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Yeah, Hillary lies, unlike every other politician in history. Reminds me of a bumper sticker that once read: Nobody died when Clinton lied.

I'm starting to see the "I'm ready for Hillary" on some bumper stickers. Might as well say "I'm ready for 4 more years of ..." <<fish gimme that emoticon that you know I'm talking about
Let's talk about the lies that Bush 2 told to get us to go start a couple wars that we are still dealing with. If you want to blame the lie if benghazi on someone, it's probably Hillarys boss.

The email thing is a bit overblown, but let's make it a huge deal, maybe it could be the next birth certificate?

If Hilary had said it was a planned attack from the start instead of blaming it on a video, Romney would probably be sitting in office right now. So out of context it's not a big deal, but given the circumstances it is.
All the email thing says to me is that she made a very poor judgment call.

As for Bush, he is not running or the current president, so why waste any more breath on him?

I just find her very untrustworthy. Perhaps not all of it is fair but it's how I feel. I think Bernie is trustworthy, same with Rubio and Carson. I do not find Trump, Bush or Huckabee trustworthy either.

As far as negative feelings it is probably :


In that order. I don't want any of them.

Come on she's more sophisticated than that. Her husband signed the Freedom of Information Act. This wasn't a simple oversight or just a bad judgement call, she knew what she was doing.

She had personal servers that she wiped clean. What could she be hiding?

You said you were curious to hear what lies she told and then when you learn that there is proof of lies you suggest that it doesn't matter to you. That's your prerogative, but the proof is available to anyone who cares. You may believe that lying is a mandatory political trait. I don't. Honesty is a big deal. If we allow someone to lie to us with impunity we are asking to get screwed. This country is in desperate need of a great leader.. a Kennedy, a Reagan, a Roosevelt, a Lincoln, a Washington. These sorts of leaders don't come along every day. I believe that Romney had this potential in him. I don't feel any of the current choices do, but I think they are all much better than Hillary.

The fact that we can't find a unifying voice is definitely a bigger deal to me than the perceived lies.

The way it is going though right now, it's looking like bill Clinton will go down in history as the last great president.

I still maintain that the Republicans are going to convince mitt Romney to run. The real question is if he can beat Hillary.
Come on she's more sophisticated than that. Her husband signed the Freedom of Information Act. This wasn't a simple oversight or just a bad judgement call, she knew what she was doing.

She had personal servers that she wiped clean. What could she be hiding?


Who knows what politicians hide. I'm not so concerned with that angle of it but I do find her untrustworthy.

I think running classified emails thru public email was a bad judgment call. She is provided a government email for that very reason. She did know what she was doing and it was a bad idea IMO.
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The fact that we can't find a unifying voice is definitely a bigger deal to me than the perceived lies.

The way it is going though right now, it's looking like bill Clinton will go down in history as the last great president.

I still maintain that the Republicans are going to convince mitt Romney to run. The real question is if he can beat Hillary.

I may need glasses.
I may need glasses.

Who doesn't like Clinton ?

He was president for the most prosperous era in the modern age, and didn't mess it up. He was also the last president that didn't spend astronomical amounts of money.

Even Republicans liked bill Clinton.
Who doesn't like Clinton ?

He was president for the most prosperous era in the modern age, and didn't mess it up. He was also the last president that didn't spend astronomical amounts of money.

Even Republicans liked bill Clinton.

Everybody knows that the last great president was assassinated... That's what happens when you're really trying to clean house.
Will you please elaborate on your cleaning house comment?

Of course, my pleasure. I'll let my man do the honors:


Shortly after the most shameful act in America took place. His balls were made of titanium, I can hear his concern in his voice while speaking out the truth but still went through with it all like a real man of honor and dignity.
See what I mean? That was the best thing I've seen all day. Conspiracy theories are just the best.
All discussions of Benghazi and e-mail servers pretty much only matter to those who already weren't going to vote for Hillary anyway. It's an echo chamber. It's impossible to convince them it's essentially irrelevant and blown out of proportion and it's impossible for them to convince anyone who doesn't already believe that they have stumbled on the key to understanding anything.

As they say on Alpha House:

My permanent select committee to investigate Benghazi is the only way to embed the scandal into our politics.
Like Watergate, Benghazi could become synonymous with political disgrace.
All future Democratic scandals could end in "ghazi.
" I.
-ghazi, for instance.
Or gay-ghazi or Penta-ghazi.
What we're talking about is our children and our grandchildren and their right to get to the bottom of Benghazi just as we did.
See what I mean? That was the best thing I've seen all day. Conspiracy theories are just the best.

What you don't think that my man wanting to have the US Government print it's own money instead of a private entity and trying to expose the powers behind this corrupt economic system was not the reason why he was killed? Man I guess I had it wrong all the time, shame on me.

Would you happen to know why such an honorable president was assassinated then? I'd love to know.
All discussions of Benghazi and e-mail servers pretty much only matter to those who already weren't going to vote for Hillary anyway. It's an echo chamber. It's impossible to convince them it's essentially irrelevant and blown out of proportion and it's impossible for them to convince anyone who doesn't already believe that they have stumbled on the key to understanding anything.

As they say on Alpha House:

For Clinton it matters because it shows she is not trustworthy. That's as far as I go with it.

Edit: Some of you disagree. and that's cool. No one will convince the other but to me she cannot be trusted so I won't.

For the record she is far from alone. Some of the GOP field is right there with her.
What you don't think that my man wanting to have the US Government print it's own money instead of a private entity and trying to expose the powers behind this corrupt economic system was not the reason why he was killed? Man I guess I had it wrong all the time, shame on me.

Would you happen to know why such an honorable president was assassinated then? I'd love to know.

**** happens man. **** happens.
Clinton isn't trustworthy.

Trump is sexist, cheats, steals and does everything but lie. He probably lies too.

Carson is quite possibly the dumbest person who ever became a doctor.

Bernie is insane. And people think he's a communist.

Jeb is a Bush. And somehow he comes off as the least impressive bush.

Ted Cruz is nuts, and is completely unelectable.

The list goes on. These guys are quite possibly the worst bunch of candidates ever.