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Jordan Peterson


Well-Known Member
I really love me some Jordan Peterson. Such a brilliant man. He seems to have endless wisdom, and a huge heart..

Its very sad that the left in one of their grossest acts yet have painted this man to be a white supremacist. SMH

I thought I would share this video because the crowd seems to be overwhelmingly latino, and they really show their appreciation for this man and see through the nonsense the media tries smear him with. At about 19:30 he gets a standing ovation. Its really refreshing to see how he is really viewed, and not told how he should be viewed by the gross media elitists.

Most of his talks are very moving. He genuinely cares about people and it shows. I recommend you give him a listen

I really love me some Jordan Peterson. Such a brilliant man. He seems to have endless wisdom, and a huge heart..

Its very sad that the left in one of their grossest acts yet have painted this man to be a white supremacist. SMH

I thought I would share this video because the crowd seems to be overwhelmingly latino, and they really show their appreciation for this man and see through the nonsense the media tries smear him with. At about 19:30 he gets a standing ovation. Its really refreshing to see how he is really viewed, and not told how he should be viewed by the gross media elitists.

Most of his talks are very moving. He genuinely cares about people and it shows. I recommend you give him a listen

I don't know if he's a white supremacist ( I rather doubt it) or just a charlatan who pretends to know more than he does.

His takes on "western civilization" and especially "post modernist marxism" (lol) are kind of funny though.

If you like psychobabble nonsense he's pretty good at that too.
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I don't know if he's a white supremacist or just a charlatan who pretends to know more than he does.

His takes on "western civilization" and especially "post modernist marxism" (lol) are kind of funny though.

If you like psychobabble nonsense he's pretty good at that too.

He just becomes more and more liked and respected though. Regardless of how he is smeared. Its weird that you would participate in it.
He just becomes more and more liked and respected though. Regardless of how he is smeared. Its weird that you would participate in it.
I don't know what's so weird about it, but yeah people like him do have a way of getting people to believe their ********.

His advice about cleaning your room is good though, I'll give him that.
I don't know what's so weird about it, but yeah people like him do have a way of getting people to believe their ********.

His advice about cleaning your room is good though, I'll give him that.

He's a licensed clinical psychologist, and a good one at that. Much of the information that he presents is well grounded in research that many people in his field subscribe to. Many of the issues he explores are those he's addressed with his clients. He's not spewing "psycho-babble" or whatnot.

And as for where he stands on the political spectrum, he's actually pretty neutral. He just doesn't conform to liberal agendas that academia has catered to during the past 30 years or so. Sometimes common sense and plain reason are a problem for some liberals who are angry at the world. He gained a lot of publicity for opposing what he called "compelled speech" at the Toronto university where he was teaching, and this helped launch him to prominence. The university was trying to compel people to use and respect new, experimental pronouns to describe people whose self-identified gender was somewhat fluid.

I generally have respect for Peterson as a social scientist.
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He's a licensed clinical psychologist, and a good one at that. Much of the information that he presents is well grounded in research that many people in his field subscribe to. Many of the issues he explores are those he's addressed with his clients. He's not spewing "psycho-babble" or whatnot.

Uh, huh, sure. Peterson excels at takings old ideas and refashioning them into a mass of unintelligible esoterica.

Here's an example of the kind of thing that makes some psychogists impossible to take seriously.
peterson5.jpg petersonreplace.jpg

He also doesn't seem to understand basic philosophy. Let's just take "post modernist neo Marxism" it's become something of an obsession of his, blaming all of societies ills on it. The problem is that as an idea it's meaningless on its face. Post modernism and Marxism are incompatible philosophies. But Jordan uses the term to describe anything he disagrees with, whether it's feminism, social justice, socialism, whatever.

He sounds smart and uses big words, and has an axe to grind against particular groups of people, so I understand why he's popular. But he really shouldn't be.
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Basically that article is a long winded way if saying he doesn't understand Peterson. He basically does exactly what he accuses Peterson of doing. Hilarious.

Right on cueScreenshot_2019-08-14-00-21-56~2.png

The point is that Peterson is so vague and vacillating that it's impossible to discern what he means and whenever you try to pin him down he insists he's being misunderstood. He's quite good at that.
This excerpt is a great example of that:

While Cathy Newman was repeatedly unfair to Peterson’s views throughout the rest of the interview, here she was perfectly right to be confused: what Peterson is saying makes no sense. He wonders how there could be any difference between transgender activists and Mao’s China, then is told that the difference is millions of deaths, then denies that transgender activists are going to cause millions of deaths, then says they follow a totalitarian philosophy that drives people to mass murder. The reason he’s stuck here is that there’s no evidence the Canadian Human Rights Act is about to bring us a gulag archipelago, but that’s what his grandiose statements about left-wing totalitarianism imply will happen. So he must either allege Alberta is about to get its own Great Leap Forward or draw a distinction between Mao’s Red Guards and the University of Toronto LGBTQ center, neither of which he wants to commit to. So we get another heaping dish of Peterson waffle.
I really love me some Jordan Peterson. Such a brilliant man. He seems to have endless wisdom, and a huge heart..

Its very sad that the left in one of their grossest acts yet have painted this man to be a white supremacist. SMH

I thought I would share this video because the crowd seems to be overwhelmingly latino, and they really show their appreciation for this man and see through the nonsense the media tries smear him with. At about 19:30 he gets a standing ovation. Its really refreshing to see how he is really viewed, and not told how he should be viewed by the gross media elitists.

Most of his talks are very moving. He genuinely cares about people and it shows. I recommend you give him a listen

Wow, he's a wizard. Great post. Makes a ton of sense.
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Most of his talks are very moving. He genuinely cares about people and it shows. I recommend you give him a listen

I've listened to a lot of Petersen's stuff, and she is the typical person with a big vocabulary and small ideas.
I've only watched two episodes of ContraPoints, and you might have been the person who posted the other one. But they are fantastic.
That's great man! I'm glad you enjoy them. Natalie Wynn is probably my favorite person on YouTube :).
Right on cueView attachment 8013

The point is that Peterson is so vague and vacillating that it's impossible to discern what he means and whenever you try to pin him down he insists he's being misunderstood. He's quite good at that.
This excerpt is a great example of that:

While Cathy Newman was repeatedly unfair to Peterson’s views throughout the rest of the interview, here she was perfectly right to be confused: what Peterson is saying makes no sense. He wonders how there could be any difference between transgender activists and Mao’s China, then is told that the difference is millions of deaths, then denies that transgender activists are going to cause millions of deaths, then says they follow a totalitarian philosophy that drives people to mass murder. The reason he’s stuck here is that there’s no evidence the Canadian Human Rights Act is about to bring us a gulag archipelago, but that’s what his grandiose statements about left-wing totalitarianism imply will happen. So he must either allege Alberta is about to get its own Great Leap Forward or draw a distinction between Mao’s Red Guards and the University of Toronto LGBTQ center, neither of which he wants to commit to. So we get another heaping dish of Peterson waffle.

So canada is going to have a cultural revolution? I hope it doesnt involve any ****ing Celine Dion.

In other news there is a very real chance the Red Army will invade Hong Kong, seems unlikely that the University of Toronto will be providing commissars but you never know.
I don't know if he's a white supremacist or just a charlatan who pretends to know more than he does.

His takes on "western civilization" and especially "post modernist marxism" (lol) are kind of funny though.

If you like psychobabble nonsense he's pretty good at that too.

Do you like study people who have different ideologies than you? You have an opinion about pretty much everyone. How the hell do you keep up?
Do you like study people who have different ideologies than you? You have an opinion about pretty much everyone. How the hell do you keep up?
Haha well, I don't know about everyone, but after hearing so much about how amazing JP is I had to take a closer look. I guess this sort of thing is interesting to me so I spend a fair amount of time on it.
Haha well, I don't know about everyone, but after hearing so much about how amazing JP is I had to take a closer look. I guess this sort of thing is interesting to me so I spend a fair amount of time on it.

Did you take issue with the video posted? Seemed logical to me.