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Donald is about to go through some things...

Capt Moroni guilty of rape

The jury did not find that.
While the jury did not find that Carroll had proven rape, they did find that she proved Trump committed sexual abuse, allowing her to receive damages for her civil battery claim.

Stephanie Grisham, who served as White House press secretary under Donald Trump, said she witnessed the then-president’s sexual harassment firsthand..

She told CNN that she had to try to protect one staffer in particular who Trump would request accompany him on trips.

“He one time had one of my other deputies bring her back so that they could look at her ***, is what he said to him,” Grisham said. “I sat down and talked to her at one point, asked her if she was uncomfortable. I tried everything I could to ensure she was never alone with him.”

Grisham said she spoke to various chiefs of staff, including Mark Meadows, about Trump’s behavior.

“I think, at the end of the day, what could they do other than go in there and say, ‘This isn’t good, Sir’?” she said. “Donald Trump will do what Donald Trump wants to do.” (grab em by the ***** anyone?)
Trump sure does rack up a lot of losses in courtrooms.
This loss should worry everyone. I'm sure that every Trump hater did zero research into this trial. The Thriller didn't even get the verdict right. There is no way Trump should have been found guilty of anything in this trial. There was no evidence of the event. The supposed victim who was the only witness to the event seemed unable to remember anything specific that could be used to either verify or debunk her story which sounded like it was pulled from the pages of a pulp romance novel.

He walked in through the revolving door of HighEnd Department Store as I was walking out. I hated him but he was taller and more handsome than I remembered. He said "hey, you're that super famous women's advice newspaper columnist" and I had playful retort. He said "I could use your advice. Come in to help me pick out a gift." I giggled like a schoolgirl and he lead me to the lingerie section. He picked up a barely-there lacy piece and told me to try it on. I giggled. What was I doing? I hated this man and yet I went into the dressing room. He followed me in and pressed against me....

I've embellished almost nothing. That is how her testimony reads. She can't remember the year. This super fancy department store in the mid-90's apparently had no sales staff and the dressing room doors weren't locked. There is a ton of evidence pertaining to Trump's character including the Billy Bush tape and seemingly that is what the judgement was based on. At best, this can be seen as the equivalent of an NBA make-up call. There is no evidence Trump was there, whenever it was supposed to have happened, nor that he had any idea who this woman's advice columnist was let alone to know her well enough to instantly recognize her in passing.

This is our court system now. Good luck if you ever end up in it, and hope the jury likes you because this verdict makes it evident that is the only thing that matters.
There is no way Trump should have been found guilty of anything in this trial. There was no evidence of the event.
Carroll's lawyer called two witnesses (Birnbach and Martin) that Carroll told back in 1996.

This super fancy department store in the mid-90's apparently had no sales staff and the dressing room doors weren't locked.
That was the testimony of Beall.

There is a ton of evidence pertaining to Trump's character including the Billy Bush tape and seemingly that is what the judgement was based on.
There is the testimony of Carroll, Birnbach, and Martin. However, they're women, so perhaps you discount their testimony.

There is the testimony of Carroll, Birnbach, and Martin. However, they're women, so perhaps you discount their testimony.
I discount everyone's testimony. Witnesses honestly believe they remember things that never happened, and others will straight out lie. I never, ever, ever think that witness testimony, in the absence of any corroborating evidence that is not other witness testimony, ever constitutes proof beyond a reasonable doubt that a thing happened.
its more establishment BS- are we going to now start charging presidents with this stuff? What about Clinton while he was president? or Biden and Tara Reade?

New York literally changed the law for one year to allow them to charge Trump with this before the election. Wow...

View: https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1656270521787613184?s=20

its more establishment BS- are we going to now start charging presidents with this stuff? What about Clinton while he was president? or Biden and Tara Reade?
I support going after Clinton or Biden in the same manner.

New York literally changed the law for one year to allow them to charge Trump with this before the election. Wow...
Carroll sued for defamation in 2019, and the buld of the award was for damages related to defamation. DC_Draino is lying.
I discount everyone's testimony. Witnesses honestly believe they remember things that never happened, and others will straight out lie. I never, ever, ever think that witness testimony, in the absence of any corroborating evidence that is not other witness testimony, ever constitutes proof beyond a reasonable doubt that a thing happened.
Since we have video of Penny killing Neely, and none of Neely posing any kind of threat, a consistent person with this stance would be calling out for murder charges against Penny.
I support going after Clinton or Biden in the same manner.

Carroll sued for defamation in 2019, and the buld of the award was for damages related to defamation. DC_Draino is lying.
The forbes article I also linked explaining the change to the law in 2022 is a lie?

Here's another article specifically linking Trump to this change by the guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/04/sexual-abuse-lawsuits-new-york-adult-survivors-act

It isnt rocket science to see hat is going on here. It doesn't matter if I believe her or not, the real concern here should be the legal and political shenanigans that the establishment is willing to do to silence and harass a political opponent. This again is the kind of crap that they said Trump was going to do.
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The forbes article I also linked explaining the change to the law in 2022 is a lie?
No, just mostly irrelevant to the Carroll case. Did you read the Forbes article? It makes no mention of Carroll nor of Trump. As I pointed out, DC_Draino was the liar.
No, just mostly irrelevant to the Carroll case. Did you read the Forbes article? It makes no mention of Carroll nor of Trump. As I pointed out, DC_Draino was the liar.
Heres another one - https://www.businessinsider.com/e-jean-carroll-sue-trump-new-york-adult-survivors-act-2022-9
and another -https://search.brave.com/search?q=trump+adult+assault+act&source=desktop
and another - https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/11/25/e-jean-carroll-sues-donald-trump-rape/
and another -
View: https://www.democracynow.org/2022/11/28/headlines/e_jean_carroll_sues_trump_for_sexual_assault_using_new_yorks_adult_survivors_act
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Look mongoose, we all understand that you think that whatever trump does to whoever is fine. We know you are one of the people he called a sheep when he said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters. We dont need anymore convincing.
Look mongoose, we all understand that you think that whatever trump does to whoever is fine. We know you are one of the people he called a sheep when he said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters. We dont need anymore convincing.
I'm not a trump supporter and I don't like him - like I already mentioned here several times.
It isnt rocket science to see what is going on here. It doesn't matter if I believe her or not, the real concern here should be the legal and political shenanigans that the establishment is willing to do to silence and harass a political opponent. This again is the kind of crap that they said Trump was going to do.
I'm not a trump supporter and I don't like him - like I already mentioned here several times.
It isnt rocket science to see what is going on here. It doesn't matter if I believe her or not, the real concern here should be the legal and political shenanigans that the establishment is willing to do to silence and harass a political opponent. This again is the kind of crap that they said Trump was going to do.
Man I would hope that the establishment would be willing to do all the legal and political shenanignas to silence someone as ****** as trump. I mean the voters should do it themselves but unfortunately his supporters have drank the koolaid and would love to go down with the ship. Would be great for the country, the right, the GOP and the world if trump goes down.
By the way, trump did do that. He harasses everyone all the damn time. Sometimes even sexually harasses people as we are seeing. Remember when he called the leader of a foreign country and told him that he couldn't have the money that was already promised to him unless he investigated trumps political opponent? And then had no consequence for that action? Remember when he riled up his most angry and ardent worshippers and got them to attack the capital of the USA? They were wanting to hang Mike Pence. People were killed. No biggie though. Poor poor victimized trump. **** him
Man I would hope that the establishment would be willing to do all the legal and political shenanignas to silence someone as ****** as trump. I mean the voters should do it themselves but unfortunately his supporters have drank the koolaid and would love to go down with the ship. Would be great for the country, the right, the GOP and the world if trump goes down.
By the way, trump did do that. He harasses everyone all the damn time. Sometimes even sexually harasses people as we are seeing. Poor poor victimized trump. **** him
So who is the sheep here? Your TDS is showing like Sam Harris'.