That's a pretty low bar in this Congress.This video will be enough to start a House investigation into the business practices of Pfizer. The guy in the video making the statements did say what he said and is in a position at Pfizer to know. That much is confirmed.
Is there an admission of mutating viruses that can infect humans, or just mice?You have the 3rd highest ranking person of Pfizer admitting that they are mutating COVID and nobody cares.
Many, many things. Research on the current covid strains is still much more likely to lead to better vaccines than to result in disaster.loved the part where the dude is giggling as says how great mutations are for Pfizer and that they're going to do so well out of it. Yes, lets further play around with a virus that's caused all this. What could possibly go wrong.
Assuming I have no faith in Pfizer, to whom do I turn for covid vaccinations?How anyone can still choose to have faith in this corrupt cesspool of a company is beyond me.
Regulatory capture is an issue with pretty much all the US government.I also love how he pretty much admits all the FDA examiners get rewarded with positions at drug companies.
We'll wait and see.I'd expect the CEO of Pfizer would have no issue with clearing this all up by testifying under oath that this is all untrue eh ???
So far, I haven't seen anything quoted from the Pfizer exec that makes me question vaccine efficacy. I have no interest in defending Pfizer outside of continuing access to vaccines.