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Marijuana: Facts, Myths, and plain old Stupidity.

Not exactly. For one my manager is going to be there and I work at a place with a random drug testing policy, so I don't want to cause any problems for myself or my other coworkers who will be there.

Ok I definitely understand and respect that.
I think that national legalization within a decade is a good bet. Is there any place where I can actually place that bet?

Maybe medical legal nationwide in a decade, but not recreational.

It's not even decriminalized nationwide yet.
Maybe medical legal nationwide in a decade, but not recreational.

It's not even decriminalized nationwide yet.

Pot is way too addictive to be allowed legal. We could win the war on pot if it wasn't for big industry lobbying congress.
Pot is way too addictive to be allowed legal.

I don't believe this at all. Admittedly, I have not delved deep into the research on this subject. Perhaps you have some data that backs up your assertion.

Edit: I have never used it, for whatever it's worth.

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I don't believe this at all. Admittedly, I have not delved deep into the research on this subject. Perhaps you have some data that backs up your assertion.

Edit: I have never used it, for whatever it's worth.
Why even engage him? Even if pot were extremely addictive -- it's not -- prohibition wouldn't necessarily be the best way to limit it's use/abuse and the corresponding societal consequences. Unfortunately, in the cultural backwater known as America, blood lust is a virtue (see the human rights thread). The poor, sick and marginal must be punished.
Yet there are still states that can't pass recreational marijuana laws even though they have legal medical marijuana.


I'd rather be wrong and Siro be right, but 10 years seems fast when there is still a big opposition to legalizing.

The National prohibition of alcohol lasted a grand total of 13 years. Support for legalization of marijuana is above 50% and is knocking on the door of 60%. I don't see national prohibition surviving those numbers. Will there still be some states that have marijuana prohibition in 10 years; Possibly, but once the fed gets out states will lose federal dollars to fight pot which will make the tax revenue from pot more appealing. I think it's more likely that like alcohol there will be dry, "clear eyed", counties and wet "stoner" counties.
10 years after the feds end MJ prohibition Utah lawmakers will be saying they need more time to study the effects, don't want to rush into something we don't know the consequences of.

I think the fact that recreational legalization hasn't been a tragedy where it has happened, that the dangers we were warned against haven't really happened or have been very minor, will help push the ball forward. That and the fact that half the states now have some form of legalization, if only for medicinal purposes.

And let's not forget the medicinal purposes. For some people medical marijuana is a major quality of life enhancer. For some it replaces opiates, which is extremely addictive and extremely harmful long term.
....yeah, we already have millions of young people that are unemployed and unemployable, so let's make it legal to smoke marijuana so that number will top a billion! Research has shown that marijuana's negative effects on attention, memory, and learning can last for days or weeks after the acute effects of the drug wear off, depending on the user’s history with the drug. Consequently, someone who smokes marijuana daily may be functioning at a reduced intellectual level most or all of the time. Studies have also suggested specific links between marijuana use and adverse consequences in the workplace, such as increased risk for injury or accidents. One study among postal workers found that employees who tested positive for marijuana on a pre-employment urine drug test had 55 percent more industrial accidents, 85 percent more injuries, and 75 percent greater absenteeism compared with those who tested negative for marijuana use.
....yeah, we already have millions of young people that are unemployed and unemployable, so let's make it legal to smoke marijuana so that number will top a billion! Research has shown that marijuana's negative effects on attention, memory, and learning can last for days or weeks after the acute effects of the drug wear off, depending on the user’s history with the drug. Consequently, someone who smokes marijuana daily may be functioning at a reduced intellectual level most or all of the time. Studies have also suggested specific links between marijuana use and adverse consequences in the workplace, such as increased risk for injury or accidents. One study among postal workers found that employees who tested positive for marijuana on a pre-employment urine drug test had 55 percent more industrial accidents, 85 percent more injuries, and 75 percent greater absenteeism compared with those who tested negative for marijuana use.

So since you obviously don't smoke up, what's your excuse for being unemployed?
Pot is way too addictive to be allowed legal. We could win the war on pot if it wasn't for big industry lobbying congress.

With a name like ElRoach0, you'd think I'm an expert on the subject.

I'm not.

That being said, I may have dabbled in said subject, in multiple forms(smoke, vapor, edibles, P.O. tablets), on multiple occasions, and had 0 connection to the drug afterwards. I may be considered a Journeyman, but only just.

Believe me, I tried.. The peer pressure of knowing so many friends that smoke, wanting to have something in common with them got to me after 10 or so years. Did the social thing, then the weekly thing, but it just wasn't enough to keep me excited. So I tried to be a daily user... lasted all of 5 days before I got bored.

Stopped... no addiction symptoms. No desire to "toke up" again. Ended up giving the rest of my stash and equipment away to a friend.

Anecdotal, and only one person, I get that. But for me it just held no qualities that brought me to it.
With a name like ElRoach0, you'd think I'm an expert on the subject.

I'm not.

That being said, I may have dabbled in said subject, in multiple forms(smoke, vapor, edibles, P.O. tablets), on multiple occasions, and had 0 connection to the drug afterwards. I may be considered a Journeyman, but only just.

Believe me, I tried.. The peer pressure of knowing so many friends that smoke, wanting to have something in common with them got to me after 10 or so years. Did the social thing, then the weekly thing, but it just wasn't enough to keep me excited. So I tried to be a daily user... lasted all of 5 days before I got bored.

Stopped... no addiction symptoms. No desire to "toke up" again. Ended up giving the rest of my stash and equipment away to a friend.

Anecdotal, and only one person, I get that. But for me it just held no qualities that brought me to it.

I smoked every day for 3 years, quit cold turkey for a new job drug test, and the only withdrawal symptom was unusually vivid dreams.
With a name like ElRoach0, you'd think I'm an expert on the subject.

I'm not.

That being said, I may have dabbled in said subject, in multiple forms(smoke, vapor, edibles, P.O. tablets), on multiple occasions, and had 0 connection to the drug afterwards. I may be considered a Journeyman, but only just.

Believe me, I tried.. The peer pressure of knowing so many friends that smoke, wanting to have something in common with them got to me after 10 or so years. Did the social thing, then the weekly thing, but it just wasn't enough to keep me excited. So I tried to be a daily user... lasted all of 5 days before I got bored.

Stopped... no addiction symptoms. No desire to "toke up" again. Ended up giving the rest of my stash and equipment away to a friend.

Anecdotal, and only one person, I get that. But for me it just held no qualities that brought me to it.

I smoked every day for 3 years, quit cold turkey for a new job drug test, and the only withdrawal symptom was unusually vivid dreams.

i smoked everyday all day for like 10 years and quit cold turkey for a new job drug test. And now since my employer does randoms and injury/accident drug tests, i still dont partake.
No withdrawal symptoms at all.
i smoked everyday all day for like 10 years and quit cold turkey for a new job drug test. And now since my employer does randoms and injury/accident drug tests, i still dont partake.
No withdrawal symptoms at all.

Never done it, don't want to do it and I don't care if you do it. Closest I have come to smoking weed is passing it at a party.
I would like to understand why we have a hang-up on medicinal marijuana when other prescription drugs (e.g., opioids) are far more addictive and dangerous. Is there some good reason for allowing the latter but not the former, other than some kind of irrational opposition to marijuana?

I'm dead serious. What's the difference here?