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The reasons I will no longer make game threads

haha on what world are the mods here power hungry when they're already too terrified to enforce the modest rules they've set in the first place

hopper runs this site, nobody else
haha on what world are the mods here power hungry when they're already too terrified to enforce the modest rules they've set in the first place

hopper runs this site, nobody else

well I guess this site is going down the hopper then....
Archie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vin. ANY DAY.

I'm actually with you on that one. I mean, I like both of 'em, but Vinny just irritates me more than Archie. Vinny's shtick gets old fast and is almost as annoying as Hopper's. Dunno where the hell all the hate for Archie is coming from, because since this board's triumphant return, he's been very tolerable AND of worth.
Gotta go with Archie on this one. Is he crying a little? Yes, but he's also not wrong in what he's saying. Kicky is a douche. I've only had the chance to have 1 PM from him on an infraction I recieved (I broke the profanity filter rules), and in two sentences he managed to be unbelievably condescending. From his behavior on this site and how he talks to people that disagree with him, he seems like the typical poster child for short man syndrome.

If Napoleon and Hitler have taught us anything, it's that you can never trust a grown man who's shirt size is medium. Kicky certainly falls into this category.
Gotta go with Archie on this one. Is he crying a little? Yes, but he's also not wrong in what he's saying. Kicky is a douche. I've only had the chance to have 1 PM from him on an infraction I recieved (I broke the profanity filter rules), and in two sentences he managed to be unbelievably condescending. From his behavior on this site and how he talks to people that disagree with him, he seems like the typical poster child for short man syndrome.

If Napoleon and Hitler have taught us anything, it's that you can never trust a grown man who's shirt size is medium. Kicky certainly falls into this category.

I'm definitely shorter than Kicky, so I'm always condescending to him. I don't see him complaining about it.
Just so everyone is aware, this is the "unbelievably condescending" PM I sent to Jazzman12

You have received an infraction for circumventing the profanity filter in the following post.


This is your second infraction for circumventing the profanity filter in as many days. Three infractions in a 180 day period will result in a one week ban. Further infractions may lead to permanent banishment.

I would suggest you refrain from circumventing the profanity filter by adding in your own special characters. Type normally and the profanity filter will do its thing.

Pretty mild by my standards.
Just so everyone is aware, this is the "unbelievably condescending" PM I sent to Jazzman12

Pretty mild by my standards.


That is the initial PM you sent me on the matter. I responded challenging how silly the profanity filter is. I was getting an infraction for actually going out of my way not to swear. It was your follow up answer that I found to be short, blunt and condescending.

That is the initial PM you sent me on the matter. I responded challenging how silly the profanity filter is. I was getting an infraction for actually going out of my way not to swear. It was your follow up answer that I found to be short, blunt and condescending.

Say what?

Using a symbol to replicate a letter is not going out of the way not to swear. Typing $!x instead of six isn't "going out of the way" to say six. You're still typing six. And that must be what you did as that's what circumventing the profanity filter can only be.

That is the initial PM you sent me on the matter. I responded challenging how silly the profanity filter is. I was getting an infraction for actually going out of my way not to swear. It was your follow up answer that I found to be short, blunt and condescending.

Ok. Based on "I've only had the chance to have 1 PM from him on an infraction I recieved" I presumed I didn't have to start looking for second level communications.

Apparently your response was

jazzman12 said:
How is it "circumventing" the profanity filter if I simply typed in a word? Isn't the filter there to catch profanity? I made no effort to circumvent the filter and I think this warning is bogus.

to which I responded

sirkickyass said:
Your original post (prior to editing) contained the word typed this way: [edited: in the original this was a filtered word with an asterick replacing a letter]

You intentionally put in the asterick yourself, and this caused every other letter to remain visibile. Had you "simply typed in the word" it would have appeared, as it does now post-editing, as a string of eight astrices.

You can see the post comparisons here: https://jazzfanz.com/posthistory.php?do=compare&p=28863

Furthermore, you received an infraction for the exact same profanity filter avoidance the previous day.

Again, I think this is pretty reasonable response.

You then responded, after what I think objectively is a pretty level-headed explanation:

jazzman12 said:
Ok, now I have a better understanding of how the filter works. However, getting a warning for putting an asterik in a word, therefore making it a non-swear word just seems insane to me and nothing more than a chance to over-mod the visitors of this site. Maybe it's not your rule, but it's still a terrible one.

My response (and supposedly the one you find to be "unbelievably condescending") was:

sirkickyass said:
Alas, it is one you agreed to when you joined the site.

I'm glad we can now consider this matter closed.

A bit perfunctory perhaps, but hardly in my top 100.

I give your grounds for being outraged a D+.

Completely routine.
Ok, now I have a better understanding of how the filter works. However, getting a warning for putting an asterik in a word, therefore making it a non-swear word just seems insane to me and nothing more than a chance to over-mod the visitors of this site. Maybe it's not your rule, but it's still a terrible one.

Seriously? I guess ser*ously no longer means "seriously."

I gu*ss I c*n typ* an*thing *nd n*ver typ* a w*rd.
Sirkickyass said:
Can we please go one week without you deciding you've been personally grieviously wounded and trying to start drama?

Archie, it's a bunch of childish, poorly photo-shopped photos. I'm not squashing the mona lisa. I'm not stopping some great work of art from getting out into the world. I didn't even delete your thread so no one could see the images you made.

There were three threads on the top that declared there would be games on three consecutive days. I knew that wasn't possible but because I don't carry a pocket schedule around I didn't know which thread was wrong. Game threads shouldn't confuse the reader as to which

If this really was something that you put so much effort into and cared so much about one would think that you would get an essential data point about the game correct.

Archie, I have been accused of many things but I have never been seriously accused of being passive aggressive. If anything, I am usually accused of being overly aggressive-aggressive. I certainly have no personal issue that needs to be resolved by keeping images of Al Jefferson on Al Jolson's body away from the world.

It truly came down to this: one of these solutions required exactly one step from me and the other required multiple steps. If it was about the next game on the schedule I probably would have just stickied it. Since it was three games out, had obvious an error, and it was 1 in the morning it was simply easier and seemed prudent at the time to hit the reset button.

If you had asked nicely and told me how much time you spent on your images and why they were so important that they should be stickied I might have been less lazy. But you decided to have a fit, so I won't.

Here's a PM I got from the elitist hack-a-noff mongler.

Just admit it, kicky, you do suffer from little man syndrome and you're as power hunger as it gets. The fact that you went out of your way to "lock" something that should never had been locked and then use some crappy excuse that "it was the easiest step for you to take" is lame. If it was anyone else that made that thread, you would never had touched it or locked it, simple, period, point blank. You locked it because you KNEW you were going to start something and you're little internet posse would have your back. To deny that is silly. Did you honestly think you were going to resolve something when you locked it, you condescending hack?


kicky for the win!!!!

Question for other mods, do you usually go out of your way to lock threads because of typos? Do you usually try to resolve things by locking threads because it takes less clicks?