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Also, I'd like to add that he was caught a 2nd time using weed. If it was some fabrication, like just being present at a party, then why did his coach suspend him?
What I read in the paper was that the school rules required him to be suspended for getting charged with a crime, or something like that. In fact, the article was kind of critical of their coach for not suspending him yet (at the time of the article) when the rules were clear that he had to be suspended.

Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk.
If you don't think getting busted for weed while playing for the Utes won't be a bigger deal than when he was 17 and playing for the Miners you've got another thing coming to you.
The funny thing is, Utah is the only state in the PAC 12 where marijuana is not legal in some fashion (medical).

Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk.
Your knowledge on HS athletic of lack thereof, is really showing here.
Ya I was about to post the same. I realize these guys want to pump up their boy, Langi, but holy cow the ignorance being shown here is surprising even for Ute fans.
Without doctoring a quote (something you're famous for), show me one instance where I have lied (I'll let Salty stick up for himself on that one).

I find it amusing as @#!*% to see a couple of BYU fans tripping over themselves in an effort to make sure people know that BYU DIDN'T WANT LANGI.
Never said BYU didn't want Langi. Sorry, Lieface.
It is Peck. He is seriously considering leaving Bingham and going into the college ranks (sorry if this knowledge offends jazzgal12).
I know most people with a brain cell know this already but just to make sure it's clear for those few morons out there: The reason Bingham does so well is the talent in the trenches. Now how Bingham comes by that talent is certainly debateable. But there is no question you could put jazzgal12 out there at QB handing off to Salty at RB and still win a title with the group they have most years. Not to mention they have a great o-line coach who was an all-SEC player at Kentucky.

None of this is meant to make Langi look bad and it shouldn't. He is a great talent with or without the line.
Let's see:

1. Question the character and/or value of a player you would have been lauding, had he chosen your school. Check.

2. Go to the usual tired and clichéd remarks about 4th place or Texas consolation prize. Check.

3. Qualify all disparagement with the bonus "even for a ute fan." Check.

4. Assert (with a straight face, no less) that a pot smoker wouldn't last long at your institution. Lol. Check.

Looks like things are still in order. Good job, guys!
You mean to tell me that 100% of Bingham's roster lives withing Bingham's boundries? That's a pretty straight-forward question that should be able to be answered with a simple yes or no.

Absolutely not. Please, provide me a roster of any 5a/4a Football team that has 100 % of its roster in its own boundaries.

But since you believe they actively recruit, please, explain to me how "they" have the pick of any athlete on the Wasatch front? Who contacts them about playing? How are they recruited? If a parent is wanting to showcase their kid, why send them to Bingham, one of the largest schools in the state where they have to compete with so many other athletes? Is it the beautiful campus that wins these kids over? The warm SEC like weather?

Out of curiosity, do you know how many kids who played for Bingham last year lived outside their boundaries?

Please, give me a lot of facts and details to back up your strong opinion.
Stop changing the subject.

Answer my questions.

Go back a few posts to Conan's quote:
Now how Bingham comes by that talent is certainly debateable.

Let's pretend that you're not trying to win an argument and be honest with each other. You know damn well what's going on at Bingham. And for the record, I didn't accuse Bingham of any cheating or wrongdoing. Just like Sklyine did for so long and even Northridge a few years back when they were winning multiple titles with Fred Fernandez, Bingham is very good at taking the current system of rules and manipulating them in their favor when it comes to getting talented players who may not live within school boundries.

Now, I'll still conceed this portion of the argument to you because I obviously cannot provide all of the home addresses for all of the Bingham players (but you knew that when you asked that idiotic question, didn't you?). Because having access to the home addresses of over 100 teenage boys seems, well it seems just a little bit creepy. Seems like something more up your ally.
Let's see:

1. Question the character and/or value of a player you would have been lauding, had he chosen your school. Check.

2. Go to the usual tired and clichéd remarks about 4th place or Texas consolation prize. Check.

3. Qualify all disparagement with the bonus "even for a ute fan." Check.

4. Assert (with a straight face, no less) that a pot smoker wouldn't last long at your institution. Lol. Check.

Looks like things are still in order. Good job, guys!
5. Ute fans riding high on their horse. Check.
Go back a few posts to Conan's quote:

Let's pretend that you're not trying to win an argument and be honest with each other. You know damn well what's going on at Bingham. And for the record, I didn't accuse Bingham of any cheating or wrongdoing. Just like Sklyine did for so long and even Northridge a few years back when they were winning multiple titles with Fred Fernandez, Bingham is very good at taking the current system of rules and manipulating them in their favor when it comes to getting talented players who may not live within school boundries.

Now, I'll still conceed this portion of the argument to you because I obviously cannot provide all of the home addresses for all of the Bingham players (but you knew that when you asked that idiotic question, didn't you?). Because having access to the home addresses of over 100 teenage boys seems, well it seems just a little bit creepy. Seems like something more up your ally.
LOL! You are priceless, Liar. You can't work hard enough to discredit me. But yet when my info aligns with your opinion you are quick to use it. You went from discrediting my info about Bingham to using it for your cause.
LOL! You are priceless, Liar. You can't work hard enough to discredit me. But yet when my info aligns with your opinion you are quick to use it. You went from discrediting my info about Bingham to using it for your cause.

Instead of trying to spin yet another argument, tell me I'm dead wrong about what I posted. Problem is, you can't.
Instead of trying to spin yet another argument, tell me I'm dead wrong about what I posted. Problem is, you can't.
Oh I see. So you can ask for quotes and posts but I can't? LOL! Ever the hypocrite.

But whatever, I'll play your game. You are posted that I am saying BYU never wanted Langi. That is not true and you are a liar for posting it.
Instead of trying to spin yet another argument
How is there spin? It's true and you know it. You can't stand that I have info you don't have. It eats at you and we all know it. It shows in your posts. But yet, when I post something that aligns with your opinion you are quick to use me as proof of your opinion. That's not spin that's exactly what went down.

Spinning by claiming spin. Priceless, Chief.
How is there spin? It's true and you know it. You can't stand that I have info you don't have. It eats at you and we all know it. It shows in your posts. But yet, when I post something that aligns with your opinion you are quick to use me as proof of your opinion. That's not spin that's exactly what went down.

Spinning by claiming spin. Priceless, Chief.

Again can you answer the question, or simply continue to dance around with your rhetoric in an effort to make yourself look better?
Again can you answer the question, or simply continue to dance around with your rhetoric in an effort to make yourself look better?
I did and you couldn't pull up any quotes. I am satisfied that you are a liar. Now if you want to continue to dance around that's fine.