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Walker Kessler highlights


Well-Known Member
2024 Prediction Contest Winner
I just finished watching some of his highlights and he is a better prospect than I thought. He isn't very explosive but he is big and moves his feet really well.

Wait… he can shoot some. I thought I read he couldn’t shoot?
Based on the highlights I have seen he has some skills to build on offensively. I think at worst he can be a solid backup big and at best he is probably a lesser Marc Gasol.
Seems like he’s got some potential to develop into a high pick and roll big - that’s one of the things I always appreciated about him.
Seems like he’s got some potential to develop into a high pick and roll big - that’s one of the things I always appreciated about him.
His coach at Auburn compared him to AL Horford and I can see it a little bit. Horford was never super athletic and specialized in being smart and solid at everything.
Dude looks like Matt Harpring's illigitimate child. Must be a Georgia look. He has a bit of an attitude to him. I like that in a big guy. Sure looks taller than 7'0" to me.