens our field of vision. That’s my opinion. But you can’t have a country without many many villages. If everyone just looks out for their own family or village, what a sad and pathetic existence we’ll have. The politics of a dry empty amoral greedy husk of a man with the only morality being transactional just leaves everyone angry and empty inside.
Like let's say hypothetically the founding fathers had set up the election system a bit differently. And we had been doing it this different way for hundreds of years.
Let's say you could go to vote and you could vote for a candidate OR you could vote against a candidate and doing so would cancel out a vote for that candidate. I would do that instead of vote for the Democrat.

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The cool thing about my cult is that it's so diverse and inclusive. There are Democrats, Republicans independents and everything in between. You can be pro life or pro choice. You can be for gun restrictions or for none at all.
You don't have pay any money. Don't have any leader or any leadership group structure.
Its a pretty sweet cult. Extremely unique. There has never been another cult like it in history since all the other ones have a single person or group who leads and benefits and this one doesn't.
In fact, **** it, bucknutz voted for a non trump candidate in the primaries and is going to vote for a non trump candidate in the general election so he is an honorary member of the cult. He won't get to heaven but at least he won't go to hell ;)

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The cool thing about my cult is that it's so diverse and inclusive. There are Democrats, Republicans independents and everything in between. You can be pro life or pro choice. You can be for gun restrictions or for none at all.
You don't have pay any money. Don't have any leader or any leadership group structure.
Its a pretty sweet cult. Extremely unique. There has never been another cult like it in history since all the other ones have a single person or group who leads and benefits and this one doesn't.
In fact, **** it, bucknutz voted for a non trump candidate in the primaries and is going to vote for a non trump candidate in the general election so he is an honorary member of the cult. He won't get to heaven but at least he won't go to hell ;)

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So you’re an independent?
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My first memory of Trump was when he was in the audience on SNL during the cold open and the bit involved him. That might have been late 80s or early 90s. I had heard of him before and had seen his face on the cover of The Inquirer magazine while I waited with my mom in the grocery store check out. So I had also heard the name Marla Maples, and I knew something about him having a golden toilet. But the first time I saw him in live action I hated him. This isn't something unique to him, I have had an immediate ultra negative reaction to a handful of people in my life. I've never changed my opinion about any of them. I find Trump to be absolutely revolting in every conceivable way and that's before he even opens his idiot *** mouth.

I hated Trump at one time too. Well, first I was apathetic, then pretty much disgusted by him. Then the media’s crazy switch got flipped and I evaluated my biases more objectively. Now I enjoy Trump. Occasionally cringe because the dishonest media will purposely misinterpret his clumsy words and morons will uncritically parrot all the media hoaxes.

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Nope. Never trump is doing whatever you can to keep trump from having any power over this great nation.
It's not siding with the Democrats. You can hate the Democrats and be never trump.

If the polls showed that the Democrat (Biden or whoever) was getting 20% of the vote and the Republican (trump) was getting 40% of the vote and the independent (JFK Jr, Evan McMullen etc) was getting 40% of the vote then a never trumper would vote for JFK Jr or Evan McMullen or whoever.

You said side with the Democrats. Democrats has nothing to do with anything. It's all about preventing trump from having power over this country. Call it a cult if you want to, I'm fine with that. But I have no leader. I'm not never trump for anyone except me. I'm not doing it for Biden or Obama or the Democrats or whatever. I'm doing it for America. Im just trying to stop trump from ruling. Nothing more. If Epstein was running I would do the same thing. If Jeffrey Dahmer was running I would do the same thing. If Hitler was running I would do the same thing.

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Good post.
Looks like it could possibly help with cancer. That's cool. Go science!

As for trumps comment/suggestion I believe he was referring to covid.


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So no benefit of the doubt for Trump. Whereas Fauci, who has more medical authority than the nyc real estate guy, lied multiple times regarding Covid - and you give him a pass.

Your bias isn’t serving you well, even though you revel in it like a pig in shiit.

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So no benefit of the doubt for Trump. Whereas Fauci, who has more medical authority than the nyc real estate guy, lied multiple times regarding Covid - and you give him a pass.

Your bias isn’t serving you well, even though you revel in it like a pig in shiit.

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A poster posted about a cancer study in relation to what trump said about covid. I responded to that post. Try to stay on topic and tell me what I posted that was incorrect rather than getting triggered, going off topic and making a personal attack. I didn't make any comment about fauci.

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. I didn't make any comment about fauci.

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Exactly. I’m pointing out your lack of objectivity. Anything negative about Trump - even the outright hoaxes - you pounce on it. But Steak cites your lack of outrage at Biden’s more credible creepy pedo behavior (in daughter’s diary) it’s crickets with you.

So that post about the ultra light - medical advances that Trump was clumsily referring to in 2020, you won’t turn down the volume on your Trump hate. You love anything that feeds your Trump hate.

You have admitted you have TDS and seem kind of proud of it. Rather than objectively acknowledge any good from Trump, you cling to hate.

TDS, for you, is less of a disease and more of an addiction.

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