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John Stockton Claims Medicine is Bad


Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in the United States and Europe. Around half of those who die have taken their drugs correctly; the other half die because of errors, such as too high a dose or use of a drug despite contraindications. Our drug agencies are not particularly helpful, as they rely on fake fixes, which are a long list of warnings, precautions, and contraindications for each drug, although they know that no doctor can possibly master all of these. Major reasons for the many drug deaths are impotent drug regulation, widespread crime that includes corruption of the scientific evidence about drugs and bribery of doctors, and lies in drug marketing, which is as harmful as tobacco marketing and, therefore, should be banned. We should take far fewer drugs, and patients should carefully study the package inserts of the drugs their doctors prescribe for them and independent information sources about drugs such as Cochrane reviews, which will make it easier for them to say "no thanks".

NFL Player’s Suit Over Painkiller ‘Culture’ Revived by Ninth Circuit​

After six years of litigation and two appeals, the Ninth Circuit on Friday revived a class action claiming the National Football League negligently allowed teams to push painkillers on hurt athletes, causing permanent injuries and drug addictions for players.

How America’s Prescription Problem Impacts Student Athletes​

The National Safety Council released a report titled “Prescription Nation 2018” that reveals the United States’ opioid epidemic is worsening. In 2016, more than 42,000 people died due to opioid-related overdoses. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, 11.5 million people misused prescription opioids in 2017 and 2.1 million of them were doing so for the first time.

The epidemic has not left college students unaffected. The Drug Enforcement Administration reports that in any given day there are 559 full-time college students who use prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons. Around 12 percent of college students used at least one prescription drug not prescribed to them in the past year.

The Recovery Village’s survey results show that the growing problem has also affected student athletes, who are relying more now than ever before on prescription drugs to treat injuries. A University of Michigan study conducted in 2016 found that male athletes are twice as likely to be prescribed opioids and four times more likely to misuse the pills than nonathletes.

Only 15 percent of the current or former student athletes who participated in The Recovery Village’s survey said they used a prescription drug to deal with an injury during their playing days. That large of a majority steering clear of unnecessary medication is a positive sign, but the percentages differ when looking at specific age groups.

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Overprescribing is certainly an issue, overuse/addiction another one on top of that. Painkillers in particular massively overused. Useful discussion to be had there.

'Medicine'/drugs overall are still massively useful tools, and given Johns history, I'm not inclined to take his statement in the most generous light.
I mean these drugs that he speaks of have commercials with literally 10+ side effects "including deaths". I want to make it clear that there are very useful medications and drugs out there but to pretend like Big Pharma gives a **** about people is naive imo. They do not want cures, they want sickness. And to Stocktons point... Drugs are recalled pretty much weekly due to dangers found after being FDA approved. I would take a guys word who sat out only 22 games in a 19 year career seriously myself. I think he has a valid point.

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I agree with stockton that its better to be healthy than not healthy.
Unfortunately some people exercise, eat right, and make great health decisions all their lives and then get cancer and need lots of medications. I wonder if he would just try to exercise and healthy eat (along with holistics and chiropractics of course) the cancer away if he were to get cancer.
“medicine is not good for us…”

Me: I dunno man. The life expectancy over the last 100 years seems to say otherwise. Were we more sedentary 100 years ago? More obese? Or has *medicine* helped us? We could also look at infant mortality rates, deaths per 1,000, and just sheer population values to show that medicine has had a huge positive impact on mankind over the past 100 years.

My wife and child probably wouldn’t be alive today without medicine. He was breach and required a c section. He was also born premature, wasn’t breathing in his own, and was cared for in the NICU for a few weeks. Not really sure how that would’ve worked out well if not for modern-day medicine. Personally, I’ve been relieved of much suffering with modern-day medicine of root canals, wisdom teeth removal, and most of all a tonsillectomy. I was getting sick every 3-4 weeks because of my tonsils. I wouldn’t have wanted to live very long without modern day medicine curing me of that.

It really bugs me when complete jerks like Stockton crap all over medicine. It’s not that they’ve never experienced the benefits of medicine because of their genes. It’s because they’re too proud and have their identities too wrapped up in this nonsense to admit that they’ve been fitted from medicine. I seem to remember Stockton’s career being prolonged by a knee operation in 97-98, right? I wonder how he would’ve played without modern-daymedicine to clean up that knee?

Stockton can **** all the way off.
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“medicine is not good for us…”

Me: I dunno man. The life expectancy over the last 100 years seems to say otherwise. Were we more sedentary 100 years ago? More obese? Or has *medicine* helped us? We could also look at infant mortality rates, deaths per 1,000, and just sheer population values to show that medicine has had a huge positive impact on mankind over the past 100 years.

View attachment 14377
My wife and child probably wouldn’t be alive today without medicine. He was breach and required a c section. He was also born premature, wasn’t breathing in his own, and was cared for in the NICU for a few weeks. Not really sure how that would’ve worked out well if not for modern-day medicine. Personally, I’ve been relieved of much suffering with modern-day medicine of root canals, wisdom teeth removal, and most of all a tonsillectomy. I was getting sick every 3-4 weeks because of my tonsils. I wouldn’t have wanted to live very long without modern day medicine curing me of that.

It really bugs me when complete ignoramuses like Stockton crap all over medicine. It’s not that they’ve never experienced the benefits of medicine because of their genes. It’s because they’re too proud and have their identities too wrapped up in this nonsense to admit that they’ve been fitted from medicine. I seem to remember Stockton’s career being prolonged by a knee operation in 97-98, right? I wonder how he would’ve played without modern-daymedicine to clean up that knee?

Stockton can **** all the way off.
His point obviously went over your head and I think you are intentionally taking his words out of context.
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Overprescribing is certainly an issue, overuse/addiction another one on top of that. Painkillers in particular massively overused. Useful discussion to be had there.

'Medicine'/drugs overall are still massively useful tools, and given Johns history, I'm not inclined to take his statement in the most generous light.
And yet MAGA/anti science vaxxers never go after PurduePharma for this type of stuff. There’s no movement to regulate this industry. There’s no talk of getting capitalism out of our medicine. No talk of moving towards a single payer system, like most of the industrialized world already has. It’s always focused on:

1. Anti vax nonsense, usually promoted by MAGA/Russian influencers.
2. Throwing a pity party for poor whites in the rust belt.

Never is it directed at the corporations and the health care system that have led to opioid addiction. Never is there any talk of the immoral (white) communities full of broken families that don’t appreciate education In the rust belt and their self-destructive tendencies. Just compare how communities of color that have been ravaged by crack are described vs white rural companies in the rust belt have been ravaged by opioid addition. The differences couldn’t be more stark. Yet, both suffer because the focus is never about improving the health care system (and much of the focus has been on exploring social, economic, and political inequalities).

Let’s focus on the health care system and much of this scary “big medicine” debate goes away.
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And yet MAGA/anti science vaxxers never go after PurduePharma for this type of stuff. There’s no movement to regulate this industry. There’s no talk of getting capitalism out of our medicine. It’s always focused on:

1. Anti vax nonsense, usually promoted by MAGA/Russian influencers.
2. Throwing a pity party for poor whites in the rust belt.

Never is it directed at the corporations and the health care system that have led to opioid addiction. Never is there any talk of the immoral (white) communities In the rust belt and their self-destructive tendencies. Just compare how communities of color that have been ravaged by crack are described vs white rural companies in the rust belt have been ravaged by opioid addition. The differences couldn’t be more stark.

Let’s focus on the health care system.
Did you know that the black community is the most anti-vax and least vax'd community?

And about MAGA...While being a spiteful unifier you should look into Trump trying to get it so pharmacy had to put actual cost on medicine and him legalizing generic drugs that your type fought. Hell Biden destroyed Trumps cheap insulin on his first day in office.
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“medicine is not good for us…”

Me: I dunno man. The life expectancy over the last 100 years seems to say otherwise. Were we more sedentary 100 years ago? More obese? Or has *medicine* helped us? We could also look at infant mortality rates, deaths per 1,000, and just sheer population values to show that medicine has had a huge positive impact on mankind over the past 100 years.

View attachment 14377
My wife and child probably wouldn’t be alive today without medicine. He was breach and required a c section. He was also born premature, wasn’t breathing in his own, and was cared for in the NICU for a few weeks. Not really sure how that would’ve worked out well if not for modern-day medicine. Personally, I’ve been relieved of much suffering with modern-day medicine of root canals, wisdom teeth removal, and most of all a tonsillectomy. I was getting sick every 3-4 weeks because of my tonsils. I wouldn’t have wanted to live very long without modern day medicine curing me of that.

It really bugs me when complete jerks like Stockton crap all over medicine. It’s not that they’ve never experienced the benefits of medicine because of their genes. It’s because they’re too proud and have their identities too wrapped up in this nonsense to admit that they’ve been fitted from medicine. I seem to remember Stockton’s career being prolonged by a knee operation in 97-98, right? I wonder how he would’ve played without modern-daymedicine to clean up that knee?

Stockton can **** all the way off.
My wife became Type 1 diabetic when she was about 50. Her pancreas just shut off. If that had happened 100 years ago, she'd definitely be dead. I personally had bypass a few years ago, I think they ended up doing 4 grafts? I would certainly be dead.
My wife became Type 1 diabetic when she was about 50. Her pancreas just shut off. If that had happened 100 years ago, she'd definitely be dead. I personally had bypass a few years ago, I think they ended up doing 4 grafts? I would certainly be dead.
Yep. Yet another example of how medicine is good for us. Thanks for sharing.

I have a feeling that when Stockton (not if) has a medical emergency, like most people, he’s going to rush to the nearest hospital and receive the best and Most professional treatment his millions can buy. It’s just that right now he finds meaning in life and identity with the dumbass cult in our nation. But when push comes to shove, he’s going to be on hands and knees begging medicine to make him healthy again.

Medicine is good for us. And the question isn’t if we need it, but when.
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I'm actually really embarrassed by a couple of you guys. Watch the entire interview and you will see how amazingly easy you are to manipulate by your masters cutting a single comment out. The bigotry and downright meanness by being manipulated. He is talking about sport medicine and conversation is a lot more complex and nuanced. The sheer hate for people based off of a cut tweet shows how low humanity can get over NOTHING and how easy they are to manipulate. What a sad sad mean world...

Start at 45:00 he's not dissing all medicine. He's talking about better methods he used instead of medicines in sports. He's saying how easy it is to just dish out prescriptions when there are methods like acupuncture and other methods that are far more useful at actually addressing the problem instead of masking it. Remember this guy missed almost one game per season. How low of some of you to not even research this and spew pure hate(Thriller not all of you) over propaganda tweets. This is actual a phenomenal listen as a Jazz fan and brings back some good memories if you aren't judgmental hateful bigot(I'm not pointing at anyone here outside of Thriller). He is far too intellectual and understanding the body for people like Thriller.

Again I would recommend giving this a listen if you aren't too busy being manipulated and looking for any excuse to flat out hate others then cry about unity. As a Jazz fan who actually lived through this it was a fabulous interview. How easy we are to throw stones.
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  • Haha
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“medicine is not good for us…”

Me: I dunno man. The life expectancy over the last 100 years seems to say otherwise. Were we more sedentary 100 years ago? More obese? Or has *medicine* helped us? We could also look at infant mortality rates, deaths per 1,000, and just sheer population values to show that medicine has had a huge positive impact on mankind over the past 100 years.

View attachment 14377
My wife and child probably wouldn’t be alive today without medicine. He was breach and required a c section. He was also born premature, wasn’t breathing in his own, and was cared for in the NICU for a few weeks. Not really sure how that would’ve worked out well if not for modern-day medicine. Personally, I’ve been relieved of much suffering with modern-day medicine of root canals, wisdom teeth removal, and most of all a tonsillectomy. I was getting sick every 3-4 weeks because of my tonsils. I wouldn’t have wanted to live very long without modern day medicine curing me of that.

It really bugs me when complete jerks like Stockton crap all over medicine. It’s not that they’ve never experienced the benefits of medicine because of their genes. It’s because they’re too proud and have their identities too wrapped up in this nonsense to admit that they’ve been fitted from medicine. I seem to remember Stockton’s career being prolonged by a knee operation in 97-98, right? I wonder how he would’ve played without modern-daymedicine to clean up that knee?

Stockton can **** all the way off.
But chemicals are bad. CHEMICALS!!!!
I He's saying how easy it is to just dish out prescriptions when there are methods like acupuncture and other methods that are far more useful at actually addressing the problem instead of masking it.
How is acupuncture far more useful? Please show me at least one peer reviewed study showing acupuncture superiority over traditional medicine?
How is acupuncture far more useful? Please show me at least one peer reviewed study showing acupuncture superiority over traditional medicine?
Why don't you watch it and see what he was saying? Let's hear exactly where he said he is against traditional medicine like you literally fabricated... I was paraphrasing 6-8 minutes of conversation not a 1 minute cut up you took out of context. He never claims traditional medicine is wrong... He's saying there are MANY other methods than just killing the pain with chemicals. BTW acupuncture IS traditional medicine lol. My goodness the level of dumb. Acupuncture has been around since 2500 BCE and has been a practice here since the 1700's. I mean are you serious here?!

Pain relief​

The effectiveness of acupuncture analgesia has already been established in clinical studies. When compared to dummy treatments of placebo, acupuncture is effective in treatment of chronic pain. In chronic pain it may be comparable to morphine as well.

Because of the side-effects of long-term drug therapy for pain and the risks of dependence, acupuncture is emerging as the analgesia or pain reliever of choice in long term joint or arthritis pain as well. This includes cervical spondylitis or neck pain, periarthritis of the shoulder, fibromyalgia, fasciitis, epicondylitis (tennis elbow), low back pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis with knee pain etc.

Acupuncture is beneficial in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis as well. Compared to standard treatment with drugs like allopurinol, acupuncture has been shown to be effective in gout as well. Plum-blossom needling together with cupping (depressurized cup application on skin) has been recommended for treating gouty arthritis.

The use of acupuncture for treating chronic pain of the head and face has been studied. Acupuncture has been shown to work in tension headache, migraine and other kinds of headache. Chronic facial pain, including craniomandibular disorders of muscular origin may also be treated with acupuncture.

Pain after injury or trauma or surgery​

For injuries such as sprains acupuncture is not only useful for relieving pain but also additionally does not pose the risk of drug dependence and hastens recovery.
Acupuncture analgesia to relieve postoperative pain is well studied and proven in studies. Acupuncture has been widely used in dentistry. Acupuncture helps relieve postoperative pain from various dental procedures, including tooth extraction, pulp devitalization and periodontitis.

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  • Haha
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How is acupuncture far more useful? Please show me at least one peer reviewed study showing acupuncture superiority over traditional medicine?
From what I have seen (and saying it works or doesn't is a vast oversimplification) it appears that there are some completely un-understood benefits to acupuncture for treating some conditions, however, I haven't seen any real studies that compare it to traditional Western medicine. It seem to be good for chronic pain more than anything else, especially the kinds that the Drs also can't find a specific cause for, at least from a quick glance at these results.


View: https://twitter.com/FanNationZags/status/1653891868160303105

Dude has really gone overboard on the do your own research front

I love how he acts like physical therapists are these bad actors. What he describes what they should be doing is… “get the joints and tendons to work the way they should” is like what they actually do. It’s anecdotal I know, but the two times I’ve been to physical therapy, never have the therapists said, “ha! We’re gonna trick X muscle to work differently to compensate for X injury! Down these chemicals, bottoms up! Muhahaha!”

They’ve always worked to get the joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles to work how they’re supposed to work. That’s like… what therapy does. I literally had to be retaught how to walk, run, and jump when recovering from a bad ankle sprain.

Also, “only now with these chemicals, ibprofin screwing up brains…” yeah cuz Junior Seau and Jim McMann have suffered only now cuz chemicals. Or something. Stockton knows all too well the rube crowd he’s pandering to. They slurp this diarrhea right up.
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From what I have seen (and saying it works or doesn't is a vast oversimplification) it appears that there are some completely un-understood benefits to acupuncture for treating some conditions, however, I haven't seen any real studies that compare it to traditional Western medicine. It seem to be good for chronic pain more than anything else, especially the kinds that the Drs also can't find a specific cause for, at least from a quick glance at these results.

I read a book not too long ago about using eastern medicine’s viruses to attack drug resistant bacteria. She used them to save her husband. It was really interesting.

Amazon product ASIN 0316418080View: https://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Predator-Scientists-Husband-Superbug/dp/0316418080
Why don't you watch it and see what he was saying? Let's hear exactly where he said he is against traditional medicine like you literally fabricated... I was paraphrasing 6-8 minutes of conversation not a 1 minute cut up you took out of context. He never claims traditional medicine is wrong... He's saying there are MANY other methods than just killing the pain with chemicals. BTW acupuncture IS traditional medicine lol. My goodness the level of dumb. Acupuncture has been around since 2500 BCE and has been a practice here since the 1700's. I mean are you serious here?!

Pain relief​

The effectiveness of acupuncture analgesia has already been established in clinical studies. When compared to dummy treatments of placebo, acupuncture is effective in treatment of chronic pain. In chronic pain it may be comparable to morphine as well.

Because of the side-effects of long-term drug therapy for pain and the risks of dependence, acupuncture is emerging as the analgesia or pain reliever of choice in long term joint or arthritis pain as well. This includes cervical spondylitis or neck pain, periarthritis of the shoulder, fibromyalgia, fasciitis, epicondylitis (tennis elbow), low back pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis with knee pain etc.

Acupuncture is beneficial in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis as well. Compared to standard treatment with drugs like allopurinol, acupuncture has been shown to be effective in gout as well. Plum-blossom needling together with cupping (depressurized cup application on skin) has been recommended for treating gouty arthritis.

The use of acupuncture for treating chronic pain of the head and face has been studied. Acupuncture has been shown to work in tension headache, migraine and other kinds of headache. Chronic facial pain, including craniomandibular disorders of muscular origin may also be treated with acupuncture.

Pain after injury or trauma or surgery​

For injuries such as sprains acupuncture is not only useful for relieving pain but also additionally does not pose the risk of drug dependence and hastens recovery.
Acupuncture analgesia to relieve postoperative pain is well studied and proven in studies. Acupuncture has been widely used in dentistry. Acupuncture helps relieve postoperative pain from various dental procedures, including tooth extraction, pulp devitalization and periodontitis.

LOL, that is not peer reviewed studies but just anecdotal claims.
As of 2021 many thousands of papers had been published on the efficacy of acupuncture for the treatment of various adult health conditions, but there was no robust evidence it was beneficial for anything, other than evidence for shoulder pain and fibromyalgia - and none of the evidence that it would be superior to traditional medicine. For Science-Based Medicine, Steven Novella wrote that the overall pattern of evidence was reminiscent of that for homeopathy, compatible with the hypothesis that most, if not all, benefits were due to the placebo effect, and strongly suggestive that acupuncture had no beneficial therapeutic effects at all.
Of course all acupuncture practicing quacks will tell you how effective it is - yet that is how placebo works! Same like homeopathy - complete quackery with zero effect yet millions of dollars earned from naive people believing in that nonsense.