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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

I think it is easy for most people to see a lot of irony in a trump supporter lecturing on politeness.
Well, I'm not a Trump supporter, but I am also not a hater (which in some people's minds is apparently the definition of a lover). I think class would go a long way on both sides of the political aisle. There is no question the Trump era has taken it to a different level, though. I think that much of that is Trump's fault, but I also think significant fault goes to his critics who are in the habit of interpreting everything he says or does in the worst way possible. Often they come up with interpretations that go above and beyond the worst possible interpretation that I had imagined. It is really ridiculous the way that they treat him. (And yes, it is also ridiculous the way that he reacts.)
Lol that's how it works eh?

From the ones saying 52 trillion is easily done for medical. Medical that also admits it will lose jobs.



pssst, you are mixing people up, I’m the fiscal conservative who is against Medicare for all. Focus, please.

You can try to change the subject but I don’t think you are fooling anyone here.
We are talking about trump and his irresponsible fiscal policy and all you’ve got is “socialists deficits are worse”?

the bar for you is that low?

Some day we’ll have a true fiscal conservative replace this idiot.
pssst, you are mixing people up, I’m the fiscal conservative who is against Medicare for all. Focus, please.

You can try to change the subject but I don’t think you are fooling anyone here.
We are talking about trump and his irresponsible fiscal policy and all you’ve got is “socialists deficits are worse”?

the bar for you is that low?

Some day we’ll have a true fiscal conservative replace this idiot.
You and I argued over Warrens plan lol. I was the only one saying it wasn't sustainable. Fiscal conservative lol
Really? So what did you mean by "I guess it's cognitive dissonance day?" It's pretty clear that you didn't correctly comprehend my statement in your original reply. I do not think that impugns your intellect, but apparently you do. Have it your way, I guess.

Actually, it is important to recognize that cognitive dissonance can only happen in functioning brains confronted with conflicting beliefs, events, and ideas that require some adjustment. True, it is not actually a resolution of the conflicts, just the perception of them.

People with very determined loyalties to ideological constructs, or political crusades, usually don't do well with the process, and might even invent new false constructs, but the fact cannot be escaped, if they are in the "cognitive disonance" class, there must be some cognition there in the first place.

However, our JFC groupies won't qualify. They will be the vanguard of the next crusade to dump Trump.

All this, and this weekend my main gal Sonnie Johnson did her program on why she won't vote for Trump. Two hours of rant about her main conservative mentor Jayzee being trashed by conservatives and liberals alike for how he managed the Superbowl opening performance.

She was yanking people's chains, trying to trigger some thought. She says we are facing a real push for socialism that no conservatives are prepared to deal with..... something like a "Resistance" movement that just won't quit, even with Trump hype. The kind of crusade some JFC hardliners in here will never quit working for.

So, really, this thread is going to keep on rolling.
So this happened yesterday.

Romney has burned his Trump creds. I think he could still win in Mormon socialist Utah, but he could also win under your new party flag, I think. It's the whole Utah CofC cult. Loads of cash and full tilt media memerization will easily take Mo homies.

For a few years, it will be an uphill struggle for the globalist/RINO in-crowd to regain the levers of their side of the UniParty, nationally, and your new cult will go nowhere, and you would do better to help retake the RINO hill, but I think even so. America will go American in the long run.

People are just damn tired of knowitall management that levels them with Venezuela or China. Even Mexicans are damn tired of being used and abused, not to mention other exploited "Dem" voter blocks.
Exactly. I wish more people from the right and left, would talk about this. When (not if) the next recession hits, our government will be extremely limited in options since we’ve spent like drunken sailors during an economic expansion. Those who are enjoying the tax cuts and deficit spending right now are really going to hate what comes next.

Bubble economies, economic cycles..... are largely the legacy of our bureaucracies and globalist exploiters/cartels, not genuine conservatives..... which have been and still are all too scarce on the whole government scene, Federal, State, and local.

The House of Pelosi has never done a good budget. But you will blame Trump, of course..... even while fighting every effort he could make to reduce waste/corruption.

People with skills that are essential to productive enterprises will fare better than the bureaucrats and politicians when we really do crash,.

How many people know how to grow a garden? Mexicans, mostly.
Lol. The post you quoted was about Bolton. He is a different person than Romney

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app

I don't think "Colton" is "Bolton". John Colton..... is that our "Colton". That is what I took it for, but why would John Bolton go for the @UnitedUtahParty? Is he from Utah? Moving here?

Or do you need glasses, reading lessons, or a brush-up on the ABCs.

Our Colton has been solid for Romney so far as I've seen. I know he has me on "Ignore", and his head in the sand too.
I will do it.
Good job spending lots of money and cutting taxes for the rich trump.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app

Good post.

I’m also going to spin this as criticism for the Democrats. I watched just a few mins of the last debate where they argued for the 100,000,000th time about M4A and reparations. I have NO idea why they’re doing that. Other than a few outlier candidates are trying to get attention and stand out by spewing nonsense.

I wish candidates focused more trump. In fact, everything should focus on trump. There’s no need to go far left and propose something crazy. Go for the rational answer.

1. Trump has proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
I will work to save these vital programs. Not everyone was born inheriting millions from their daddy.

2. Trump said he’d improve Obamacare. He lied. And now wants to gut it.
I will work hard to protect Obamacare and build upon it. No one should go without health care because they don’t have enough money no one should be left without healthcare because of preconditions.

3. Trump said he’d protect America. He lied. He’s bowing to dictators and alienating our allies.
I will work hard to rebuild our alliances and restore our respect and reputation around the world. America’s military shouldn’t be sold to the highest bidding middle eastern prince.

4. Trump said he’d fix illegal immigration. He’s instead, created a humanitarian disaster.
I will protect our border in a humanitarian way. Families shouldn’t be ripped apart and children placed in cages. We are a nation of laws but we are not a cruel nation. That’s not the American way. Trump may not care for families, his 3 wives and untold number of porn stars tells us this, but real Americans value families.

These are little phrases that I wish Democrats would say instead of going to their extremist rhetoric that alienated voters and will be exploited by Trump’s media. Reparations, forced M4A, decriminalizing the border... just losing arguments that from these debates that may score on twitter but fall flat everywhere else. So disappointed as I believe we might be handing Donald 4 more years because of just asinine campaign management. None of the proposed solutions have any chance of being passed. Heck, most are solutions in search of a problem.
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Well, I'm not a Trump supporter, but I am also not a hater (which in some people's minds is apparently the definition of a lover). I think class would go a long way on both sides of the political aisle. There is no question the Trump era has taken it to a different level, though. I think that much of that is Trump's fault, but I also think significant fault goes to his critics who are in the habit of interpreting everything he says or does in the worst way possible. Often they come up with interpretations that go above and beyond the worst possible interpretation that I had imagined. It is really ridiculous the way that they treat him. (And yes, it is also ridiculous the way that he reacts.)
Yes the liberals misinterpret what Trump is actually saying excuse is the problem why Trump supporters have to go out and explain what he meant to say. Sorry the guy is a grown man if he cannot communicate what he believes than perhaps he should use his communication department more. The reality is that 95 percent what he says needs no interpretation. So how do you explain his trashing of McCain? Or how about his comment about grabbing women's... sorry the guy is a disgusting human being with no filter. Stop blaming the media or liberals. Trump brought the wrath of the liberals on him self by his actions, constantly demeaning of liberals and his non stop attacks on Obama. The Democrats are just sick of his childish behavior and finally are fighting back.
Bubble economies, economic cycles..... are largely the legacy of our bureaucracies and globalist exploiters/cartels, not genuine conservatives..... which have been and still are all too scarce on the whole government scene, Federal, State, and local.

The House of Pelosi has never done a good budget. But you will blame Trump, of course..... even while fighting every effort he could make to reduce waste/corruption.

People with skills that are essential to productive enterprises will fare better than the bureaucrats and politicians when we really do crash,.

How many people know how to grow a garden? Mexicans, mostly.
Not only is your argument untrue but you have to throw in a racist comment at the end. Yes and the conservatives are still blaming Obama for everything. Trump fighting corruption. Thanks for the laugh. Trump is the creator of corruption and fake news. That is what drives him and then he plays the victim when cornered.
And you a are missing the point. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for an investigation. Nothing besides some fairy tale fantasy.
Yea I am sure that you would think different if it was Obama. Then why are you complaing/accusing Hillary of doing it with the Steele Dossier? If it is ok then you shouldn't complain about the Dossier. Just for the record, Hillary did not pay for it. Just a fake news and conservative wet dream.

Try to keep up.

I was tempted to see who I was ignoring. Typically when I see a lot of people getting frustrated like this, it’s Jazzfresy or Babe. They are the two most poorly informed/craziest posters in these types of threads. Glad you eliminated any doubt.
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Yea I am sure that you would think different if it was Obama. Then why are you complaing/accusing Hillary of doing it with the Steele Dossier? If it is ok then you shouldn't complain about the Dossier. Just for the record, Hillary did not pay for it. Just a fake news and conservative wet dream.

CNN is fake news then ehhh? God people are naive... To answer your question hell yeah i'd be pissed if the Trump's FBI spied on Obama's advisers. But illegally spying on a presidents advisers is ok... A phone call and and a fake whistleblower though. #woke

Clinton campaign, DNC helped fund dossier research

Washington (CNN)The law firm for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee has acknowledged its clients' role in paying for opposition research on Donald Trump that helped fund the now-infamous dossier of allegations about the now-President and Russia.

The newspaper, citing people familiar with the matter, said a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC hired Fusion GPS, which in turn hired former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, whose research makes up the document. The Post said Perkins Coie lawyer Marc Elias retained the research firm in April 2016 as the GOP primary was winding down and Trump was increasingly likely to clinch his party's nomination, and that Fusion GPS hired Steele after the Democratic funding began and the general election picture grew clearer.

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Good post.

I’m also going to spin this as criticism for the Democrats. I watched just a few mins of the last debate where they argued for the 100,000,000th time about M4A and reparations. I have NO idea why they’re doing that. Other than a few outlier candidates are trying to get attention and stand out by spewing nonsense.

I wish candidates focused more trump. In fact, everything should focus on trump. There’s no need to go far left and propose something crazy. Go for the rational answer.

1. Trump has proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
I will work to save these vital programs. Not everyone was born inheriting millions from their daddy.

2. Trump said he’d improve Obamacare. He lied. And now wants to gut it.
I will work hard to protect Obamacare and build upon it. No one should go without health care because they don’t have enough money no one should be left without healthcare because of preconditions.

3. Trump said he’d protect America. He lied. He’s bowing to dictators and alienating our allies.
I will work hard to rebuild our alliances and restore our respect and reputation around the world. America’s military shouldn’t be sold to the highest bidding middle eastern prince.

4. Trump said he’d fix illegal immigration. He’s instead, created a humanitarian disaster.
I will protect our border in a humanitarian way. Families shouldn’t be ripped apart and children placed in cages. We are a nation of laws but we are not a cruel nation. That’s not the American way. Trump may not care for families, his 3 wives and untold number of porn stars tells us this, but real Americans value families.

These are little phrases that I wish Democrats would say instead of going to their extremist rhetoric that alienated voters and will be exploited by Trump’s media. Reparations, forced M4A, decriminalizing the border... just losing arguments that from these debates that may score on twitter but fall flat everywhere else. So disappointed as I believe we might be handing Donald 4 more years because of just asinine campaign management. None of the proposed solutions have any chance of being passed. Heck, most are solutions in search of a problem.

Dem politicians are not smart enough to follow this simple winning formula.