Dude has really gone overboard on the do your own research front
His point obviously went over your head and I think you are intentionally taking his words out of context.“medicine is not good for us…”
Me: I dunno man. The life expectancy over the last 100 years seems to say otherwise. Were we more sedentary 100 years ago? More obese? Or has *medicine* helped us? We could also look at infant mortality rates, deaths per 1,000, and just sheer population values to show that medicine has had a huge positive impact on mankind over the past 100 years.
View attachment 14377
My wife and child probably wouldn’t be alive today without medicine. He was breach and required a c section. He was also born premature, wasn’t breathing in his own, and was cared for in the NICU for a few weeks. Not really sure how that would’ve worked out well if not for modern-day medicine. Personally, I’ve been relieved of much suffering with modern-day medicine of root canals, wisdom teeth removal, and most of all a tonsillectomy. I was getting sick every 3-4 weeks because of my tonsils. I wouldn’t have wanted to live very long without modern day medicine curing me of that.
It really bugs me when complete ignoramuses like Stockton crap all over medicine. It’s not that they’ve never experienced the benefits of medicine because of their genes. It’s because they’re too proud and have their identities too wrapped up in this nonsense to admit that they’ve been fitted from medicine. I seem to remember Stockton’s career being prolonged by a knee operation in 97-98, right? I wonder how he would’ve played without modern-daymedicine to clean up that knee?
Stockton can **** all the way off.
And yet MAGA/anti science vaxxers never go after PurduePharma for this type of stuff. There’s no movement to regulate this industry. There’s no talk of getting capitalism out of our medicine. No talk of moving towards a single payer system, like most of the industrialized world already has. It’s always focused on:Overprescribing is certainly an issue, overuse/addiction another one on top of that. Painkillers in particular massively overused. Useful discussion to be had there.
'Medicine'/drugs overall are still massively useful tools, and given Johns history, I'm not inclined to take his statement in the most generous light.
Did you know that the black community is the most anti-vax and least vax'd community?And yet MAGA/anti science vaxxers never go after PurduePharma for this type of stuff. There’s no movement to regulate this industry. There’s no talk of getting capitalism out of our medicine. It’s always focused on:
1. Anti vax nonsense, usually promoted by MAGA/Russian influencers.
2. Throwing a pity party for poor whites in the rust belt.
Never is it directed at the corporations and the health care system that have led to opioid addiction. Never is there any talk of the immoral (white) communities In the rust belt and their self-destructive tendencies. Just compare how communities of color that have been ravaged by crack are described vs white rural companies in the rust belt have been ravaged by opioid addition. The differences couldn’t be more stark.
Let’s focus on the health care system.
My wife became Type 1 diabetic when she was about 50. Her pancreas just shut off. If that had happened 100 years ago, she'd definitely be dead. I personally had bypass a few years ago, I think they ended up doing 4 grafts? I would certainly be dead.“medicine is not good for us…”
Me: I dunno man. The life expectancy over the last 100 years seems to say otherwise. Were we more sedentary 100 years ago? More obese? Or has *medicine* helped us? We could also look at infant mortality rates, deaths per 1,000, and just sheer population values to show that medicine has had a huge positive impact on mankind over the past 100 years.
View attachment 14377
My wife and child probably wouldn’t be alive today without medicine. He was breach and required a c section. He was also born premature, wasn’t breathing in his own, and was cared for in the NICU for a few weeks. Not really sure how that would’ve worked out well if not for modern-day medicine. Personally, I’ve been relieved of much suffering with modern-day medicine of root canals, wisdom teeth removal, and most of all a tonsillectomy. I was getting sick every 3-4 weeks because of my tonsils. I wouldn’t have wanted to live very long without modern day medicine curing me of that.
It really bugs me when complete jerks like Stockton crap all over medicine. It’s not that they’ve never experienced the benefits of medicine because of their genes. It’s because they’re too proud and have their identities too wrapped up in this nonsense to admit that they’ve been fitted from medicine. I seem to remember Stockton’s career being prolonged by a knee operation in 97-98, right? I wonder how he would’ve played without modern-daymedicine to clean up that knee?
Stockton can **** all the way off.
Yep. Yet another example of how medicine is good for us. Thanks for sharing.My wife became Type 1 diabetic when she was about 50. Her pancreas just shut off. If that had happened 100 years ago, she'd definitely be dead. I personally had bypass a few years ago, I think they ended up doing 4 grafts? I would certainly be dead.
But chemicals are bad. CHEMICALS!!!!“medicine is not good for us…”
Me: I dunno man. The life expectancy over the last 100 years seems to say otherwise. Were we more sedentary 100 years ago? More obese? Or has *medicine* helped us? We could also look at infant mortality rates, deaths per 1,000, and just sheer population values to show that medicine has had a huge positive impact on mankind over the past 100 years.
View attachment 14377
My wife and child probably wouldn’t be alive today without medicine. He was breach and required a c section. He was also born premature, wasn’t breathing in his own, and was cared for in the NICU for a few weeks. Not really sure how that would’ve worked out well if not for modern-day medicine. Personally, I’ve been relieved of much suffering with modern-day medicine of root canals, wisdom teeth removal, and most of all a tonsillectomy. I was getting sick every 3-4 weeks because of my tonsils. I wouldn’t have wanted to live very long without modern day medicine curing me of that.
It really bugs me when complete jerks like Stockton crap all over medicine. It’s not that they’ve never experienced the benefits of medicine because of their genes. It’s because they’re too proud and have their identities too wrapped up in this nonsense to admit that they’ve been fitted from medicine. I seem to remember Stockton’s career being prolonged by a knee operation in 97-98, right? I wonder how he would’ve played without modern-daymedicine to clean up that knee?
Stockton can **** all the way off.
How is acupuncture far more useful? Please show me at least one peer reviewed study showing acupuncture superiority over traditional medicine?I He's saying how easy it is to just dish out prescriptions when there are methods like acupuncture and other methods that are far more useful at actually addressing the problem instead of masking it.
Why don't you watch it and see what he was saying? Let's hear exactly where he said he is against traditional medicine like you literally fabricated... I was paraphrasing 6-8 minutes of conversation not a 1 minute cut up you took out of context. He never claims traditional medicine is wrong... He's saying there are MANY other methods than just killing the pain with chemicals. BTW acupuncture IS traditional medicine lol. My goodness the level of dumb. Acupuncture has been around since 2500 BCE and has been a practice here since the 1700's. I mean are you serious here?!How is acupuncture far more useful? Please show me at least one peer reviewed study showing acupuncture superiority over traditional medicine?
From what I have seen (and saying it works or doesn't is a vast oversimplification) it appears that there are some completely un-understood benefits to acupuncture for treating some conditions, however, I haven't seen any real studies that compare it to traditional Western medicine. It seem to be good for chronic pain more than anything else, especially the kinds that the Drs also can't find a specific cause for, at least from a quick glance at these results.How is acupuncture far more useful? Please show me at least one peer reviewed study showing acupuncture superiority over traditional medicine?
Dude has really gone overboard on the do your own research front
I read a book not too long ago about using eastern medicine’s viruses to attack drug resistant bacteria. She used them to save her husband. It was really interesting.From what I have seen (and saying it works or doesn't is a vast oversimplification) it appears that there are some completely un-understood benefits to acupuncture for treating some conditions, however, I haven't seen any real studies that compare it to traditional Western medicine. It seem to be good for chronic pain more than anything else, especially the kinds that the Drs also can't find a specific cause for, at least from a quick glance at these results.
Acupuncture: Effectiveness and Safety
Information about acupuncture, including its safety and effectiveness in treating pain and other
Why don't you watch it and see what he was saying? Let's hear exactly where he said he is against traditional medicine like you literally fabricated... I was paraphrasing 6-8 minutes of conversation not a 1 minute cut up you took out of context. He never claims traditional medicine is wrong... He's saying there are MANY other methods than just killing the pain with chemicals. BTW acupuncture IS traditional medicine lol. My goodness the level of dumb. Acupuncture has been around since 2500 BCE and has been a practice here since the 1700's. I mean are you serious here?!
Pain relief
The effectiveness of acupuncture analgesia has already been established in clinical studies. When compared to dummy treatments of placebo, acupuncture is effective in treatment of chronic pain. In chronic pain it may be comparable to morphine as well.
Because of the side-effects of long-term drug therapy for pain and the risks of dependence, acupuncture is emerging as the analgesia or pain reliever of choice in long term joint or arthritis pain as well. This includes cervical spondylitis or neck pain, periarthritis of the shoulder, fibromyalgia, fasciitis, epicondylitis (tennis elbow), low back pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis with knee pain etc.
Acupuncture is beneficial in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis as well. Compared to standard treatment with drugs like allopurinol, acupuncture has been shown to be effective in gout as well. Plum-blossom needling together with cupping (depressurized cup application on skin) has been recommended for treating gouty arthritis.
The use of acupuncture for treating chronic pain of the head and face has been studied. Acupuncture has been shown to work in tension headache, migraine and other kinds of headache. Chronic facial pain, including craniomandibular disorders of muscular origin may also be treated with acupuncture.
Pain after injury or trauma or surgery
For injuries such as sprains acupuncture is not only useful for relieving pain but also additionally does not pose the risk of drug dependence and hastens recovery.
Acupuncture analgesia to relieve postoperative pain is well studied and proven in studies. Acupuncture has been widely used in dentistry. Acupuncture helps relieve postoperative pain from various dental procedures, including tooth extraction, pulp devitalization and periodontitis.
How Effective is Acupuncture?
There have been clinical studies evaluating if acupuncture actually works. There is research on mechanisms involved and how the therapy works and also provides important information on