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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

I see people complain about tax players supporting a hockey team that creates thousands of jobs, help local restaurants and markets, and helps our local economy yet are thrilled sending 100 billion to foreign countries that hurts the economy and doesn't help Americans out in any way. I just don't get it. Id much rather my taxes go to something useful and beneficial myself. Plus it's s only a matter of time until the countries want more and more and more and more money. It'll go on for potentially decades as there is no end in sight and nobody seems to want an end.
Crazy... We have now given Ukraine over 150 billion dollars and it's done absolutely nothing as far as a solution to an end . The next NATO country hasn't even given $30 billion yet. It truly shows how propagated this war is here. If this was really as dire as both Democrats and now Republicans lie a out then countries close would probably care a little more. Instead America has to fund over 100% more than NATO combined!! We're getting absolutely played here.

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This is very good. Now i hope we can get the military aid to Ukraine and save Ukrainian lives. Sad that this could’ve been done months ago. Delaying this aid didn’t improve republicans politically. All it did was result in more Ukrainian deaths. Not only are we coming through with military aid, our European allies have spent over $100 billion to help Ukraine financially. This is good. And they know that if they don’t stand with Ukraine now, they’ll have to face Russia eventually. Might as well do it now.

Just a reminder, Russia could end this right now. Nothing is forcing them to stay invaded in Ukraine murdering innocent Ukrainians.

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Just a reminder… one side wants Putin to win. They just pretend to care about American interests. They’re not proposing no any significant investments in American infrastructure or social safety nets. In fact, they vote to destroy those things. They do however, vote for tax cuts for their biggest campaign donors, billionaires, who want to turn America into an authoritarian country like Russia. Remember folks, Trump’s budgets while president called for cuts to social security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Republicans under Biden mostly voted against infrastructure investment (but later showed up to cut ribbons on projects in their states. So this faux, “America First! We should invest in America” stuff is just an act. They really just want Putin to win and Ukraine to lose.

Just look at what their cult leader said!

He called Putin a genius and wants Russia to win.

View: https://youtu.be/gNxvSxaGeDE?feature=shared

As does Tucker.

View: https://x.com/tuckercarlson/status/1496302694088257539?s=46

MTG believes that Americans standing up for a fellow democracy fighting against a disgusting autocracy are traitors. Remember, some republicans already talk about how their fellow republicans are promoting Putin’s propaganda. MTG is certainly one of them

View: https://x.com/robmaness/status/1781859277931462922?s=46

Remember a few months ago. No wonder why they’re pissed. Tucker couldn’t stop fangirling over Russia. I mean look at these shopping carts even! They’re amazing! Imagine how big sad Tucker and Marge are gonna be when Ukraine kicks Russia’s *** out of their country.

View: https://youtu.be/mP1aq9-28bI?feature=shared
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Just look at what their cult leader said!

He called Putin a genius and wants Russia to win.

View: https://youtu.be/mP1aq9-28bI?feature=shared
So does Obama want Putin to win? Extremely melodramatic propaganda as usual. Trump never once said he wants Russia to win, that is a flat out lie. Not once. Lying to make a point is literally called propaganda. Remember Obama literally allowed Putin to meddle in our elections and literally told his intelligence to stand down so he could give Iran billions that his own speaker said would go to terrorism.

"He is smart, tough, shrewd... he is unsentimental," -Obama

“He is highly intelligent, deeply, deeply patriotic in terms of Russia"- Bill Clinton at Bidens own rally.

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016

WASHINGTON — The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.

Here is Oama's own staff admitting Obama literally allowed Putin to meddle in 2014. All so Putin would sign the Iran deal that has gotten A LOT of people murdered.

Former Obama officials say Putin was largely undeterred in election meddling efforts

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More on Obama and Biden literally funding this war on both sides. These wars are happening because Democrats are literally funding them. These people have the gal to blame Trump with his ZERO major conflicts. We are now under 3 wars under Biden. Funding all sides..............

Senior Obama administration officials told a Senate panel Wednesday that it is “nearly certain” Iran will continue funding terrorism with the tens of billions of dollars it stands to gain if Congress approves a nuclear deal that would lift economic sanctions on the country.

Testifying on the economic aspects of the agreement negotiated between the Islamic republic and six world powers, administration officials acknowledged Tehran’s longstanding role supporting terror but said reaching a deal to limit the country’s nuclear ambitions was of paramount importance.

Obama admits Iran will fund terrorist groups using billions of dollars unfrozen under nuclear deal..
Let’s not mince words,” Obama said. “The choice we face is ultimately between diplomacy or some form of war. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not three months from now, but soon.”

Heres Obama admitting he will help Russia commit terrorism after the election. This is when he knew Putin was meddling and he still lived him. He had to have Putin so he could support terrorism in Iran as he admits above.

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Still relevant. In many ways, never been more relevant.

Can you show me where these people are rioting, shutting down colleges, showing up to the work force to bully Jews, starting threads to hate Christians? You love your conspiracies but the only ones being violent are Democrats.

Lol not wanting to throw billions into a needless war is now pro-Russia. Blatant propaganda.

Red... Can you tell me what you like about Ukraine specifically? What is so amazing about Ukraine? I absolutely despise Russia and Putin but you all act like Ukraine is some historically great country when it's a garbage country itself. But maybe I'm just not educated on Ukraines historically racist and corrupt country. What am I missing? Ukraine is terrible with human rights, just like Russia.

Ukraine has a mixed record of treating its citizens fairly – that could make it harder for it to maintain peace, once the war ends

Our analysis shows that while Ukraine’s prewar human rights record is better than Russia’s, it is far below the global average. Along with an ongoing problem of government corruption, Ukraine has been cited by Western human rights groups for not prosecuting hate crimes and failing to properly address and respond to gender-based violence.

Ukraine’s human rights record​

Ukraine scores in the bottom third of all countries in terms of its human rights record, according to our data. Its score of 42 out of 100 is the same as that of the Central African Republic – a country rife with violence against civilians and political instability.

Several factors contributed to this ranking. Ukraine’s military, for example, is known to have indiscriminately used cluster munitions in highly populated areas of Donetsk – in the eastern part of Ukraine that is occupied by a rebel government – in 2014, killing civilians. Ukraine’s police also killed numerous protesters in Kyiv during the 2014 protests, which led to EU sanctions.

Other human rights and freedom monitors like the U.S. nonprofit Freedom House have reported more recently that Ukraine was “partly free” when it came to issues like expression, access to information and the press. The country ranked just below the global average, with a score of 59 out of 100.

Intelligence. Character. Honor.
And I'm called the troll when I respond in kind to a bully. That's not what I asked but I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Hate is all you possess. I asked specifically what you like about Ukraine? What exactly is so amazing that we have Democrats waving their flag on the Congress floor. You cant answer because you don't even know. You have no clue what you like about Ukraine.
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I don't say this lightly sir:



There is no word strong enough in English, so I'll use the one that applies here: пиздец. Completely and totally.

The idea that I "love" this war is atrociously offensive. I have spent, conservatively, 500-600 hours in the last year doing nothing but talking to people who lost homes and family members as a result of the war and helping them get set up with resources to rebuild. I was at Disneyland on the first day of the war, and spent the entire day ignoring all my friends and family because I was texting every person I know in Ukraine trying to make sure they were safe, and setting up financial resources for them to get through the next few weeks. I spent Christmas Eve on a bus traveling through Russian occupied Transnistria to get to an active war zone to meet with partners in the region and document their work for future fundraising, and spent the entire holidays in a city that had no reliable electricity. I have lost personal relationships with people I care about in Russia over this war. I've had people I work with through my charity die during this war. I've taken the phone calls when people find their loved ones dead, or log into tiktok and find videos of Russian soldiers living in their homes and pissing on their carpets. Those calls happen at 3:00 AM my time because of the time difference, and I take them because people need me to take them.

This war is hell.

The idea that I want it because I love and crave war is monstrous. That you think you're making a point by saying that, just demonstrates you're an *******. You keep mentioning the cost of war. This war has cost you nothing. Nothing. You're not a brave truth teller; you're a coward who is sitting on the sidelines while real people get killed.

You think you're asking a "basic" question by saying "when does it end." That's a stupid ****ing question. It's a war. It ends when the invading force packs up and goes home, or it ends when they achieve their military goals. The reason it's a stupid ****ing question is because no one knows the answer for that timeline, and anyone who tells you they do is an idiot or a liar. It's the Kremlin, they are famously opaque with their thinking and it's not clear they are even in reality about what's happening on the ground.

I could give you a much longer answer as to why the end of the war is indefinite. Some of it is related to Russian domestic politics and the lack of a clear Putin successor. Some of it is related to relationships between Moscow and central asian regions of the federation like Buryatia. Some of it is related to concepts of Russian identity and the mythological place Kyiv holds in Russian thought. Some of it is related to how Russians remember the mid-90s and the fear of returning to an uncertain future.

But it's not worth the scratch because you're just a jerk; and you're not capable of understanding it anyway.

I love the war - what a prick.
Moldova, Estonia,. Georgia.

Belarus is kind of an edge case because of the common union, but it would probably be absorbed if Russia's push through Ukraine was successful.

Honestly, this conversation is a little bit surreal. I don't think you're even pretending to know anything about any of the countries or players involved; but you're still extremely confident that you understand the dynamics and costs involved of simply allowing Russia to conquer Ukraine.
A reminder that jazzy has been asking these same questions and making these same trolling arguments for over a year now. It’s been explained to him multiple times why defending Ukraine is important to America and its allies. It’s been explained to him that American aid to Ukraine is defensive equipment, not briefcases of cash. Besides, it’s not like his GOP are proposing any domestic legislation to help the poor, uninsured, or homeless anyway. And yet he continues to pretend that he’s this neutral observer who’s “just asking questions.”

**** off troll. Seriously, **** off
Intelligence. Character. Honor.


A reminder that jazzy has been asking these same questions and making these same trolling arguments for over a year now. It’s been explained to him multiple times why defending Ukraine is important to America and its allies. It’s been explained to him that American aid to Ukraine is defensive equipment, not briefcases of cash. Besides, it’s not like his GOP are proposing any domestic legislation to help the poor, uninsured, or homeless anyway. And yet he continues to pretend that he’s this neutral observer who’s “just asking questions.”

**** off troll. Seriously, **** off
Further case that I am talking politics, and these guys are attacking me as a person. I asked a simple question as what is so great about a country riddled with racism and corruption such as Ukraine. These are the responses I get back.

Nobody answered my question. Nobody ever said that allowing Russia to simply invade was the answer.

And this was my quesiton sirkickass responded to. Nothing even remotely close to what Thriller is lying about. He's blatantly lying.

Nice hypothetical. What countries exactly would Russia take next?
That has NOTHING to do with what people like and support Ukraine for. Thriller is blatantly lying that I have asked this question before. I will provide my link and proof below. He is attacking me, red is attacking me for no reason. None.

I did nothing wrong. I asked Red a political question that I am genuinely curious about. Ukraine is a historically corrupt and racist nation. I have provided ample proof behind my facts and was mocked.
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That has NOTHING to do with what people like and support Ukraine for. Thriller is blatantly lying that I have asked this question before. I will provide my link and proof below. He is attacking me, red is attacking me for no reason. None.

I did nothing wrong. I asked Red a political question that I am genuinely curious about. Ukraine is a historically corrupt and racist nation. I have provided ample proof behind my facts and was mocked.
your questions about Ukraine’s corruption were asked and answered back in Feb 2023. And I’m sure they’ve been answered a number of times since. Below is a post in response to a time back in Feb 2023 questioning the need to support Ukraine, a “corrupt country.” You weren’t acting in good faith then and you’re clearly not acting in good faith now. You’re clearly trying to provoke Red and whatever poster you can to give you the attention and interaction you desire. My only desire in this interaction is to make it crystal clear your motives and present a convincing example of why you need to be eliminated from this website.

Ukraine's corruption problem is a carry-over from the Soviet Union and what your article says is that Ukraine has gotten serious about anti-corruption efforts, including snaring Ihor Kolomoisky - an oligarch that Zelensky arguably had a personal interest in (Kolomoisky owned the television station that ran Zelenksy's show Sluga Naroda) and who has been historically the most bulletproof of all oligarchs.

The depths of Ukraine's corruption were in the 1990s, when the Odessa ports were the most porous in the world paired with efficient loading technology. Smuggling paradise.

The roots of Ukraine's revolutionary history over the last 20 years have really been about seriously tackling corruption, and the primary differences between Russian and Ukrainian governing philosophy come down to those efforts.

Does Ukraine have corruption issues? Yes. Of course.

Are the Ukrainians taking it seriously and has the issue been steadily improving for the last ten years. Also obviously yes (with some regional variation - Odessa itself has the most entrenched issues)

That Ukraine's soviet past has made it harder to establish a free and just society is not a compelling reason to abandon 40 million people to an empire set on genociding them and destroying the very idea of Ukraine. That's blaming the victim.
**** off troll. No one wants you here. You add zero to this website.
your questions about Ukraine’s corruption were asked and answered back in Feb 2023. And I’m sure they’ve been answered a number of times since. Below is a post in response to a time back in Feb 2023 questioning the need to support Ukraine, a “corrupt country.” You weren’t acting in good faith then and you’re clearly not acting in good faith now. You’re clearly trying to provoke Red and whatever poster you can to give you the attention and interaction you desire. My only desire in this interaction is to make it crystal clear your motives and present a convincing example of why you need to be eliminated from this website.

**** off troll. No one wants you here. You add zero to this website.
You are flat out wrong Thriller. You fabricated a scenario out of nowhere. I said nothing even remotely confrontational as far as asking red his thoughts on Ukraine. Lol at you bringing up a random conversation from over a year ago. I am genuinely curious why people love the country so much. Now what I said about Biden may be confrontational but it's my honest to God opinion. I find it repulsive that biological men can now safely and freely go into women's bathrooms and locker rooms. That is not a phobia. That is common sense that has been lost.

You and Red are the only ones attacking posters AS ALWAYS. Not me. Moving on though. YOu guys got me. Good work.
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Aid passed the Senate! Help is on the way. Defenders hold on, we will honor our promise if delayed.

The reason I care about Ukraine is because first, they were attacked. They are defending their home against a foreign invader who simply wants their territory for themselves. That's the biggest tie breaker there could be in which country I support in any conflict anywhere.

The second reason I support Ukraine is because the U.S. helped Russia negotiate with Ukraine to transfer all of Ukraine's nukes to Russia. The only thing Ukraine got from us in the bargain is a promise. We promised them that they would be safe even if they gave away their nukes. They would be safe because we would protect them from foreign aggressors. That was a bargain the U.S. was enthusiastic about because we believed that our word and our promise would be enough to prevent anyone from attacking Ukraine. Russia attacked anyway. It is OUR obligation to support Ukraine. It has nothing to do with if Russia and Ukraine suck equally (they don't). It has everything to do with our promise.
Aid passed the Senate! Help is on the way. Defenders hold on, we will honor our promise if delayed.

The reason I care about Ukraine is because first, they were attacked. They are defending their home against a foreign invader who simply wants their territory for themselves. That's the biggest tie breaker there could be in which country I support in any conflict anywhere.

The second reason I support Ukraine is because the U.S. helped Russia negotiate with Ukraine to transfer all of Ukraine's nukes to Russia. The only thing Ukraine got from us in the bargain is a promise. We promised them that they would be safe even if they gave away their nukes. They would be safe because we would protect them from foreign aggressors. That was a bargain the U.S. was enthusiastic about because we believed that our word and our promise would be enough to prevent anyone from attacking Ukraine. Russia attacked anyway. It is OUR obligation to support Ukraine. It has nothing to do with if Russia and Ukraine suck equally (they don't). It has everything to do with our promise.
Not to mention that Russia is a top enemy of the United States. They’ve attacked us multiple times over the last few years. Us helping an ally ground their military into dust is a killer deal for us. My hope is that a loss in Ukraine will destabilize the Putin regime.
And I'm called the troll when I respond in kind to a bully. That's not what I asked but I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Hate is all you possess. I asked specifically what you like about Ukraine? What exactly is so amazing that we have Democrats waving their flag on the Congress floor. You cant answer because you don't even know. You have no clue what you like about Ukraine.
But you don’t just “ask” anything. You describe other posters in a manner suggesting there could not be a worse human being alive today. You take what a poster says, and twist it until, it not only represents the very opposite of what they said, but is deliberately designed to trigger those individuals. I spent years studying the religious traditions of the world, from shamanism to the major faiths. I studied the inner traditions of those major faiths, what some call “the Perennial Wisdom”. For many years. But you would have me as someone who hates anyone who embraces Christianity. You do not know me, and you have no real business describing me, or anyone else here, in that hateful way. Well, Christian nationalism should be called out for what it is. I am both entitled to that point of view, and it is a point of view that is not attacking religious beliefs at all. It is showing how so-called Christians use that faith to push anti-Golden Rule hate.

Demanding that other posters answer specific questions, over and over in your replies, while acting like you are the most victimized poster, (your posts always seem to be some version of “the world revolves around me”), all while describing people in the most hateful manner you cam muster. And for what? Because some of us have a very, very low an opinion of Trump? We’re entitled to our opinions, and slamming the guy is not over the top at all. I can separate the man from some of his followers. Some are my friends, and I value their friendships a great deal.

You said once that you decided, since you regard leftist views expressed here to be, in so many words, over the top and absurd, that you would do the same with right leaning talking points. But, you can do that without speaking of others here in the piss-poor way you do. You don’t have to seek out ways to anger others. If I say how I feel about Trump, that does not mean I hate you, or anyone else who does not hate Trump. You can’t post rebuttals to left leaning points, without first making sure anybody who disagrees with you is first described as a horrific, hateful, human being, everyone who disagrees with you has to be one of the worst human beings alive today.

And you get angry when someone returns your positions unanswered, because you trash the hell out of someone, and then demand “why won’t you answer my question!!!!”. If you just examine your own tone, your own words, it should not be such a mystery to you.