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Data. If you look at the data objectively, then a lot of states should reopen. Obviously cities with large population densities need to take different actions.

I agree. So who are these liberals holding you back? Most of the states with low numbers have republican governors.
That is one difference.

A difference of minor degree, and certainly not indicative of the difference between "socialist" and "not socialist".

Data. If you look at the data objectively, then a lot of states should reopen. Obviously cities with large population densities need to take different actions.

Please, do continue. To which data do you refer? If you need to link to some epidemiologists (in fact, that would be preferable), by all means do so.
Stores in Georgia are showing ridiculously low levels of business. So if they open but no one shops, won’t that only exacerbate the economic problem? Won’t opening up to such low levels levels of business speed up their bankruptcies?

I think some people think that we’d be packing the malls and theaters if given an opportunity. I think a lot of people are going to avoid these places for a long time. Maybe even until a vaccine is developed. Even if the NBA restarted the season today and the jazz were giving away lower bowl seats, I wouldn’t attend for risk of getting sick.
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This doesn't look too promising:

Yikes. The human toll is just unbelievable. But the psychological toll this is going to exact will take a long time to recover from. If/when we hit 3,000+ deaths per day and 200,000 deaths total, I think states will find it even harder to jumpstart the economy. Who wants to go shopping and end up dead?

Once again, the virus is the main issue and it needs to be addressed through through testing and tracing.
It WOULD NOT make sense to send them back in protest after having paid for them. You're making a fat crayon argument. It's a bad look.

I questioned @magic making the assertion that Democrats want a socialist society. They have not yet responded. I'm waiting for their response so that I'm making arguments based on what they actually say and believe.

Making a very very simple minded and very stupid argument based on not taking a stimulus payment is basic facebook level political thought. Be better.

good post. You’re right.
Stores in Georgia are showing ridiculously low levels of business. So if they open but no one shops, won’t that only exacerbate the economic problem? Won’t opening up to such low levels levels of business speed up their bankruptcies?
If they had absolutely no idea how to balance their supply side with the actual demand, then yes.
I would imagine that it will be very difficult to determine actual demand for awhile.

exactly. I’m not sure if anyone knows how business will be for a while. But they may feel compelled to be open as some of their competitors might open up. Sure, if business is poor, they might all decide to stay closed. But until then, how many businesses are going to lose money by having the lights on and having employees come in to sit around?

just because your governor decides to open up, doesn’t mean consumers will want to come in and spend.
exactly. I’m not sure if anyone knows how business will be for a while. But they may feel compelled to be open as some of their competitors might open up. Sure, if business is poor, they might all decide to stay closed. But until then, how many businesses are going to lose money by having the lights on and having employees come in to sit around?

just because your governor decides to open up, doesn’t mean consumers will want to come in and spend.

Anecdotal but a majority of restaurant lobbies are back open, but drive through lines are still way way longer than they used to be. People are afraid to go in again.
I've found it funny that movie theaters can open back up, but with no new releases, seems like there's not an audience there.

One of the frustrations I have is the arrogance and ignorance of these people. The arrogance that they know better than health care experts. They think theyre the lone arbitrators of truth. That those working to mitigate this pandemic are as obsessed with power as they are. The ignorance to what’s happening around the world. The ignorance that freedom is somehow “being able to do whatever I want” without any of the consequences. They’re nothing more than angry children pretending to be civic minded.

when these spoiled children get sick, they’ll be the first ones begging for government to bail them out. They’ll be pleading for medical help. They’ll be begging for ventilators. It’s just a one way street for them. Me me me take take take.

One of the frustrations I have is the arrogance and ignorance of these people. The arrogance that they know better than health care experts. They think theyre the lone arbitrators of truth. That those working to mitigate this pandemic are as obsessed with power as they are. The ignorance to what’s happening around the world. The ignorance that freedom is somehow “being able to do whatever I want” without any of the consequences. They’re nothing more than angry children pretending to be civic minded.

when these spoiled children get sick, they’ll be the first ones begging for government to bail them out. They’ll be pleading for medical help. They’ll be begging for ventilators. It’s just a one way street for them. Me me me take take take.

Unfortunately many people (sometimes regrettably it happens also to me) recognise the danger only when they go through that...i've spotted that many times in a lot of different situations.
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Unfortunately many people (sometimes regrettably it happens also to me) recognise the danger only when they go through that...i've spotted that many times in a lot of different situations.

it’s not just ignorance, it’s the immaturity. It’s encapsulated below:

We’ve seen this many times with Trump. Democracy, our country, our allies, our foreign policy, and now our health, thrown into the wind to appease a loud immature childish minority. An childish group of people who think it’s their job to flip the world the bird.

They’re not civically minded. They have no concept of what actual freedom means. They think tyranny is being told to stay at home to avoid endangering others. They then bitch about their hair roots, carry anti-Semitic posters, and bring AR15s into state capitols. They want all the benefits of living in a modern day democracy without any of the responsibility. They’re petulant children, who whine about perceived inconveniences. Ask yourself, how many of these people have actually written to their governor explaining why they believe the state should be open? Over or under 50 percent?

2014 trump would’ve agreed with me. Btw, listen to how much better he sounded back then.

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Then your question is stupid. There is a wide spectrum of Democrats with different preferences on what kind of society they want. So saying Dems are any one single option would always be incorrect. I just said that they would prefer a Socialist society. You can use replace that with a more liberal society if that helps you sleep better at night. It wasn't even the main point of my argument, so I'm not going to comment on this any further.

Someone help me out. Is this what the kids are calling "gaslighting" these days?
An childish group of people who think it’s their job to flip the world the bird
Agreed, and the fact that make me angry the most is that due to their irresponsible deeds I fear that a lot of good people (I still think the majority of the population) who respect the rules could pay gravely ...
They’re petulant children, who whine about perceived inconveniences. Ask yourself, how many of these people have actually written to their governor explaining why they believe the state should be open? Over or under 50 percent?
Right, they look like babies who cry and complain with no proposals to solve the matter.

And now Trump is calling these projections of 3000 deaths a day, 200,000 cases a day “fake news”. That alone gives the projections greater credibility. And he doesn’t want Fauci talking to Congress. Why, I wonder. Actually, no, I don’t.

When I saw the projections, and I don’t, and cannot, know what the numbers will be, but I remembered the phase “the cure can’t be worse than the disease” was the leading edge of the president’s public musings, echoed by Fox enablers, and I recalled this piece from March.


"The problem is that the political right.....don’t want such a heavy intervention in the economy. As a result, they indulge in a truly grotesque display of self-interested reasoning and argue that there can be a quick and easy end to quarantines, shutdowns, and social distancing campaigns.

What they are arguing for goes beyond Social Darwinism and is, in fact, a kind of cult capitalism. The existing system is viewed as so sacred that it is worth sacrificing innumerable human lives to keep it going. Even nonrevolutionary changes to the system are anathema."


"States across the country are moving swiftly to reopen their economies despite failing to achieve benchmarks laid out by the White House for when social distancing restrictions could be eased to ensure the public’s safety during the coronavirus pandemic.

These governors’ biggest cheerleader is President Trump....

.....But Trump and some of his aides have backed away from their own guidelines, opting instead to hail the broad economic reopening that health experts say has started too quickly. The dichotomy comes as the White House also tried to distance itself from a draft federal government report predicting an explosion of new coronavirus casesand 3,000 daily deaths by June 1".
Now we know, Trump's musings in March, about allowing the virus to just run its course, is the choice he prefers to see play out. Surprise, surprise, he is putting his political fortunes ahead of human life.
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Trump is actively promoting states to violate trump’s guidelines to reopen the economy. Trump is encouraging his supporters to mass protest state governments.

I wonder why the estimated death count is increasing.
