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"you were right here.....you were right here...."

I actually do respect you as a fellow poster but on that particular comment you can take my advice, so really it was with all due respect. Questioning ones fanhood is a low blow even if I did ask for it in frustration. Whatever though, no hard feelings.
Ha, that's how I took it, no worries. I was just teasing about the "all due respect" thing.
Ha, that's how I took it, no worries. I was just teasing about the "all due respect" thing.

Everyone know you can say whatever you want after that... with all due respect, you are a trash person.

It’s all good cuz I qualified it.
golden that a jazz fan complains of slimy play. You r team is known as that. Karl Malone was a giant doucebag

Is that your gripe? We can't complain of dirty plays because of a player who's last game with the Jazz was 15 years ago? GTFO

And don't lie, you don't have a teenage girl, if that were true you won't be calling her a whiner on SM. You **** to teenage girls you ****.
I seriously have no doubt that the refs are given directions on how to referee any given game. I think this may not be explicitly something like "make houston win" but I think it happens. We already know for a fact it has happened in the past to help refs and others betting on the games. But I do not believe it is any grand conspiracy or anything, but rather because, in the end, this is an entertainment product, not anything truly meaningful. I think they do what is needed to up the entertainment value and generate revenue over the long-run. If a short series between Houston and Utah is needed, a few missed calls or extra calls here and there could make the difference. It would not surprise me to find out this is the case. This is not something that has to be "fair", it has to be entertaining and drive the brand to continue to drive the dollars. Which team advancing is going to bring in the best TV ratings, or ticket sales, or merchandising? Houston has a big edge there. That is not to say that Houston hasn't earned their spot, they absolutely have, but we are naive to think the front office really doesn't care one whit who wins or loses. I guarantee you they care, and would not be surprised at all to find out that it at least partially drives decisions in terms of coaching, match-up, and schedule.
I seriously have no doubt that the refs are given directions on how to referee any given game. I think this may not be explicitly something like "make houston win" but I think it happens. We already know for a fact it has happened in the past to help refs and others betting on the games. But I do not believe it is any grand conspiracy or anything, but rather because, in the end, this is an entertainment product, not anything truly meaningful. I think they do what is needed to up the entertainment value and generate revenue over the long-run. If a short series between Houston and Utah is needed, a few missed calls or extra calls here and there could make the difference. It would not surprise me to find out this is the case. This is not something that has to be "fair", it has to be entertaining and drive the brand to continue to drive the dollars. Which team advancing is going to bring in the best TV ratings, or ticket sales, or merchandising? Houston has a big edge there. That is not to say that Houston hasn't earned their spot, they absolutely have, but we are naive to think the front office really doesn't care one whit who wins or loses. I guarantee you they care, and would not be surprised at all to find out that it at least partially drives decisions in terms of coaching, match-up, and schedule.

Someone would whistle-blow.
Someone would whistle-blow.
Here is the thing, there is nothing to whistle blow. It is a business decision. It isn't like they are breaking any laws, or going against some government mandate. They are creating a product, and aside from using illegal means to do so, they can do what they want to in order to make what they feel is the best product that people will want to buy. How many people are just dying to see a Jazz/Magic finals, or Jazz/Pacers, or whatever. I mean those aren't the top draws. They know who is, they push the bigger names, the most famous franchises, the biggest fan draw (market size plays into that, but it isn't everything by any stretch in terms of fan draw).

I am just saying I would not be surprised in the least that this is a topic of conversation on basketball matters, including officiating. How else do you explain the plethora of missed calls, bad call, outright ignoring of play on the floor. It might be a "back in my day" kind of a comment, but I really feel that officiating is getting worse in the NBA, and they don't seem to care. Or, is it just that they don't care anymore if everyone figures out it is orchestrated to some degree so they are more blatant about the officiating game plan?
There was a video of Mitchell saying "That's what it takes to be the ****ing MVP?" to his teammates while exiting the arena. Has that been mentioned?
I wish he would have said "Do I have to throw my ****ing head back and arms in the air to get a call?" Would have been well worth the technical
There was a video of Mitchell saying "That's what it takes to be the ****ing MVP?" to his teammates while exiting the arena. Has that been mentioned?
I posted it, the guy who originally posted it deleted the video/tweet so it’s not there anymore, but yes we’ve seen it and it’s in quite a few places now. Once something’s on the internet it’s there forever no reason to delete it. I didn’t see why it needed to be posted in the first place, it was a guy from channel 4. I wonder if the Jazz wanted it down or something. Donovan said it where he obviously knew it was gonna get out there. Anyway, I like Donovan’s fire, it shows he truly wants it. I’d rather have that burning frustration than a no-care attitude of some others that have played here. For anyone who happened to not see it here it is:

...nothing but love for the dude, he’s an intense competitor who hates to lose.
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I posted it, the guy who originally posted it deleted the video/tweet so it’s not there anymore, but yes we’ve seen it and it’s in quite a few places now. Once something’s on the internet it’s there forever no reason to delete it. I didn’t see why it needed to be posted in the first place, it was a guy from channel 4. I wonder if the Jazz wanted it down or something. Donovan said it where he obviously knew it was gonna get out there. Anyway, I like Donovan’s fire, it shows he truly wants it. A bit immature? Maybe, but I’d rather have that burning frustration than a no-care attitude of some others that have played here. For anyone who happened to not see it here it is:

...nothing but love for the dude, he’s an intense competitor who hates to lose.

Agree with what you said aside from the immaturity part. I’m a mid-30s guy in a “profession” that beats “professionalism” into people and the constant neutering of human emotion is itself childish. How you actually respond in action is what shows maturity and #IStandWithDonovan.
I posted it, the guy who originally posted it deleted the video/tweet so it’s not there anymore, but yes we’ve seen it and it’s in quite a few places now. Once something’s on the internet it’s there forever no reason to delete it. I didn’t see why it needed to be posted in the first place, it was a guy from channel 4. I wonder if the Jazz wanted it down or something. Donovan said it where he obviously knew it was gonna get out there. Anyway, I like Donovan’s fire, it shows he truly wants it. A bit immature? Maybe, but I’d rather have that burning frustration than a no-care attitude of some others that have played here. For anyone who happened to not see it here it is:

...nothing but love for the dude, he’s an intense competitor who hates to lose.

Who's recording these videos and posting them to the internet? This is what makes players become mute IMO. They realize they have no privacy and resort to not saying anything.
I remember reading the Tim Donaghy book. A total shock, like I hoped the NBA was just full of incompetent people not corrupt ones.
It's hilarious that he (Donaghy) got in trouble for admitting the officiating was fraudulent and the NBA was never held accountable.
David Stern should have been immediately fired and the small market teams should have put together a lawsuit yet nothing ever happened. There has to be a hush agreement worth millions. That's the only possibility really.
Ever since the book I knew the NBA has been for entertainment only. One day something might legitimately come out about it. I doubt it as there is potentially billions at stake.

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Agree with what you said aside from the immaturity part. I’m a mid-30s guy in a “profession” that beats “professionalism” into people and the constant neutering of human emotion is itself childish. How you actually respond in action is what shows maturity and #IStandWithDonovan.
Edited it out...you’re right