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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

Focusing on Trump

That'll fix the country. Lol that is what the Democrats have become. Not policy, not helping people, but talking about Trump.

You can't make this up.
Good post.

I’m also going to spin this as criticism for the Democrats. I watched just a few mins of the last debate where they argued for the 100,000,000th time about M4A and reparations. I have NO idea why they’re doing that. Other than a few outlier candidates are trying to get attention and stand out by spewing nonsense.

I wish candidates focused more trump. In fact, everything should focus on trump. There’s no need to go far left and propose something crazy. Go for the rational answer.

1. Trump has proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
I will work to save these vital programs. Not everyone was born inheriting millions from their daddy.

2. Trump said he’d improve Obamacare. He lied. And now wants to gut it.
I will work hard to protect Obamacare and build upon it. No one should go without health care because they don’t have enough money no one should be left without healthcare because of preconditions.

3. Trump said he’d protect America. He lied. He’s bowing to dictators and alienating our allies.
I will work hard to rebuild our alliances and restore our respect and reputation around the world. America’s military shouldn’t be sold to the highest bidding middle eastern prince.

4. Trump said he’d fix illegal immigration. He’s instead, created a humanitarian disaster.
I will protect our border in a humanitarian way. Families shouldn’t be ripped apart and children placed in cages. We are a nation of laws but we are not a cruel nation. That’s not the American way. Trump may not care for families, his 3 wives and untold number of porn stars tells us this, but real Americans value families.

These are little phrases that I wish Democrats would say instead of going to their extremist rhetoric that alienated voters and will be exploited by Trump’s media. Reparations, forced M4A, decriminalizing the border... just losing arguments that from these debates that may score on twitter but fall flat everywhere else. So disappointed as I believe we might be handing Donald 4 more years because of just asinine campaign management. None of the proposed solutions have any chance of being passed. Heck, most are solutions in search of a problem.
Wow, outstanding post. I agree completely. If the Democrats lose this they will only have themselves to blame.
Not only is your argument untrue but you have to throw in a racist comment at the end. Yes and the conservatives are still blaming Obama for everything. Trump fighting corruption. Thanks for the laugh. Trump is the creator of corruption and fake news. That is what drives him and then he plays the victim when cornered.

cowhide, I suppose, refers to a basketball, not a brain.

Since when is the fact that Mexicans, by virtue of their skills, being superior to liberals in knowing how to keep a garden, a "racist" comment. Nothing to do with race, but a fact of general statistical correlation. And in my book, know how to plant tomatos and peppers and celery and other things, and how to make salsa or whatever nutritious and tasty foodstuffs, is a high art, superior to reposting daily talking point materials all over the webz.

don't be such a presumptive idiot with all your slurs.
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This isn’t going to end well...

@sirkickyass What do you make of this?

There are some very serious issues with what has been done by the corrupt Obama officials. The Conservatives who intend to press the issues are holding fire, keeping their powder dry, and understating everything. There will be indictments, charges.....

Considering that the loyal "Resistance" has broken many laws, and left evidence trails to document it all, it's just that Trump, however much he wants to prevent such lawlessness in general, realizes he has to let a professional like Barr do the job, in the last analysis. However, Barr is an old guard Bush sort of establishment functionary, and he will of course do the minimal job and smoothe the rest over and or sweep it under some damn rug in the acres of government warehouse records, misplaced of course. And that is why Trump needs an investigator like Giuliani, a professional on the Trump clock, to try to keep too much from being ignored.

I believe Russia (Putin, really), is looking for patching up the Ukrainian rift in his sphere of influence, but willing to let Trump explore the issues. I think he hates the Clintons and Obama because of their involvement in destabilizing Ukraine. I'm sure he would not have done the landgrab except for the real implications of a Ukraine joining NATO. I bet Putin ends up the winner in all this.

you know what strikes me the most here? The separation between branches of government has been completely obliterated. Why is a Senator having private meetings with the Attorney General like this? Is Devin Nunes, a Representative in the House coordinating too? What about Sean Hannity, radio/tv personality? A donor at some Trump resort?

All that matters these days is whether you’re on Team Trump. As long as you’re on Team Trump, you’re privy to top access into our executive branch, no matter your job or qualification. While it doesn’t matter if you’re Mitt Romney, Speaker of the House, Head of the Intelligence Committee, top NY Times reporter, etc. If you’re not on Team Trump, you’re shut out.
I’m not a Bloomberg fan. I disagree with a lot of his politics and I like Booker (out), Harris (out), Warren, Biden, and Klobuchar (especially) more. But this is one outstanding ad:

I’ll take Bloomberg 100x over Sanders too. I’m scared to death that Sanders is going to hand Trump four more years. Sanders to me is the Rand paul of the left.
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So, all in all, where is your concern about government agency employees like Comey (FBI) glad-handing Obama-appointed FISA court judges to get warrants, without valid predicating evidence, to monitor a CIA operative, in good standing with the CIA (Carter Paige) on falsified information, to enable monitoring (spying) on every Trump campaign worker who ever talked to Paige?

DOJ, AG CIA, FBI are all executive branch agency Trump has every right to investigate and oversee, and where criminal activity has been conducted directly to impair his work as Pres and construct false narratives against him, Trump has every right to hire anyone, even a lawyer, to help investigate the activity against him.

right of due process, facing accusers, and hiring an attorney to represent you is all standard US Bill of Rights law. Includes seeking evidence for your defense.
I’m not a Bloomberg fan. I disagree with a lot of his politics and I like Booker (out), Harris (out), Warren, Biden, and Klobuchar (especially) more. But this is one outstanding ad:

I’ll take Bloomberg 100x over Sanders too. I’m scared to death that Sanders is going to hand Trump four more years. Sanders to me is the Rand paul of the left.

They are all communist, ideologically, just taking false positions for campaign strategy.

Communist methodology calls for absolutely committed liars when necessary, to enable gradual conversion to the cause/
Not a cult...

why don’t these guys finally just come out with it? Anyone who desire Trump is going to be arrested and placed in a camp?
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I’ll take Bloomberg 100x over Sanders too. I’m scared to death that Sanders is going to hand Trump four more years. Sanders to me is the Rand paul of the left.

I don't think this fear is justified. Die hard Dems will vote for either. Bernie has a diverse coalition and brings out millions of voters that will otherwise sit out.
I don't think this fear is justified. Die hard Dems will vote for either. Bernie has a diverse coalition and brings out millions of voters that will otherwise sit out.

Really? I get that Dems like Bernie. So much so that he might win the nomination. Which scares me. I want to win the general. That’s the issue.

I think Bernie is by far the worst candidate remaining. Which is saying something, because all fo these candidates have electability issues. Pete is gay. That’s still a major issue for many Americans. Especially where we need to win. Warren has likability issues (and reminds many of Hillary). Biden has gaffe issues and is old. His campaign is the worst managed of all. Klobuchar is the best candidate remaining but for whatever reason isn’t gaining support.

I think he turns off nearly every coalition voter we won in 2018. Women, suburbs, minorities, etc. He does well with the die hard leftists with Che posters in the dorms. But I see him as being the least electable candidate out there. Especially when you consider the demographics of the midwestern swing states that we need to win.

You think white working class men and suburban women are going to vote for a self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist with Fox News and Trump attacking him nonstop? From his recent heart attack to his past comments about Venezuela and Cuba to the label of socialism? Just sooooo unelectable.
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@Zombie Bernie Sanders took his wife in 1988 on a honeymoon to the USSR. And we thought Hillary’s emails was an overplayed attack by the right? Bernie is loaded with this stuff that Fox News will have no problem weaponizing.

“He’s gonna take away your health care!”
“He’s gonna raise your taxes!”
“He wants to turn us into northkoreaVenezuelaCubaSovietstan With socialism!”

The lines between socialism and communism will be blurred and voters will be too stupid to realize it.

how well do you think Bernie’s socialism is going to play out in the upper midwestern states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania? Especially with the economy humming along?
Focusing on Trump

That'll fix the country. Lol that is what the Democrats have become. Not policy, not helping people, but talking about Trump.

You can't make this up.

Meanwhile, trump focuses on the Dems and Twitter

You can't buy this kind of irony

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I think Bernie is by far the worst candidate remaining. Which is saying something, because all fo these candidates have electability issues. Pete is gay. That’s still a major issue for many Americans. Especially where we need to win. Warren has likability issues (and reminds many of Hillary). Biden has gaffe issues and is old. His campaign is the worst managed of all. Klobuchar is the best candidate remaining but for whatever reason isn’t gaining support.

I think he turns off nearly every coalition voter we won in 2018. Women, suburbs, minorities, etc. He does well with the die hard leftists with Che posters in the dorms. But I see him as being the least electable candidate out there. Especially when you consider the demographics of the midwestern swing states that we need to win.

You think white working class men and suburban women are going to vote for a self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist with Fox News and Trump attacking him nonstop? From his recent heart attack to his past comments about Venezuela and Cuba to the label of socialism? Just sooooo unelectable.
Man, you're way off the mark with who Bernie's supporters actually are. He's actually raised more money from women than any other Dem candidate. The narrative has always been about "Bernie Bros" but that's really not the reality of what's happening.

Also, Bernie kills with the working class. That's his base. I mean, he just won Iowa which is basically the definition of a working class Midwestern state.

Also this:

this is one outstanding ad:

The ad is a waste of money. Trump supporters love that he is not presidential. That he is a bully. That he is a mob leader.
that he speaks like they do.

Bloomberg needs to brand trump as the weakling insecure impotent loser that he is, and draw attention to all his broken promises and failures. IMPOTUS
The ad is a waste of money. Trump supporters love that he is not presidential. That he is a bully. That he is a mob leader.
that he speaks like they do.

Bloomberg needs to brand trump as the weakling insecure impotent loser that he is, and draw attention to all his broken promises and failures. IMPOTUS

Do you think Trump Supporters were the intended audience of this ad?