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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

Ok repubs, Stoked, Dutch, etc, 2 easy Yes or No questions:

#1 Do you believe that Trump fired Comey because he felt bad for Comey smearing Clinton? YES or NO
#2 Would you be this dismissive of this executive behavior if Obama or Clinton had won and were being investigated for colluding with Russia and were firing all the top officials who were investigating him/her? YES or NO

Answer these 2 questions truthfully. Thanks guys!

Please don't use the term "Republicans" as synonymous with "Trump supporters". I've consistently been very anti-Trump, but am still a Republican.

There's no question that Trump's prepared excuse for firing Comey was not the actual reason. As I'm sure you know, all reports agree that Trump first decided to fire Comey, and then asked the AG and deputy AG to write up some reasons why. And that's shameful.

Trump's claim that the he was following the deputy AG's recommendation to fire Comey pissed the deputy AG off so much that he nearly resigned. (https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/dep...-resigning-upset-wh-pinning/story?id=47342541.) Again, shameful act by Trump to blame the firing on Rosenstein.

To add insult to injury, Comey found out about his firing from the ticker on a TV screen. No personal notification at all. Again, shameful.

Only the second time a President has fired the FBI director in history. Just when I think my opinion of Trump cannot get any lower.

I had previously thought that there was nothing to the Russia thing... that it should be investigated, but that the investigation would not find any evidence of wrongdoing. Now I'm not so sure.
This coming from the guy who continually refuses to answer direct questions is highly rich.

I'm a repub? What? LMFAO at Thriller. Not to mention I wasn't even part of this convo or even think Thriller is worth a discussion.

I agree with the general vibe going on here. Sure he can fire him but the timing is highly suspicious. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I want an independent investigation into all this. One that the Rs and Ds cannot mess with more than they already are.
I'm a repub? What? LMFAO at Thriller. Not to mention I wasn't even part of this convo or even think Thriller is worth a discussion.

I agree with the general vibe going on here. Sure he can fire him but the timing is highly suspicious. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I want an independent investigation into all this. One that the Rs and Ds cannot mess with more than they already are.
Isn't the FBI non partisan/independent?
Isn't the FBI non partisan/independent?
Probably depends on who Trump appoints as the new director.

I read that Comey was the first FBI director to ever have a negative vote for confirmation. He had a single negative vote (by Rand Paul, I believe, not sure the reasons why). And that's the MOST negative votes ever! Who thinks the next director will be anywhere close to that?
Isn't the FBI non partisan/independent?

they really, really aren't. I suppose on paper they should be but in reality they're not. The existence, and boundaries of what the FBI can or can't do are very much restricted by policy, so they have a stake in havin vested interests towards certain politicians and parties (primarily Republicans, Democrats to a lesser extent-- they are generally very very anti left-wing politics).
and Trump PRAISED Comey on the campaign trail.

Your point is moot as always.

Just because Dems wanted him gone, doesn't excuse the fact that this is suspicious as hell.

but when you are a supporter of Donald Trump you have to constantly look for ways to deflect, and frame his ridiculous actions.

He's the worst ever, and folks it's not going to get better from here.

yeah, i am not unconditionally on trump's side. ofcourse as a foreigner most of **** he does. does not influence me! i agree he sometimes is ideologically inconsistent!

but let's be hones do you think comey was a capable fbi director from what we know?

meaning do you agree he should not be director. but you disagree with the timing of his firing?
Isn't the FBI non partisan/independent?

Probably depends on who Trump appoints as the new director.

I read that Comey was the first FBI director to ever have a negative vote for confirmation. He had a single negative vote (by Rand Paul, I believe, not sure the reasons why). And that's the MOST negative votes ever! Who thinks the next director will be anywhere close to that?

This, plus we just saw how bad it looked when Trump fired him. What if the next director wins the job by promising the President no further investigations?
yeah, i am not unconditionally on trump's side. ofcourse as a foreigner most of **** he does. does not influence me! i agree he sometimes is ideologically inconsistent!

but let's be hones do you think comey was a capable fbi director from what we know?

meaning do you agree he should not be director. but you disagree with the timing of his firing?

Personal Foul; Deflection. Secondary offense; obfuscation.

Trump has purposefully stalled the investigation of his collusion with Russia.
This, plus we just saw how bad it looked when Trump fired him. What if the next director wins the job by promising the President no further investigations?
So then who should do the investigation? Is there anyone who doesn't lean a little right or left, that doesn't have an opinion on trump, that can't be corrupted or influenced?

Sounds like a search for a unicorn.
So then who should do the investigation? Is there anyone who doesn't lean a little right or left, that doesn't have an opinion on trump, that can't be corrupted or influenced?

Sounds like a search for a unicorn.

There is always going to be bias, but I don't want the investigation under the Rs or Ds direct control. Like Comey was under Trump's control. Yes they will have to report updates and findings to congress but I don't want them running the show or being able to control the person that is.

No, I don't expect it to happen and as such I am skeptical and suspicious of any finding that are released. Both sides are garbage
I'm a repub? What? LMFAO at Thriller. Not to mention I wasn't even part of this convo or even think Thriller is worth a discussion.

I agree with the general vibe going on here. Sure he can fire him but the timing is highly suspicious. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I want an independent investigation into all this. One that the Rs and Ds cannot mess with more than they already are.

You have to remember that everyone who doesn't have the democrat party oath and talking points tattooed on their face is automatically lumped in with all the other enemies/stupid morons/evil demons of the world. Since you don't exactly toe the party line, you, my friend, are a "repub", and get all the vitriol inherent in that label.

That is easier than actually thinking or conversing with others and maybe even challenging one's own assumptions.
So then who should do the investigation? Is there anyone who doesn't lean a little right or left, that doesn't have an opinion on trump, that can't be corrupted or influenced?

Sounds like a search for a unicorn.

Maybe the Russians can help with the investigation. They seem to be good at uncovering stuff people are trying to keep covered up.
Isn't the FBI non partisan/independent?

Depends on what you mean by non partisan. For most people if there are decisions made that go against their political philosophy then the offender is automatically partisan. But if they make mostly decisions that agree with one political agenda then the adherents of that agenda will claim they are "fair and balanced". It is a complicated game really. Most people are truly incapable of true objectivity on any level and in any arena. With great effort we can get close, but true objectivity evades most everyone. We are all full of biases.

That said, yes the FBI is supposed to remain as neutral as they can, given the policies driving the organization and the inherent biases of their leadership.
There is always going to be bias, but I don't want the investigation under the Rs or Ds direct control. Like Comey was under Trump's control. Yes they will have to report updates and findings to congress but I don't want them running the show or being able to control the person that is.

No, I don't expect it to happen and as such I am skeptical and suspicious of any finding that are released. Both sides are garbage
It’s become obvious there needs to be a special prosecutor, someone independent of the FBI and both major parties.
You have to remember that everyone who doesn't have the democrat party oath and talking points tattooed on their face is automatically lumped in with all the other enemies/stupid morons/evil demons of the world. Since you don't exactly toe the party line, you, my friend, are a "repub", and get all the vitriol inherent in that label.

That is easier than actually thinking or conversing with others and maybe even challenging one's own assumptions.

You do realize the other side feels the exact same way, right?
Welp. There you go. You can only hide the truth for so long.

Wall Street Journal‏Verified account @WSJ 3h3 hours ago

Trump says he had already made up his mind to fire Comey before Rosenstein meeting
LOL ... I mean how are Trump's people going to defend this one? Kellyanne basically spent the whole day yesterday on CNN defending Trump's decision going on and on and on about how Rosenstein spent the whole of 14 days coming with the report, and how independent he was, and how Congress voted for him, etc, etc, etc. And how Trump followed that recommendation to the T.

All the while Trump had already made up his mind BEFORE even reading the damn report!!!

Oh man, you really can't make this stuff up.
BTW - because of this, Trump is the first president since Richard Nixon to have fired a law enforcement official overseeing an investigation with ties to the White House.

What a GREAT company to be in.