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Two things.

I prefer calling it an incentive rather than a punishment. I suppose it's partly that. And partly it's to avoid the hassle of trying to remember who received infractions for what, when they've changed their usernames. (Mod1: "Didn't we give this guy a warning for this already?" Mod2: "I dunno. Who the heck even IS this guy?") And partly it's a feeling of, "Why should we spend our valuable time to change your username if you're not even living by the forum rules?"

lol, you must be the worst dad ever. I bet your kids run away from whatever you teach them the second they get a chance.
I don't get the infraction means you can't change your name thing. Is there some logic behind it or is it just another way to punish the naughty children?

They won't remember which posters they don't like if they can't remember their names.
lol, you must be the worst dad ever. I bet your kids run away from whatever you teach them the second they get a chance.

Yes, because I deal with my kids in exactly the same way that I deal with the supposed adults here on jazzfanz.
I prefer calling it an incentive rather than a punishment. I suppose it's partly that. And partly it's to avoid the hassle of trying to remember who received infractions for what, when they've changed their usernames. (Mod1: "Didn't we give this guy a warning for this already?" Mod2: "I dunno. Who the heck even IS this guy?") And partly it's a feeling of, "Why should we spend our valuable time to change your username if you're not even living by the forum rules?"

For the record, this is one of the primary problem with alts too. As a practical matter, when you have outstanding infractions and then change your name it's difficult for the mods to actually research some of your past bad acts. Search functions don't totally work the same way, past complaints won't contain your current name etc. Similarly, users who have multiple accounts functionally get extra infractions because their multiple infractions aren't harmonized across separate usernames.

All that said, even I've been rejected for a name change. So don't think it's a case of favoritism.
For the record, this is one of the primary problem with alts too. As a practical matter, when you have outstanding infractions and then change your name it's difficult for the mods to actually research some of your past bad acts. Search functions don't totally work the same way, past complaints won't contain your current name etc. Similarly, users who have multiple accounts functionally get extra infractions because their multiple infractions aren't harmonized across separate usernames.

All that said, even I've been rejected for a name change. So don't think it's a case of favoritism.

Not sure that proves what you're suggesting, tbh.