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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

How diplomatic of you. We may sometimes need to be neighborly with those that have nuclear arsenals.
I noticed you have not responded to Russia's history of aggression, and the certainty of further invasions should this one succeed.
European countries are turning on this war quickly. I think they are getting tired of supporting this corrupt money laundering scam. Poland recently elected a new president that ran on peace, Slovakia did as well. Now we see the leading candidate for Germany is anti-war. I’m happy to see this. I hope we can find a peaceful resolution in the near future, but I’m not sure the greedy, bloodthirsty, warmongers in Washington will allow peace to happen.

View: https://x.com/megatron_ron/status/1709627412172984745?s=46&t=PfGBft52CF1a98VsjZzilw

Dream on spastic
They can be neighborly to us because our nukes actually work.

But seriously, it's a two way street. Being neighborly doesn't mean that because I built a shed right next to the fence that now my neighbor gets to **** my sister in law without her permission.
Being neighborly does take leadership and getting the two sides to the table and finding a solution... Or at least effort. Just because two neighbors hate each other, the rest of the block shouldn't have to suffer.
Being neighborly does take leadership and getting the two sides to the table and finding a solution... Or at least effort. Just because two neighbors hate each other, the rest of the block shouldn't have to suffer.
Exactly why Russia's aggression should be stopped in Ukraine. If it isn't Putin has made absolutely clear that the goal is to restore the historic boarders of Russia. Those places aren't legitimate in Putin's opinion, they belong to Russia. The whole block belongs to Russia. I mean I think they spell it Bloc in Russia, but yeah, they are looking to have a Bloc party and everyone in their previous boarders are invited. No need to RSVP, Russia will bring the party to them.
Exactly why Russia's aggression should be stopped in Ukraine. If it isn't Putin has made absolutely clear that the goal is to restore the historic boarders of Russia. Those places aren't legitimate in Putin's opinion, they belong to Russia. The whole block belongs to Russia. I mean I think they spell it Bloc in Russia, but yeah, they are looking to have a Bloc party and everyone in their previous boarders are invited. No need to RSVP, Russia will bring the party to them.
So the answer is just enable the fight so the entire world has to suffer though there will be no ending for how many decades? That's better?
So the answer is just enable the fight so the entire world has to suffer though there will be no ending for how many decades? That's better?
Russia will be defeated in Ukraine in the next couple years max. Then they will slink back to their own country and stop trying to reinstate their 1917 boarders.

Ukraine belongs to Ukraine. None of it is owed to Russia because they threaten to cause even more trouble.

I can't understand how people don't see the Ukrainian success as a victory for a better world. A smaller country standing up for itself and winning is inspiring to me.
You cannot create peace from a war where one party has zero interest in peace. That didn't work on Hitler, and it won't work on Putin. When someone is intent on invading one country after another for the Fatherland or Motherland, they are already past the point of peaceful negotiations.

Just because people, whose loved ones are not being killed or displaced, decide they are sick of war is not a good reason to stop aiding the war. They might care if the next country invaded is a NATO country and their sons and daughters are then put in harm’s way. Putin needs to be stopped now.

I'm betting you all would feel differently if it was your home country being invaded. You probably wouldn't be sitting around chanting "Give peace a chance" while bombs are hitting a nearby neighborhood.
So the answer is just enable the fight so the entire world has to suffer

You just have to love the audacity of some dumb-*** American thinking he's the one suffering because there's war in Ukraine.

Forgive my language for a second, but you have no ****ing clue what it means to suffer as a result of a war. Not even close.
Man the trolls are getting a lot of action. Must be feed the troll week at JazzFanz.
You just have to love the audacity of some dumb-*** American thinking he's the one suffering because there's war in Ukraine.

Forgive my language for a second, but you have no ****ing clue what it means to suffer as a result of a war. Not even close.
Lol how dramatic. I never said I did. I said the rest of the world IS paying the price for this war. Lol at least here in America some can read. Insulting my intelligence... Countries are depleting their military stocks and spending hundreds of billions of dollars. Meanwhile people in America are starving, lost their homes to hurricanes and fires, inflation due to the war(and ****** politics) is skyrocketing and leaving less food on the table and we're sending more to help farmers in Ukraine then to help them. Don't sit here on your little high horse and try to educate me on the prices of every single item costing more. I see first hand the massive amounts of inflation happening DAILY due to this POS conflict. Fertilizer has gone up exponentially, yet the bags have gotten smaller, hell a candy bar has gone up over $2. Imagine being a less fortunate individual in these times. Energy in the surrounding areas of the war and countries that rely on these basic essentials is getting harder to get and more expensive, people are living terribly. The resources such as grain has led to starvation in already depraved countries in the Middle East and Africa(amongst many many other areas) that relied on the grain and natural gas. Supply chains in the surrounding area have been devastated. The monetary units in these countries have all but crashed. Countries and towns that rely on tourism are crumbling. Nearly every single economy is taking a hit in one way or the other. I could go on for a while how this war is hurting "the world" not me "THE WORLD".

Again, how victimizing and melodramatic on your part. This wasn't about me. I specifically said the entire world as I educated you above. Am I wrong on these? A simple yes or no?

Don't even get me started on the impact this is having on CO2 emissions and the planet when I'm being told Global Warming this is the biggest threat to the world ever. These war pushing hypocrites that sit here and say I need to get rid of my ceiling fan because it's not energy efficient enough are crazed and all in on this massive polluting war. Wars are fine. Gas stoves and ceiling fans though.

And one of my very best friends I grew up with since 4th grade was brutally blown to a pulp by a roadside bomb in a different needless pointless war. You have no clue the immense impact that had on me growing up in my late teens and early 20's. Now people like you scream for more innocent people to be brutally murdered for 2 **** countries fighting another needless war. Having a d* measuring contest on suffering. How grotesque.
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You cannot create peace from a war where one party has zero interest in peace. That didn't work on Hitler, and it won't work on Putin. When someone is intent on invading one country after another for the Fatherland or Motherland, they are already past the point of peaceful negotiations.

Just because people, whose loved ones are not being killed or displaced, decide they are sick of war is not a good reason to stop aiding the war. They might care if the next country invaded is a NATO country and their sons and daughters are then put in harm’s way. Putin needs to be stopped now.

I'm betting you all would feel differently if it was your home country being invaded. You probably wouldn't be sitting around chanting "Give peace a chance" while bombs are hitting a nearby neighborhood.
How do you know this without even bringing Diplomacy to the table? All were doing is feeding this thing. How long can we continue this? Countries in Europe are already starting to question if there is an ending in site. What happens if Ukraine starts losing? Are you willing to put your life on the line?

I remember when Democrats used to march against needless death and destruction... What happened?
Just senseless and it's not going to end anytime soon, it's only going to get worse and worse for THE ENTIRE WORLD... NOT ME... THE WORLD... But I'm the bad guy for wanting an end... F* me right? This world is a f* up place. Humans and their lust for blood will never evolve.

KYIV — At least 49 people were killed in Ukraine’s northeast Kharkiv region on Thursday in what appeared to be one of the war’s deadliest missile strikes, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said, describing it as a “fully deliberate terrorist attack” by Russia.

Initial reports said a missile hit a grocery store and cafe in the village of Hroza, about 20 miles outside of the city of Kupyansk, which has been the focus of a fierce Russian military offensive as Ukrainian forces try to expel the occupying Russian forces elsewhere on the front.

The dead included a 6-year-old child, the Kharkiv region governor Oleh Synyehubov said, adding that six others were injured.

At the time of the attack, so many people — about 60 — were gathered in one place because they were attending a memorial service for a Ukrainian soldier who had died on the battlefield, according to Ukraine’s Interior Ministry.

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So... Do we start sending hundreds of billions of Americans tax paying dollars to Israel? Do we start sending our stock of weapons, anti air, and tanks to Israel? They are being wrongfully invaded and this just may be the final nail in the coffin for a war that's been brewing for a long time. What now?
So... Do we start sending hundreds of billions of Americans tax paying dollars to Israel? Do we start sending our stock of weapons, anti air, and tanks to Israel? They are being wrongfully invaded and this just may be the final nail in the coffin for a war that's been brewing for a long time. What now?
Israel is the larger more powerful nation and is more than capable of defending themselves. Gaza is not going to wipe Israel off the map.

And not that it really matters but I'm not a fan of Israel or how they have treated Palestinians.
Israel is the larger more powerful nation and is more than capable of defending themselves. Gaza is not going to wipe Israel off the map.

And not that it really matters but I'm not a fan of Israel or how they have treated Palestinians.
Yeah, just like Russia and Ukraine, neither of these sides are completely innocent and have been conflicted for... well actually Ukraine and Russia for much much longer than Israel and Palestine. Same difference to me personally. And yeah, Palestine is the epitome of human rights you're right...(blatant facetiousness they are hardly better than Russia in lack of basic human rights but hey who cares right?)

So do you support Biden saying he will give Israel "all appropriate means of support"?
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Yeah, just like Russia and Ukraine, neither of these sides are completely innocent and have been conflicted for... well actually Ukraine and Russia for much much longer than Israel and Palestine. Same difference to me personally. And yeah, Palestine is the epitome of human rights you're right...(blatant facetiousness they are worse than Russia in lack of basic human rights(Russia is terrible) but hey who cares right?)

So do you support Biden saying he will give Israel "all appropriate means of support"?
It's not like Russia and Ukraine at all.

I don't support giving aid to Israel.