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I love the Whopper. Sue me.

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There’s something in the mayonnaise that gets me. It’s great. I load that thing up with lots of ketchup.

Also, it’s interesting how there are some things that I have a preference for how they are. It was really like 1996 when BK bought all the old Hardee’s (before they were a Carl’s Jr.) in Utah that I’d eat their 2 Whoppers for $2. That’s when I really started eating burgers and I didn’t start with cheese burgers, so my experience with the Whopper has always been without cheese. Right now cheese is my default, but for things like the Whopper or the Famous Star, I don’t like the taste of them with cheese, only because the conceptualization I have of those sandwiches started without cheese. I’ve tried to figure it out but I can’t.
They have a new spinoff coming that will be similar to Dutch Bros. I think it might actually work well. I think this is generally correct though. The only thing McDonald’s sucks at is making sure the ice cream machine works.
Yeah, I saw that they’re about to open the first one in Illinois. Hopefully they can take all their dumb adult/healthy ideas and ruin that restaurant instead of the main one.
There’s actually a certain way that the Coke products are mixed at McDonald’s (forget what, I’m sure you could find it on a google search) that they had an exclusive agreement with Coke that no other restaurants could mix them that way. It is true that their sodas are better, but while that was a staple of my McDonald’s consumption in the past, I haven’t been drinking sodas for about 20 years, so I no longer have a dog in the fight.

It's because they refrigerate their syrup so the whole drink is colder and more refreshing. Seriously though they need to bring back that orange drink they had back in the day. Also when I go in, I don't want the high counter no one cleans. I want the saddle chairs and the metal cheeseburger guy slide that fries my *** as I go down it in the summer.
McDonald’s gets too much crap because there’s a societal expectation to treat it as such. I’d be curious if you could truly unbiased people, like if you had a parallel world that doesn’t have McDonald’s and you introduce it, what people actually say. I also think it’s funny when people try to compare it to other burger places or say they aren’t burgers, to me it’s like people saying Taco Bell isn’t Mexican. I never eat at Taco Bell when I’m craving Mexican, and I don’t eat at McDonald’s when I’m craving a genuine burger. I eat there when I’m craving McDonald’s.
This is actually the opposite of why we love it and why its sometimes such a conrtoversial topic to debate what is the best fast food restaurant.

I love McDonalds and get the craving for Big Mac specifically every once in a while and dont really enjoy eating at other fast food chains. But I'm also perfectly aware that it likely has more to do with my (late) childhood experiences, teenage/early adulthood tendencies and standards I have set long ago than some massive difference in the quality of food. This is also why some people are exactly the opposite, and love BK or some other fast food place and dont like McD.

So in general terms, I'm biased towards McDonalds, and I'm loving it.
I love the Whopper. Sue me.

Sent from my SM-G986U using JazzFanz mobile app

I'm realizing a lot of my affinity for BK is based on nostalgia.

My Mom and Dad divorced when I was pretty young and the only time I really saw my Dad was when he would take me to games. BK had the two for $2 deal for a really long time and so during that time we would always have Whoppers in the car on the way to the game.
McDonald’s gets too much crap because there’s a societal expectation to treat it as such. I’d be curious if you could truly unbiased people, like if you had a parallel world that doesn’t have McDonald’s and you introduce it, what people actually say. I also think it’s funny when people try to compare it to other burger places or say they aren’t burgers, to me it’s like people saying Taco Bell isn’t Mexican. I never eat at Taco Bell when I’m craving Mexican, and I don’t eat at McDonald’s when I’m craving a genuine burger. I eat there when I’m craving McDonald’s.

I crave a Big Mac like once or twice a year. I don't really consider it a hamburger, its it's own thing.
One thing that McDonald's definitely does the best on is chicken nuggets. Even at other places that the nuggets are decent, they're still generic. Like Wendy's are decent, but they're generic. Nuggets can be really bad. Often times too much batter. Nuggets that are actual chicken chunks can be good, like Chick Fil-A (not necessarily saying they're the best). The absolute worst type of chicken nugget is "boneless" wings. That's awful. They aren't wings at all. They're nuggets, and awful ones at that. Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much crunchy batter. Just say you're eating bad nuggets and stop trying to fool about eating wings.

McNuggets are amazing, though. So were the McNugget toys.

If I'm going for a fast food burger then Crown Burger and Wendy's are where I'm going. I don't think I have had a burger from McDonalds in 20 years.
One thing that McDonald's definitely does the best on is chicken nuggets. Even at other places that the nuggets are decent, they're still generic. Like Wendy's are decent, but they're generic. Nuggets can be really bad. Often times too much batter. Nuggets that are actual chicken chunks can be good, like Chick Fil-A (not necessarily saying they're the best). The absolute worst type of chicken nugget is "boneless" wings. That's awful. They aren't wings at all. They're nuggets, and awful ones at that. Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much crunchy batter. Just say you're eating bad nuggets and stop trying to fool about eating wings.

McNuggets are amazing, though. So were the McNugget toys.

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Wow, completely disagree on this. I can't stand McDonalds nuggets, to the point where it's really difficult for me to understand how anybody likes them (obviously there are tons of people who like them including my 6 year old). For me BK nuggets are by far the best out of McDonalds, Wendy's and BK.
If I'm going for a fast food burger then Crown Burger and Wendy's are where I'm going. I don't think I have had a burger from McDonalds in 20 years.

Wendy's is okay. I got some a year ago because it's literally a block from my house, and it wasn't terrible. Much better than BK, that's for sure.

Say no to BK's disgusting, soggy, burgers.

Edit: Crown Burger is better than the national chains, but their patties are way too dry.
For me BK nuggets are by far the best out of McDonalds, Wendy's and BK.