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The Non-Jazz NBA Thread in the Jazz Section

I just dont think he was a great fit with our roster. I think he works better with a team that has more established players and defined roles.
I thought he was good with us. I think he would have fit well and been a guy we keep around... just had a lot going on at guard. Minny clearly wanted him in that deal so I don't think he was just a throw in. I think we have a few too many guys and needed to commit to really finding out on a couple.

Its fine though.
I think that may have been the guy that got thrown out cuz we had too many guys that we may regret. Really liked what he was bringing as a defender and pseudo-kinda-point guard. Like a poor man's Caruso type of thing. He seemed like he was figuring some things out.
Trading him was stupid but unfortunately Hardy didn't value so there wasn't an incentive to keep him.
NWA's decision making on the court was flat out bizarre. Probably drove Hardy crazy, he hates low BBIQ. NAW had no future here under this regime.
I'm just happy we aren't desparately needing NAW to become something as one of the only avenues to improve the team. Wolves can keep that. More power to them.
NWA's decision making on the court was flat out bizarre. Probably drove Hardy crazy, he hates low BBIQ. NAW had no future here under this regime.
His decision making was just fine. He was also our best perimeter defender last year. The bizarre thing was how well NAW would be playing and would suddenly get no minutes. That was the bizarre thing.
NAW didnt have terrible decision making, but it definitely wasnt good at all. He also couldnt really make plays. THT/Sexton can make plays and each is capable of pulling off pretty incredible things in their own respective ways, though both are very flawed. NAW at his best was a very average 3&D+ (light on the plus) for the Jazz. We saw what happens in NOLA when NAW tries to expand his game and do too much, he's one of the worst players in the NBA.

To me he is just an incredibly mild outcome player. I think the Jazz wanted higher potential players on their roster while they work to figure out what works. I think NAW fits in for Minnesota because they dont need those high outcome players. They just need solid length/shooting/defense, which I think NAW can provide in those 15-20 mpg he might play. He's never going to be a Day 1 starter on a playoff team, but he could have a solid journeyman type career.
NAW didnt have terrible decision making, but it definitely wasnt good at all. He also couldnt really make plays. THT/Sexton can make plays and each is capable of pulling off pretty incredible things in their own respective ways, though both are very flawed. NAW at his best was a very average 3&D+ (light on the plus) for the Jazz. We saw what happens in NOLA when NAW tries to expand his game and do too much, he's one of the worst players in the NBA.

To me he is just an incredibly mild outcome player. I think the Jazz wanted higher potential players on their roster while they work to figure out what works. I think NAW fits in for Minnesota because they dont need those high outcome players. They just need solid length/shooting/defense, which I think NAW can provide in those 15-20 mpg he might play. He's never going to be a Day 1 starter on a playoff team, but he could have a solid journeyman type career.
If you had a strong playmaking 1 or 2 like we hope Keyonte will be then NAW is nice to have. He was more mechanical than natural in the pg role but shot the piss out of the ball for a couple/few weeks... so it likely looked better than it would have been on average. I was impressed with his defense. Sexton is also mechanical as a pg but has blazing speed so it opens things up for guys. THT has some natural playmaking but also just can't quite seem to reign it in enough or make enough shots to be the pg.

NAW is one I would have attempted to keep but if Minny wanted him over THT (which based on his performance at that point in the season is probably the case) then whatevs. I will root for him as he was an A+ teammate while here.
Sidenote... Clips are trying to grease the wheels on a Harden deal by using pick swaps... Time to get us an Exotic Super Swap right @NUMBERICA and @infection ?

A super swap with then in 2027 and 2029 for any of the 3 picks we own would be fairly juicy... would you send the Lakers 2027 pick for the right to swap picks in 27/29 using any of the Wolves/Cavs/Jazz picks? I mean you are definitely moving up like 5 spots or so by looping in all those teams right? If/When you move those picks for a star you can transfer the swap rights too...
Sidenote... Clips are trying to grease the wheels on a Harden deal by using pick swaps... Time to get us an Exotic Super Swap right @NUMBERICA and @infection ?

A super swap with then in 2027 and 2029 for any of the 3 picks we own would be fairly juicy... would you send the Lakers 2027 pick for the right to swap picks in 27/29 using any of the Wolves/Cavs/Jazz picks? I mean you are definitely moving up like 5 spots or so by looping in all those teams right? If/When you move those picks for a star you can transfer the swap rights too...
In 4 years swaps are going to need a 10 page book to explain.
If you had a strong playmaking 1 or 2 like we hope Keyonte will be then NAW is nice to have. He was more mechanical than natural in the pg role but shot the piss out of the ball for a couple/few weeks... so it likely looked better than it would have been on average. I was impressed with his defense. Sexton is also mechanical as a pg but has blazing speed so it opens things up for guys. THT has some natural playmaking but also just can't quite seem to reign it in enough or make enough shots to be the pg.

NAW is one I would have attempted to keep but if Minny wanted him over THT (which based on his performance at that point in the season is probably the case) then whatevs. I will root for him as he was an A+ teammate while here.
He shot the ball with his penis?