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Ultimate place to live...

So now you speak for all New Zealand residents. I bet that was one hell of an election.

I can pretty much guarantee you nobody in NZ considers Wellington to be the "Ultimate place to live".

Of course there will always be a few "weirdos" here and there.....
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];680558 said:
Don't worry. Hotttnickkk doesn't actually live in NZ. Ignore.

Thanks for spelling my name to the letter. Tried to rep, but my conscience saids no.
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];680355 said:
Wellington, New Zealand
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Salta, Argentina !!!
Los Angeles, CA !!!
somewhere in Western Montana

like all of those except for LA.
Wellington is awesome. Period. If you had a good view and a boat, then you'd be totally set. Enough city vibe + access to amazing outdoors stuff. I was in NZ for a while and basically every person under 40 loved the place. Again, nickkky is definitely a troll hailing from somewhere besides NZ. I think it's probably American Fork.
huh? LA sucks balls.

Wrong. LA sucks for those idiots who think a city should just bear its fruits for them. LA sucks for people who either don't have a guide, don't have an imagination, don't have patience, or are just plain lazy. If you want to explore and confront the realities of the past 150 years of American history, then there are very few places better than LA.
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];680568 said:
Wellington is awesome. Period. If you had a good view and a boat, then you'd be totally set. Enough city vibe + access to amazing outdoors stuff. I was in NZ for a while and basically every person under 40 loved the place. Again, nickkky is definitely a troll hailing from somewhere besides NZ. I think it's probably American Fork.

That combo is the ideal for me. I need a little of both. A wekend hitting the lakes, hiking and boating then off to a club/sporting event the next weekend.
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];680572 said:
Wrong. LA sucks for those idiots who think a city should just bear its fruits for them. LA sucks for people who either don't have a guide, don't have an imagination, don't have patience, or are just plain lazy. If you want to explore and confront the realities of the past 150 years of American history, then there are very few places better than LA.

Or those who just have different interests.
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];680572 said:
Wrong. LA sucks for those idiots who think a city should just bear its fruits for them. LA sucks for people who either don't have a guide, don't have an imagination, don't have patience, or are just plain lazy. If you want to explore and confront the realities of the past 150 years of American history, then there are very few places better than LA.

Would rather visit Chicago or San Fran for American history. When I was in Chicago, I thought it was a thoroughly American town, LA just seemed like a giant West Valley City. (If you have never been to West Valley, it sucks. Just a big crappy suburb that is trying to urbanize.)

I just think for me, LA is too far from anything cool like mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. It does have the ocean going for it, but it is a cold ocean...

And it has the Lakers....
Would rather visit Chicago or San Fran for American history. When I was in Chicago, I thought it was a thoroughly American town, LA just seemed like a giant West Valley City. (If you have never been to West Valley, it sucks. Just a big crappy suburb that is trying to urbanize.)

I just think for me, LA is too far from anything cool like mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. It does have the ocean going for it, but it is a cold ocean...

wrong. The San Gabriel mountains are right here. Plus, the mojave is right here. The ocean is fine if you aren't a baby or have a wetsuit. As far as large global cities are concerned, LA has some of the best access to outdoor stuff. In other words, you're waaaay wrong.