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Head Coach Jerry Sloan to resign today :(

It will be interesting to see all the fallout from this. Hopefully after the press conference some of the reasons for it will become more clear. It certainly seems that it was not Sloan's choice... everyone's using the word "resign," but it's just spin control for the Jazz management and ownership, I think... they don't want to own up to actually "firing" a legend like Sloan.

I'm pretty down right now. I still believe Sloan is the right coach for this team. We've been through losing streaks before on his watch, and always managed to turn it around. This year has been particularly difficult with the loss of Boozer, the near-total absence of Okur due to numerous injuries, and an infusion of new players who were still trying to learn the Jazz's complex system. Sloan must certainly take some responsibility for the hole we've dug for ourselves this season, but I still tend to think most of it was beyond his control. I'm forced to wonder with this decision, most of all, whether this ever would have happened if Larry were still alive. When push came to shove, Larry was loyal to both his star players and his star coach, almost to a fault. But I've admired the Jazz as an organization for a long time in large part because it historically hasn't made quick reactionary moves to adversity; they've had remarkable consistency from top to bottom, from the management to the coaching staff to the players. They were perhaps the only team in the league where the inmates (players) weren't running the asylum (the team). And now I can't help but feel that the Jazz are beginning to lose their identity, and joining the rest of the NBA's culture of the players claiming all of the glory while deflecting the blame to someone else, whether it be the coach, the GM, or some other teammate. A sad day indeed.

And if Williams is the primary cause here, I've just lost a lot of respect for him. He should know better than anyone that he's benefitted from being in an offensive system that centers so heavily around the PG. Bitter as he may have been that Sloan gave him little time in his rookie year, he has benfitted enormously since then. And Sloan, to his credit, learned from the experience, playing promising rookies to a far greater degree than he had done previously. Williams is undeniably a great player, and I certainly don't want him to leave the team, but this is looking like a troubling instance of a me-first attitude that the Jazz have always sought to avoid and overcome.

Time will tell if this was the right decision. But I can't help but feel right now, at this moment, that this is a mistake. I hope I'm wrong.
Quite honestly, this is GREAT news.

Not because we're losing Sloan. That's a nightmare.

It's great because every dumbass b-ball know it all Sloan hater is about to get owned.

Within 2 months we will lose 25% of posters, who happen to be the absolute WORST posters on this board.

Praise Jebus.
Sloan needed to go after the Jazz were swept in 08-09 by the Lakers.

Any other franchise wouldve fired him after a few years of showing no improvement. He was kept onboard out of loyalty, but as you can see loyalty doesnt mean that much in sports when you arent producing results.

Its a great move and shows that the Jazz Organization is finally wanting to start a new era and achieve something they couldnt for the last 23 years with Sloan.

Dont get me wrong Sloan is one of the greatest coaches of all time, but every coach loses something. Hence why there are so many coaching changes. Jerry Lost is after 07-08

I agree that to an extent, the fact that Jerry has hung around so long is a result of organizational loyalty to him. I also believe that almost any other coach would have been fired by now given the performance over the last two years and the team's downward spiral this year.

But as I've long said, other franchises have ditched iconic coaches and moved on. I don't think it merits the dirge-like attitudes adopted by the KFAN hosts. I would LIKE to think that the franchise is bigger than Sloan, or any one person.
Johnson has been consistant in saying he would retire when Jerry retired or be done when Jerry was done.
have always thought Deron was a punk, but I still cheer for him. However, if he had a hand in this to heck with him. It was his piss poor play that cost the jazz the game against the Bulls, it wasn't Jerry who made him throw 2 bad pases, take a wild shot and let Rose steal the ball from him.

It wasn't Jerry it was his injured wrist.
YO Deron I'm really happy for ya and I'mma gonna let you finish, but Jerry Sloan was one of the greatest Coaches of ALL TIME!
Sad day indeed. But we only have think back between 93 and 95. Karl Malone and the other Jazz players wanted to run more. Was not buying into the "system" anymore. And if I remember correctly Jerry agreed to this. And they ran, and failed. After they wen back to the system and actually believed in it, they took off. Made it to the finals two straight years.

Jerry basketball doesn't work if the players don't bye into it. You have to sacrifice your body. And put into it 100%. Something I don't think today's players can do. They are all self centered cry babies. And Deron is no exception.
Completely disagree. Williams has never thrown a player under the bus.

What about the playoffs when he called out the player who already had vacation plans (Kirilenko?). I think Kirilenko had a meltdown that next season from Deron's & Sloan's treatment of him.
I'm torn. On the one hand, Sloan's system, along with Stockton & Malone, is the main/only reason I became an *NBA* fan, let alone a Utah Jazz fan. On the other hand, it's the coach's job to get the maximum results out of the given player personnel... and I really feel that Sloan hasn't been doing that (for whatever reason) over the last few months.

At any rate: Best wishes, Jerry!
Jerry Sloan is resigning in part because of a strained relationship with Deron Williams, sources tell Yahoo's Adrian Wojnarowski.
According to beat writer Brian Smith, Williams and Sloan have had multiple flareups this season. And after their latest one Wednesday night, Sloan decided to give it up after 23 seasons as Utah's coach. Wojnarowski notes that the ownership was listening more to Williams -- a free agent in the summer of 2012 -- more than Sloan. Williams may have only been willing to re-sign in Utah if Sloan was gone, making for a sad ending for one of sports' greatest coaches. Assistant Ty Corbin is set to step in as the acting coach with a deal to become the long-term coach possibly coming later.
Unbelievable. Feels a little bit like eating some bad seafood. A sad, sad day.

And Williams won't play a big part in the Jazz' future. He'll be jumping ship.
Jerry Sloan is resigning in part because of a strained relationship with Deron Williams, sources tell Yahoo's Adrian Wojnarowski.
According to beat writer Brian Smith, Williams and Sloan have had multiple flareups this season. And after their latest one Wednesday night, Sloan decided to give it up after 23 seasons as Utah's coach. Wojnarowski notes that the ownership was listening more to Williams -- a free agent in the summer of 2012 -- more than Sloan. Williams may have only been willing to re-sign in Utah if Sloan was gone, making for a sad ending for one of sports' greatest coaches. Assistant Ty Corbin is set to step in as the acting coach with a deal to become the long-term coach possibly coming later.

I dont trust Woj at all. His reporting is specious at best.