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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

Did you really just justify lying and corruption from within law enforcement agencies?

I don't think so. What in my post suggests that the current state is appropriate or good? It is the current state of affairs.

This is in stark contrast to your positions regarding the police and how it handles minority citizens.

Its so weird how your morals shift so much. How do you keep track of all your contradicting stances?

If you are going to make a bandwagon for reforming investigations and prosecutions, I'm all in. However, if you are only going to complain about them when the victims are rich, white men, I'll just laugh at you instead.
You're really pulling hard on the stupid cord. Comey was a registered Republican. Mueller is a Republican. Wray is a Republican. That's every FBI director since 2001.

They may be historically Republican, but they each played the secret democrat card back in 08
I don't think so. What in my post suggests that the current state is appropriate or good? It is the current state of affairs.

If you are going to make a bandwagon for reforming investigations and prosecutions, I'm all in. However, if you are only going to complain about them when the victims are rich, white men, I'll just laugh at you instead.

I dont think you would accept the answer "its just the state of affairs" when it comes to police corruption. So I find it weird that you are responding this way in this instance.
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I dont think you would except the answer "its just the state of affairs" when it comes to police corruption. So I find it weird that you are responding this way in this instance.

Since I'm not a politician nor a police commissioner, my options to change this system are limited. Most people like police and prosecutors being untouchable. Can I now count on conservatives to change that, or will this be a special case because the victims are rich, white men? I have my guess.

I've railed about it in other threads. Here, I'm just laughing at all the posters that have supported these powers over the years. Maybe next time someone gets convicted by corrupt prosecution, you'll join in the indignation?
Since I'm not a politician nor a police commissioner, my options to change this system are limited. Most people like police and prosecutors being untouchable. Can I now count on conservatives to change that, or will this be a special case because the victims are rich, white men? I have my guess.

I've railed about it in other threads. Here, I'm just laughing at all the posters that have supported these powers over the years. Maybe next time someone gets convicted by corrupt prosecution, you'll join in the indignation?
I am, and always have been staunchly opposed to corruption and abuse of power.

We first have to agree on what that looks like. Each situation is unique and deserves a fresh perspective on the matter. I will stand with you to fight corruption where it is obvious and provable.

When it comes to cops, sometimes I will take their side and sometimes I wont. Its not as black and white as it is for higher up officials. Cops are faced with the real threat of dying if they let down their guard. It an entirely different dynamic than what goes on in higher levels of government.
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I’m just gonna post this here.

Disturbing to think about all those bro's who died or were permanently mentally and physically disabled over absolutely nothing. Then there was the financial meltdown. Bush and the R's totally ****ed us. Now it's a completely different level of insanity and through it all half the country supports these idiots. But Hillary...
Since I'm not a politician nor a police commissioner, my options to change this system are limited. Most people like police and prosecutors being untouchable. Can I now count on conservatives to change that, or will this be a special case because the victims are rich, white men? I have my guess.

I've railed about it in other threads. Here, I'm just laughing at all the posters that have supported these powers over the years. Maybe next time someone gets convicted by corrupt prosecution, you'll join in the indignation?

blue lives matter OB. Stop questioning those who keep us safe! Why do you hate our police so much? Freaking liberal... /s

oh wait
Kolomoisky is undeniably a complicated figure in Ukraine (see: recent NYT interview), but I'm trying to figure out what you think the link is between Hillary Clinton and the internal self-lending policies to Privatbank executives.

After Zelensky's election I went to a forum among Ukraine experts, and there was sharp disagreement among them about whether Kolomoisky was a thief, someone who engaged in some Western style investment banking under Eastern-european rules, or a combination of the two. Someone in the audience strongly took the position that all oligarchs steal, but that Kolomoisky was the only one who effectively "gave some back" by financing an initial defense force in the Dnipro region. There is a strong argument that Kolomoisky, who was the governor of the region at the time, effectively stopped the Russian forces from getting outside of Donbass and Donetsk by doing so; stopping the bleeding in the war with Russia.

Today, it looks increasingly like Kolomoisky is unlikely to get his real goal - a controlling stake in Privatbank - because that would cause the IMF to withdraw the next tranche of funding and loan guarantees. This has made Kolomoisky take the public position that if the West won't give him back his bank, he might as well back Russian reunification with Ukraine. That makes him fundamentally self-interested, rather than a patriot.

Kolomoisky's relationship with Zelensky is complicated. Their professional fortunes were definitely tied together, and a Kolomoisky bail-out would be the biggest shot to the anti-corruption message of the Servant for the People party. That said, if you've watched Zelensky's show, and talked to people from Ukraine, it is obvious why he won the election. And thus far, Zelensky really has done a lot to decrease corruption in the country. While the Kolomoisky situation is the biggest political issue in domestic Ukrainian politics, it's developing and it's looking more and more like Kolomoisky will end up being a springboard rather than the bag man at the end of the day.

Near as I can tell, your argument is that Kolomoisky paid those militias in 2015, and later stole money from Privatbank, and that because the IMF gave money to Ukraine this must mean that Hillary Clinton was involved in the Privatbank scandal somehow. Needless to say, there's a few missing steps in this analysis and the Clinton part feels like weirdly motivated reasoning.

I do have a funny Hillary Clinton related story from when I was Kyiv, but I suspect that this isn't the audience for it. Too conspiratorial.

One thing I needed to come back and add as a disclaimer is the importance of where Obama's support lay, and how important Kolomoiski funding a 20,000 person private militia was. Something that has often bothered me from the crowd drawn to this stuff is the inherent support of the Russians when pointing fingers at Obama for meddling in another country. I don't want anything I write to be read as condemnation of Obama or Clinton or Komoisky or anyone else for backing the anti-Russian side. My issue is with Komoisky stealing a over a billion USD from US taxpayers and from Ukrainians. Questions need to be asked.
I am, and always have been staunchly opposed to corruption and abuse of power.

I look forward to your vocal support the next time this arises.

For the record, I think the FBI investigation here should have been held to a higher standard, but I think that is true of all of them. What I don't see is political animus. This is standard FBI behavior in all investigations.
One thing I needed to come back and add as a disclaimer is the importance of where Obama's support lay, and how important Kolomoiski funding a 20,000 person private militia was. Something that has often bothered me from the crowd drawn to this stuff is the inherent support of the Russians when pointing fingers at Obama for meddling in another country. I don't want anything I write to be read as condemnation of Obama or Clinton or Komoisky or anyone else backing the anti-Russian side. My issue is with Komoisky stealing a over a billion USD from US taxpayers and from Ukrainians. Questions need to be asked.

I mean, Kolomoisky got exiled until about 6 months ago and had his bank seized and nationalized. The PrivatBank scandal is the most covered domestic political issue in Ukraine, including the current round of ceasefire/peace negotiations with Russia.

I don't think it's fair to imply that no questions have been asked.

Now if we want to complain about Kolomoisky, let's talk about how he screwed up the airline system in Ukraine. Have you been on the runway in Odessa? UGH!