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Donald is about to go through some things...

Seriously? That is messed up. Someone you don't like, you would want to silence them?
Not someone I don't like. Someone who is evil and bad for the county and world.
I don't like Ted cruz but don't want him silenced
I would love if someone silenced Putin though.
Some folks would say the same thing about elections, yet others want to pretend they are squeaky clean. Nobody would dare hide a presidential candidates corrupt business dealings with foreign governments because it could sway an election, right? You cant have it both ways all the time on every issue- its catching up to the democratic party. The lies, flip flopping, double standards, etc cant last forever.
Nah see, there is no comparison for trump. Lots of politicians have done bad things. Some have done the same bad thing as trump. Trump has done all the bad things all the other politicians have done and then some.
If you can find me another politician who has ripped people off with a fake university, used a charity fraudulently, cheated on his wife with a porn star and paid her off with hush money, extorted a foreign leader to attack his political adversary, incited a mob to attack the nations capital, stole money from citizens with a build the wall fund scheme, stole money from citizens with a stop the steal fund, stole documents from the Whitehouse and wouldn't return them to the point the FBI had to forcibly remove them, had his business convicted in court of fabricating its tax info..... Well if you can find me a politician with a list like that (not even sure I covered everything) and who acts like as big of a douchebag as him then I definitely want anything and everything bad to happen them by whatever means necessary. Silence the **** out of anyone like that please.
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Ya like I said I'm more concerned about the legal and political shenanigans that the establishment is willing to do to silence and harass a political opponent. I do realize now that the conversation here on this sight will never evolve beyond Trump bad, **** Trump, Bad man Trump, orange man bad etc etc... Morons
Well I mean thre bold part of your post is referencing trump. That is literally who we are taking about.
Who else is the establishment silencing with legal and political shenanigans? You act like this is some slippery slope. Maybe trump is a uniquely corrupt and immoral douchebag and that's why this is happening to him. Also, do you really think he is being silenced? He literally appeared on CNN right after his loss in court. He ain't silent. He loud as ****
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I was speaking hypothetically… of course none of the US elections have ever had any shenanigans ever. They are all on the up and up… some would say squeaky clean. I can’t explain why democrats cried about the election results of 2016 for 5 straight years.
Just like this harassment of Trump is nothing political. It’s not political, it’s just his shady past and poor decisions catching up with him. Right?
Just like I wouldn’t suspect any of Bidens past poor decisions to come out and be reported on by the media shills unless the deep state decides they don’t want him to run again. If they decide he shouldn’t run again we’ll start to hear more about the laptop and classified docs and Tara Reade etc…
The deep state lololololololol. Trump is a victim. It makes sense now. For someone who "doesn't like trump" you sure sound like him.
Nah see, there is no comparison for trump. Lots of politicians have done bad things. Some have done the same bad thing as trump. Trump has done all the bad things all the other politicians have done and then some.
If you can find me another politician who has ripped people off with a fake university, used a charity fraudulently, cheated on his wife with a porn star and paid her off when hush money, extorted a foreign leader to attack his political, adversary, incited a mob to attack the nations capital, stole money from citizens with a build the wall fund scheme, stole money from citizens with a stop the steal fund, store documents grub the Whitehouse and wouldn't return them to the point the FBI had to forcibly remove them, had his business convicted in court of fabricating its tax info..... Well if you can find me a politician with a list like that (not even sure I covered everything) and who acts like as big of a douchebag as him then I definitely want anything and everything bad to happen them by whatever means necessary. Silence the **** out of anyone like that please.
Holy moly- ya you’re not deranged. So I’ve heard that those people who are obsessed with Trump are obsessed because they see trump in their own shadow and that is why they hate him so much. I’ve noticed in folks like Sam Harris, fish, and thriller that they would prefer to live in an authoritarian dictatorship. They would prefer to be told what to believe and to silence any outside opinions by force if necessary and are even willing to kill anyone with a different opinion. They don’t want folks to be able to make decisions for themselves. They want war and more big government. This is who are the hard corps Democratic Party now.
Holy moly- ya you’re not deranged. So I’ve heard that those people who are obsessed with Trump are obsessed because they see trump in their own shadow and that is why they hate him so much. I’ve noticed in folks like Sam Harris, fish, and thriller that they would prefer to live in an authoritarian dictatorship. They would prefer to be told what to believe and to silence any outside opinions by force if necessary and are even willing to kill anyone with a different opinion. They don’t want folks to be able to make decisions for themselves. They want war and more big government. This is who are the hard corps Democratic Party now.
This is ridiculous.
This is ridiculous.
Not to mention how fish and thriller (among others) also like to team up on people here and bully them. Is that not a very trump sorta thing to do? Especially those opinions they don’t agree with? Makes sense to me…
Holy moly- ya you’re not deranged. So I’ve heard that those people who are obsessed with Trump are obsessed because they see trump in their own shadow and that is why they hate him so much. I’ve noticed in folks like Sam Harris, fish, and thriller that they would prefer to live in an authoritarian dictatorship. They would prefer to be told what to believe and to silence any outside opinions by force if necessary and are even willing to kill anyone with a different opinion. They don’t want folks to be able to make decisions for themselves. They want war and more big government. This is who are the hard corps Democratic Party now.

I will wait for you to provide me a politician who has done things i listed. Trump is different than all the other politicians as he is much much worse.
So I’ve heard that those people who are obsessed with Trump are obsessed because they see trump in their own shadow and that is why they hate him so much.
That’s interesting, might be some truth to that I suppose. People do often project their own faults onto others as well, kind of a similar dynamic.

Myself, I was like a lot of other folks, even many prominent conservatives, who just instantly recognized what Trump represented the day he descended the escalator in Trump Tower, and announced for 2016. I think anyone with a good understanding of demagogues, and the dangers demagogues pose in a democracy, probably reacted in a similar fashion. Those alarm bells sounding, esp. for folks with a good understanding of history, had nothing to do with personal shadows.

After all:

I mean, really, these concerns are not born of overly active imaginations divorced from reality….

Conservative minds understood this well, not just liberals or “leftists”:

And the summary below is just one hour from the other night. This is detached from reality. I don’t have to fail to recognize my own shadow to see that a man who is completely detached from the real world, and is so much wrapped up in himself, that this is the result, needs to be kept far from the Oval Office.

This is not a would-be president that is rooted in the real world. He needs to leave the stage:

“For most of the hour-long session, the former president barely mentioned President Biden. Instead, he spent his time denying the results of the “rigged” 2020 election; railing against “stupid people” who refuse to acknowledge his victory; promising to pardon “many” of those convicted of committing crimes on Jan. 6, 2021; calling the Capitol Police officer who shot a rioter while protecting members of Congress a “thug”; claiming that Mike Pence was not in any danger from the rioters and had the power as vice president to overturn the election results; defending his “perfect” phone call asking Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, to “find 11,780 votes”; defending his Truth Social post calling for “termination” of the Constitution; justifying his own mishandling of classified information while claiming that Biden stored classified documents in D.C.’s Chinatown, “where they don’t even speak English”; rehashing and justifying his “Access Hollywood” comments; and calling CNN moderator Kaitlan Collins a “nasty person.”(From a Wash. Post opinion piece: https://wapo.st/42M6JBt)

I assume you do not recognize any of this. You have no choice but to see the fault in critics of Trump, perhaps because you have no knowledge of demagogues, and likely due in part to a lack of knowledge or appreciation of history. You make a mistake trying to find poorly supported reasoning behind concerns about Trump. You simply are unable to understand those concerns, so you find any way you can to dismiss them. Educating yourself in history would be far more appropriate.

Don’t mean to spam you, or the forum, with a bunch of links, but I’m providing you with the opportunity to educate yourself beyond just extreme anger at anyone “obsessed” with Trump. Dismissing these anti-Trump concerns will not work. People like me, and there are millions of people like me, have genuine concerns rooted in reality.
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I just want trump treated fairly instead of treated special.

Like if I rob and steal from lots of people I probably spend some time in jail.
If I steal classified documents from the government and am unwilling to return them I probably spend time in jail.
If im on a phone call committing extortion I probably spend some time in jail.
If i sexually assault someone I probably spend some time in jail.
If I commit tax evasion on a large scale i probably spend some time in jail.
If i have a bunch of brainwashed followers who I know will listen to me and follow my orders and I get them to attack the Capital of the USA and people end up dead then I probably spend some time in jail.
If I was sending fake electors to certify votes and if I was calling officials to find just enough votes to get me electoral wins then I might spend time in jail.

Trump is rich and powerful so he avoids jail when he does things that would get me put in jail. He gets treated unfairly in that way. I want him treated fairly. Put him in jail. Same goes for the rest of the rich and powerful. But poor victimized trump continues to avoid any time in the slammer. If me wanting him to face consequences for his crimes makes me authoritarian and a war monger then so be it.

Instead of being jailed for all his many crimes he remains free. Instead of being silenced he is louder than ever. Instead of losing supporters and power each time he commits a crime his supporters seem to love him even more and he gains more power. To me, that isn't fair or right.
Agree to disagree I guess.
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Yeah sounds suspiciously like jazzyfresh, doesn't it? Same word choice and inexplicably going hard on the "Dems want war" ******** when it wasn't even remotely part of this conversation. Interesting.
I have had conversations here before you know. I’ve tried again to bring up topics with supporting facts from reputable sources on almost all of my original posts. Some of the topics I’ve tried to discuss are the train derailment, rail strike, nordstream explosion, anti-war rally, and so on. I’m almost every case I was personally attacked for my opinions immediately. There was never any nuanced discussions about the issues themselves and the discussions always end up on one topic, Trump… I realize this is the topic of this specific thread, but it’s basically the only topic discussed here politically. If you don’t obsessively hate trump and spend all your day hating him there is nothing else to discuss here. I’m sure there will be plenty of trump to discuss here for a while so you all should feel pretty safe in that topic unfortunately.
I was speaking hypothetically… of course none of the US elections have ever had any shenanigans ever. They are all on the up and up… some would say squeaky clean.
Again, who's saying all elections have never had any shenanigans?

Just like this harassment of Trump is nothing political. It’s not political, it’s just his shady past and poor decisions catching up with him. Right?
Why can't it be both?

Just like I wouldn’t suspect any of Bidens past poor decisions to come out and be reported on by the media shills unless the deep state decides they don’t want him to run again.
Biden's past poor decisions have been plastered all over the media.

If they decide he shouldn’t run again we’ll start to hear more about the laptop and classified docs and Tara Reade etc…
Did that ever stop?
Some of the topics I’ve tried to discuss are the train derailment, rail strike, nordstream explosion, anti-war rally, and so on. I’m almost every case I was personally attacked for my opinions immediately.
From my recollection, you faced much agreement on the particulars of these issues, all while calling everyone sheep for supposedly believing what no one believed. You started off insulting people who agreed with you. It's not surprising you feel you were attacked in return.
From my recollection, you faced much agreement on the particulars of these issues, all while calling everyone sheep for supposedly believing what no one believed. You started off insulting people who agreed with you. It's not surprising you feel you were attacked in return.
That’s ********. I’ve been labeled immediately every time I’ve posted anything here. From putin puppet to maga republican etc. I’m attacked and questioned about every single claim I make all the while being called a trump supporter or maga etc. I’ve not been allowed my opinions without being bullied and and you all know it. You all pile on and tag team anyone with a different opinion here and it’s pretty shameful and simple minded.
You all should ask yourselves if anyone in the world has an opinion outside of the mainstream democrat narrative that you would even consider listening to. What if anything are you willing to move to the middle on and why don’t you want to discuss any of that stuff? Why does trump have to dictate every aspect of your own opinions? In that sense his is a dictator over you. He already dictates what you think and believe because it must be opposite of him. 2016 is happening all over again because folks can’t move on. If you knew that if you stopped hating him so much he would fail, would you be able to stop hating him? I don’t think most of you could do it, I mean it’s basically thrillers whole identity.
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Not someone I don't like. Someone who is evil and bad for the county and world.
I don't like Ted cruz but don't want him silenced
I would love if someone silenced Putin though.
Who's evil and bad for the whole country and the world?Screenshot 2023-05-12 at 11.29.05 AM.png

You mean anti-vaxxer'? Should we change laws and send government after them (shenanigans) because they are "no better than a murderer"? I mean they are evil and bad because some people say they are.

What about regular people who have a different political view than you?

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I mean, if they don't agree with me on schools, boarder, Obamacare and other topics they are "Evil". I was told they are evil, from people who fully believe they are evil. Let's lock them up and silence them. I mean they are bad for the country and the world. And let's do it by a non ethical way. (shenanigans)

What about a wealthy business man?

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He is just like Trump, he has no morals he is a bad person. Evil people might say. What should we do with him?

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Let's just cap his wealth. Let's control him and his social media platform. How are we going to do it? Well he is evil and bad, so let's do it through shenanigans.

The left loves to call the right authoritarians and fascists, yet they would love to silence, take away wealth, kill people who they think are evil or bad for the world. And do it by ways that are not even lawful. So yeah, this thought process is messed up.


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Who's evil and bad for the whole country and the world?View attachment 14424

You mean anti-vaxxer'? Should we change laws and send government after them (shenanigans) because they are "no better than a murderer"? I mean they are evil and bad because some people say they are.

What about regular people who have a different political view than you?

View attachment 14426
View attachment 14427

I mean, if they don't agree with me on schools, boarder, Obamacare and other topics they are "Evil". I was told they are evil, from people who fully believe they are evil. Let's lock them up and silence them. I mean they are bad for the country and the world. And let's do it by a non ethical way. (shenanigans)

What about a wealthy business man?

View attachment 14428

He is just like Trump, he has no morals he is a bad person. Evil people might say. What should we do with him?

View attachment 14429

Let's just cap his wealth. Let's control him and his social media platform. How are we going to do it? Well he is evil and bad, so let's do it through shenanigans.

The left loves to call the right authoritarians and fascists, yet they would love to silence, take away wealth, kill people who they think are evil or bad for the world. And do it by ways that are not even lawful. So yeah, this thought process is messed up.
You brought up a bunch of crap that I wasn't speaking about so I will reiterate for you.
I think trump should get in trouble for all the laws he breaks instead of getting away with it. Agree to disagree.
Sadly trump is the opposite of silenced btw. He loud as ****.
You all should ask yourselves if anyone in the world has an opinion outside of the mainstream democrat narrative that you would even consider listening to.
I think immigration sucks and needs to be lessened big time. I wasn't even against the border wall. Just thought it was wrong for trump to lie to us and tell us mexico would pay for when we were going to have to pay for it all along and i questioned the effectiveness of the wall. I think that biological males shouldn't participate in female sports. I think student debt shouldn't be cancelled. I dont think anyone should get reperations. I recently purchased a brand new gas guzzling vehicle. I never blamed trump for the pandemic and not shutting things down. I didn't think there were any good options and shutting things down could just make things worse. I did blame him for the stupid crap that came out of his mouth and for lying to us about the pandemic though. I could go on. Does that sound like the mainstream democratic narrative?

I mostly just comment on how bad trump sucks and then people like you label me a leftist, democrat loving, biden loving, socialist, marxist etc etc. (just kidding. I dont really know what people like you label me and dont really care anyway. I dont claim to be a victim simply cause you disagree with how I feel about trump)
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You brought up a bunch of crap that I wasn't speaking about so I will reiterate for you.
The conversation:
Screenshot 2023-05-12 at 1.37.25 PM.png
You stating that you are fine with legal and political shenanigans to silence someone as ****** as trump. Meaning you're good with government silencing citizens because you think they are ******.

Next response:
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It changed from "******" people to "evil and bad" people. And you're still fine with having government doing shenanigans to silence these people.

Which I responded in the long post. You are talking about the crap I brought up. Just because you feel someone is evil, doesn't give the government the right to use unethical force to silence one of their citizens. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

I think trump should get in trouble for all the laws he breaks instead of getting away with it. Agree to disagree.
Yes I agree. Through the legal process, not government shenanigans.

Sadly trump is the opposite of silenced btw. He loud as ****.
And it's his right. But it's our right to keep him out of office through the election. It's our right not to watch him on CNN town halls. It's our right not to get on truth social and see his postings. It's our right not to follow his followers on social media and through the tv, radio and podcasts. It's your right to personally silence him through the content you consume. He can be pretty silent to you if you want him to be.
I think immigration sucks and needs to be lessened big time. I wasn't even against the border wall. Just thought it was wrong for trump to lie to us and tell us mexico would pay for when we were going to have to pay for it all along and i questioned the effectiveness of the wall. I think that biological males shouldn't participate in female sports. I think student debt shouldn't be cancelled. I dont think anyone should get reperations. I recently purchased a brand new gas guzzling vehicle. I never blamed trump for the pandemic and not shutting things down. I didn't think there were any good options and shutting things down could just make things worse. I did blame him for the stupid crap that came out of his mouth and for lying to us about the pandemic though. I could go on. Does that sound like the mainstream democratic narrative?

I mostly just comment on how bad trump sucks and then people like you label me a leftist, democrat loving, biden loving, socialist, marxist etc etc. (just kidding. I dont really know what people like you label me and dont really care anyway. I dont claim to be a victim simply cause you disagree with how I feel about trump)
Honestly I think the main stream democrat narrative would be pretty satisfied with these issues outside of the trans stance. Especially considering your perceived stance on censorship and the war. I do think some democrat politicians are starting to be concerned about the border.

Why do you feel student debt should not be forgiven? Do you know that student loans won’t even be cleared if you file bankruptcy? What about already existing forgiveness programs are those okay or should those not exist? Although I think Higher Ed currently has significant problems I think free education is one of the best things we could do for our society. Even if it failed I think the side effects of having a more educated population would be minimal. Mostly I think taxes are better spent on projects like free education for Americans vs the destruction of Ukraine and a proxy war with Russia. Or war with Syria, Afghanistan, and building and maintaining 700 military bases all over the world at the cost of nearly 1 trillion every year.

I’m also sick and tired of having to see and donate to a go fund me every time someone I know or love has to have surgery or gets sick because our healthcare system is ****. I see it all the time from people with great jobs and “great” healthcare that need extra donations because they can’t afford cancer treatments or surgery. Meanwhile folks in France are striking because the government wants to up the retirement age to 64. These are folks that already have free healthcare, dental, pensions, better wages, and unions. The retirement age is already 67 here and the life expectancy is going down. I want to see more unions form and I want to see less taxes. At the very least we need less money spent on policing and warmongering the entire world. Americans are getting ****ed and all people can talk about are some guys small hands or some other guys dementia and other stupid ****.
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