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John Stockton Claims Medicine is Bad

That is the problem with you - you are referring to lack of ankle sprains of one athlete like some kind of scientific fact or proof to your nonsense statement. That is not how science works.
Where did I say that advil and morphine will cure ankle sprain? Certainly will relieve pain better than acupuncture though.
Physical and athletic therapy is based on science. Acupuncture is not. I am not twisting his words, just stating obvious. If you wana suffer through pain and use just icing and wait for it to heal - completely fine with me. But some people may have lower pain tolerance and having a dose of ibuprophen ( which not only reduces pain but as well acts as antiinflammatory ) will reduce their suffering and speed up recovery. Nothing wrong with that.
It’s not that medicine doesn’t work.
It works for its intended purpose.

Are there better, more holistic approaches that prevent repeated injuries?

I thinks so.

I had an ac joint dislocation from a basketball injury. I was told surgery. But I was poor af and read that you could naturally heal but would take longer.

I used kinetic tape to help support and stabilize my shoulder. I healed to full functionality and range of motion.

In this case, I’m glad I skipped “western medicine”
where did I say anything negative about physiotherapy? I am just dismissing your claim that acupuncture is far superior than traditional medicine.
From what I have seen (and saying it works or doesn't is a vast oversimplification) it appears that there are some completely un-understood benefits to acupuncture for treating some conditions, however, I haven't seen any real studies that compare it to traditional Western medicine. It seem to be good for chronic pain more than anything else, especially the kinds that the Drs also can't find a specific cause for, at least from a quick glance at these results.

My quack theory is it just raises pain tolerance with repeated stabbing.
Abusing chemicals obviously isn’t beneficial.

You can also abuse your diet, upsetting hormone balances, beneficial gut bacteria leading to the gateway of illnesses.

Exercise isn’t just important for muscle loss prevention, and functionality.

I would say the best benefit is often overlooked. Your lymphatic (immune) system.
Lymphatic fluid doesn’t circulate on its own.
The lymphatic system DEPENDS on muscle contractions and your heart rate to help the fluid flow to the capillaries and lymph nodes. (These cleanse the impurities out of your system)

When you are born you have anywhere between 400-1,000 lymph nodes with over 1/2 of them located in you abdomen.

The fewest amount of lymph nodes are in the legs. If you’ve had any sort of surgery, they could have even removed some of your lymph nodes.

Since learning this, I’ve incorporated seated leg-press into my routine twice over with variations. (Leg contractions, elevated feet for increased lymphatic fluid return)

Obviously anything involving legs is going to help you feel great. Running, cycling, swimming,
Physical and athletic therapy is based on science. Acupuncture is not..

Oooooo. Acupuncture is actually.

where did I say anything negative about physiotherapy? I am just dismissing your claim that acupuncture is far superior than traditional medicine.

I disagree with this statement.

Let me do some acupressure on you. (No needles bro) and feel your body change.
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My quack theory is it just raises pain tolerance with repeated stabbing.

This is really funny!

Acupuncture and acupressure are usually directed to particular points where muscles tend to stress and lock up. But you’re basically right.

When pressure is applied to a trigger point it helps oxygen, water, and nutrients flow back into the muscle.

There has been some recent studies in 2019 about the myofascial tissue. This is a sheeth like tissue that covers all your muscles, and spans your entire body.
Often discarded to the side during surgery to access the muscles underneath. We used to think it was nothing, now we know it’s everything.

Healthy myofascial tissue has elasticity of about 75%

When you aren’t active this tissue will tighten up to about 50%, so it feels like you’re wearing a tight jacket that doesn’t fit you. Reducing your overall range of movement and giving you that ”Chronic pain” everyone is talking about.
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LOL, that is not peer reviewed studies but just anecdotal claims.
As of 2021 many thousands of papers had been published on the efficacy of acupuncture for the treatment of various adult health conditions, but there was no robust evidence it was beneficial for anything, other than evidence for shoulder pain and fibromyalgia - and none of the evidence that it would be superior to traditional medicine. For Science-Based Medicine, Steven Novella wrote that the overall pattern of evidence was reminiscent of that for homeopathy, compatible with the hypothesis that most, if not all, benefits were due to the placebo effect, and strongly suggestive that acupuncture had no beneficial therapeutic effects at all.
Of course all acupuncture practicing quacks will tell you how effective it is - yet that is how placebo works! Same like homeopathy - complete quackery with zero effect yet millions of dollars earned from naive people believing in that nonsense.
I think this is all well and good until someone is deceived into picking homeopathic, new age or "natural" treatments over proven medical treatments in a life or death situation. I think a meaningful portion of COVID deaths, especially ones that happened after vaccines became available, were due to people (some of them are in this thread) actively, energetically, passionately, and emphatically spreading easily provable misinformation about the disease and the vaccine.

It's funny in a very not funny way, but we're not hearing about 5G anymore, we're not hearing about microchips anymore, we're not hearing about infertility anymore, we're not hearing about mass extinction of those vaccinated anymore... because it is now just too ****ing obvious how much ******** all that was. I first got vaccinate more than two years ago. Billions of people have been vaccinated against COVID, many of us have had a booster or two. None of the fear mongering talking points came to fruition, but the same people who spread that BS are still desperately looking for negatives so that they can still say, even after their primary, secondary and tertiary arguments have gone down in flames, that they were ultimately right about the vaccine. How is it that they just knew the vaccine was bad (despite all their reasons why it is bad eventually failing)? Well, they just knew. They just posses this inherent ability to see the unseeable, to know the unknowable, to understand the incomprehensible. They are just the best of us, standing on the hill and shouting at us about how stupid we are for just following the so-called experts opinions when what we should do is place our faith in them and their intuition, because although they may not have a degree in anything or specialized knowledge or study of the relevant subject matter, they just know what is true and what is not true based on their amazing super human abilities.

The people speaking out against the COVID vaccine are killers... murderers in my opinion. Including the people in this thread I have on ignore. They are responsible for death and suffering that didn't need to happen. They are bad people, even if they believe what they are saying. I certainly wouldn't shed a tear if they faced the consequences of being murderers.
Abusing chemicals obviously isn’t beneficial.

You can also abuse your diet, upsetting hormone balances, beneficial gut bacteria leading to the gateway of illnesses.

Exercise isn’t just important for muscle loss prevention, and functionality.

I would say the best benefit is often overlooked. Your lymphatic (immune) system.
Lymphatic fluid doesn’t circulate on its own.
The lymphatic system DEPENDS on muscle contractions and your heart rate to help the fluid flow to the capillaries and lymph nodes. (These cleanse the impurities out of your system)

When you are born you have anywhere between 400-1,000 lymph nodes with over 1/2 of them located in you abdomen.

The fewest amount of lymph nodes are in the legs. If you’ve had any sort of surgery, they could have even removed some of your lymph nodes.

Since learning this, I’ve incorporated seated leg-press into my routine twice over with variations. (Leg contractions, elevated feet for increased lymphatic fluid return)

Obviously anything involving legs is going to help you feel great. Running, cycling, swimming,
I abuse the **** out of several chemicals every day.

I won't go even a minute in a normal day without ingesting several liters of O2

I drink like a sailor on shore leave, 8oz here, 20oz there, sometimes even more than 32oz in a sitting of my favorite chemical, H20.

I like protein, I like calcium, I like beta carotene, **** man, there are so many chemicals I'm hardcore into, you might even say addicted to, I can't even name them all.

Yum yum yum, give me chemicals.

I basically don't eat anything unless it contains chemicals. I refuse. Either it has chemicals or it can take a ****ing hike because chemicals are my jam.
Not taking the vaccine is one thing.

Being a propagandist's junior assistant by passing on all the BS like you know what you're talking about (when YOU, you specifically, don't) is deadly. Yeah. I think you're a bad person who deserves the same punishment a convicted murderer would receive. That's what I think of you. I think that you're no better than a murderer. Let me rephrase, I think that you ARE a murderer.

If there was an announcement on jazzfanz that you died a horrible painful death... I would not be sad.

That is what I think of you.