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Stupid Pet Peeves

Some pet peeves related to several of these topics:

The sickeningly sweetly floral scented cleaning solution often used in airport and fast food restaurant restrooms.
Cleaning solution should smell like pine, lemon or Murphy Oil soap.

The grocery store I frequent most often is always completely rearranging its merchandise. It seems stuff get switched around every week. So I need bread and go to the aisle that had bread last week, only now it's all paper towels. An employee told me it's done intentionally to keep you in the store longer on the theory that you'll buy more as you wander the aisles
Theres a gap, but generally traffic isn't great on my commute so I'm not going that fast. Therefore the gap isnt big enough for a car to slide right in with ease. So they'll put their blinker on and immediately start over almost pushing me out of the lane or causing me to slam on my brakes so they can get in. They see me, they just want in right that second. And that would be fine if they were close to their exit and HAD to get over right then. But when they do that and then drive for 10 more miles they can eat my butt.

In most sane parts of the country (and world) when someone next to you turns on their blinker and starts to move over, you actually slow up just a little and let them move over. Then later someone else does the same for you. It is amazing how easy, less stress, and smoother flowing traffic can be when people act like people and not like assholes.

Note: Obviously traffic sucks all over the place, but it definitely amps up the road rage quotient when everyone is going at it like it's their piece of the road or someone is going to die.
It just occurred to me that this thread really reads like a huge list of 1st world problems.
It just occurred to me that this thread really reads like a huge list of 1st world problems.

Bro, finding parts at home depot is sooooo a third world problem. I mean, I go into home depot and have to pass through like 25 migrant workers first...
The cleaners who pack way too many toilet seat covers into the holder so every one you pull out breaks apart. They wouldn't have to replace them so often if I didn't have to take sixteen out before I found a full one or two.

Same goes with fast food napkin dispensers. Don't overfill.

Germs on your butt are no big deal man. Your boyfriend might disagree but thats his problem.
When you run into somebody you know from your home area while randomly on vacation/out of town. Mainly more "peeved" when it's somebody you haven't even talked to for years and then they act like you should want to pal around Cancun, Disneyland, Havasupi, Venus, Mars or wherever you happen to be with them when you've both lived 5 miles apart for a decade and haven't even talked.

Mormon problems.

The rest of us don't know our ****ty neighbors.
In most sane parts of the country (and world) when someone next to you turns on their blinker and starts to move over, you actually slow up just a little and let them move over. Then later someone else does the same for you. It is amazing how easy, less stress, and smoother flowing traffic can be...

This is the #1 thing that bugs me about Utah drivers as well. It's just common courtesy, people!!
Here's a pet peeve: When you wait days for someone to post in the Buckner thread because you were the last one to post in the thread and you don't want to make two posts in a row in the thread.
The cleaners who pack way too many toilet seat covers into the holder so every one you pull out breaks apart. They wouldn't have to replace them so often if I didn't have to take sixteen out before I found a full one or two.

Same goes with fast food napkin dispensers. Don't overfill.
...They wouldn't have to replace them so often if I didn't have to take sixteen out before I found a full one or two.

Same goes with fast food napkin dispensers. Don't overfill.

same goes for the lids on plastic containers filled with leftover soup or stew or anything that has a lot of liquid - - you fill the container and then put the lid on and push it down to seal it, and all the excess liquid squeezes out the top
The grocery store I frequent most often is always completely rearranging its merchandise. It seems stuff get switched around every week. So I need bread and go to the aisle that had bread last week, only now it's all paper towels. An employee told me it's done intentionally to keep you in the store longer on the theory that you'll buy more as you wander the aisles

That is really ****ing interesting, lady. Is this a chain supermarket? Also, have you ever thought of talking to the manager and letting him or her know of your issues. Sometimes, that can make a difference. If the employee's claim is accurate, ****, that's some ****.