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All Around Nice Guy
As a life-long moderate Republican who will never vote for Donald Trump, nor Clinton/Sanders, I'm now considering my options. Barring a third party run by someone like Romney or Bloomberg, I'm thinking maybe Gary Johnson. Does anyone know much about him? Anyone else I should consider?
As a life-long moderate Republican who will never vote for Donald Trump, nor Clinton/Sanders, I'm now considering my options.

I don't understand this logic. On one hand, you describe yourself as a moderate, on the other hand, you won't vote for Hilary who on the political spectrum is right of centre. I love the parallel universe in which the USA apparently seems to exist where Hilary is considered liberal or progressive.
I don't understand this logic. On one hand, you describe yourself as a moderate, on the other hand, you won't vote for Hilary who on the political spectrum is right of centre. I love the parallel universe in which the USA apparently seems to exist where Hilary is considered liberal or progressive.

Hillary is very much centre-right, with exception to 1) abortion laws; 2) same-sex marriage laws (which I know colton was against just 1-2 years ago); and 3) gun-control. People can cry nepotism, but I'm sure people here would choose Jeb Bush over Hillary.

The rest of her policies are extremely moderate (at best). Her militarism is very much conservative. Hillary is NOT a progressive. Colton is socially conservative from what I can gather, which is why Hillary seems too liberal for him (along with a likely character assessment). I'll let him speak for himself though.

edit: also, colton, I can't really see you voting for Gary Johnson after looking at his policies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Gary_Johnson
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I like gary johnson alright. He just has zero chance if winning. He's pretty crazy.

Bloomberg would be my dream scenario followed by Romney.

If bernie runs third party, the house is likely to decide the president. Who does paul ryan pick for president? It has to be someone who won at least one state in the electoral college, I think.
I don't understand this logic. On one hand, you describe yourself as a moderate, on the other hand, you won't vote for Hilary who on the political spectrum is right of centre. I love the parallel universe in which the USA apparently seems to exist where Hilary is considered liberal or progressive.

Honestly I think it's more about the person than the policy.

And a lifelong republican in today's political climate may switch party, but will not think about switching to support a Democrat.

That's why bloomberg was so attractive, he is a Democrat sans the label. Smart guy.
As a life-long moderate Republican who will never vote for Donald Trump, nor Clinton/Sanders, I'm now considering my options. Barring a third party run by someone like Romney or Bloomberg, I'm thinking maybe Gary Johnson. Does anyone know much about him? Anyone else I should consider?

I'm starting to Feel the Bern. I hate a lot of things he says but a love a lot of other things. I'm fine with him as president, especially with republicans holding the legislature.

I can see with this election how "the establishment" republicans are trying hard to moderate the party. As easy as it is to get annoyed I can put that all aside and be pleased with the direction.
I haven't decided who to vote for but Gary Johnson is in my top 3 right now. I don't agree with everything if his but I agree with more of his stuff than anyone else. He is socially liberal as much as Hillary (who I am okay with) but more because of a hands off approach. He believes government shouldn't mess with people's personal lives and people should be able to live as they want if it isn't hurting others. He is more traditionally fiscal conservative.

I also think people would be less opposed to Clinton if she was a man. A lot of negatives towards her personality would be positives. She is socially liberal and the rest of her policy is very moderate which outside of the young Bernie fans and the religious extreme is what most of America seems to be/want as president.

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I haven't decided who to vote for but Gary Johnson is in my top 3 right now. I don't agree with everything if his but I agree with more of his stuff than anyone else. He is socially liberal as much as Hillary (who I am okay with) but more because of a hands off approach. He believes government shouldn't mess with people's personal lives and people should be able to live as they want if it isn't hurting others. He is more traditionally fiscal conservative.

I also think people would be less opposed to Clinton if she was a man. A lot of negatives towards her personality would be positives. She is socially liberal and the rest of her policy is very moderate which outside of the young Bernie fans and the religious extreme is what most of America seems to be/want as president.

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Unless he's changed his platform, he's pretty much another "constitutionalist" which is code word for near-anarchist. I have no interest in even reading their platform.

I want the republican party of the '80's. Take care of those in need but don't enable people. We'll get that back eventually.
So the GOP is going to nominate someone with the full support of the white supremacist wing of the party. No problem! Iceland put an act together for Eurovision in 2014 to teach our children a better way.

Unless he's changed his platform, he's pretty much another "constitutionalist" which is code word for near-anarchist. I have no interest in even reading their platform.

I want the republican party of the '80's. Take care of those in need but don't enable people. We'll get that back eventually.
I would be okay with that party fiscally but it would need to be extremely more socially liberal since they were quite the bigots/racist/sexist.

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I agree.
Never trump

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I would be okay with that party fiscally but it would need to be extremely more socially liberal since they were quite the bigots/racist/sexist.

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That was arguably the most fiscally irresponsible time ever, but that's an entirely separate point.

I don't see us ever going back to the bigotry and racism of the 80's. My vision for the party is more along the lines of actually putting their money where their mouths are. They claim to want to help people succeed (teach a man to fish...) but they try to starve those they look down on. We didn't do that in the '80's, we tried to help people lift themselves out of poverty. The party of today has tried to dismantle every accomplishment it made in the 1980's. Hell, Obama-Hillary care was a product of conservativism and now all they can do is scream about it?

It's the way of the world. The snaking river always changing course.
Hillary is very much centre-right, with exception to 1) abortion laws; 2) same-sex marriage laws (which I know colton was against just 1-2 years ago); and 3) gun-control. People can cry nepotism, but I'm sure people here would choose Jeb Bush over Hillary.

The rest of her policies are extremely moderate (at best). Her militarism is very much conservative. Hillary is NOT a progressive. Colton is socially conservative from what I can gather, which is why Hillary seems too liberal for him (along with a likely character assessment). I'll let him speak for himself though.

Yes, with Hillary (and with Trump, frankly) it's at least as much a personality/character thing for me as it is a policy thing. I won't get into all of my issues with Hillary but let's just say my dislike of her started with Travelgate and her disdain for stay-at-home mothers (I don't have time to look up the quote right now), and hasn't gotten any better since then with the more recent Bengazi and email scandals, and possible corruption involving the Clinton foundation.

As far as policies go, Trump and Hillary are roughly equidistant from my own views. If someone put a gun to my head and made me vote for one of the two, I'd pick Hillary, though. Her personality/character is less horrible than Trump's (in my opinion) and I at least know what her policies will be, which I can't say about Trump. Trump is much more the classic demagogue and who knows what he would do if he were to obtain power.
If bernie runs third party, the house is likely to decide the president. Who does paul ryan pick for president? It has to be someone who won at least one state in the electoral college, I think.

Bernie cannot run third party. Too many states have "sore loser" laws which prevent anyone who lost in the primaries for getting on the general election ballot under a different party.
Honestly I think it's more about the person than the policy.

And a lifelong republican in today's political climate may switch party, but will not think about switching to support a Democrat.

That's why bloomberg was so attractive, he is a Democrat sans the label. Smart guy.

My wife's a lifelong Republican but is going to vote for Clinton.
Bernie cannot run third party. Too many states have "sore loser" laws which prevent anyone who lost in the primaries for getting on the general election ballot under a different party.
He can run. He won't win, but there's a really good chance he could stop an outright win and let the election go to the house.

Then paul ryan picks the president.

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He can run. He won't win, but there's a really good chance he could stop an outright win and let the election go to the house.

Then paul ryan picks the president.

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Bernie isn't going to do that.

There's obvious value (from his perspective) in taking the primary all the way to the convention, but he isn't going to split the Democratic vote for Trump
My wife's a lifelong Republican but is going to vote for Clinton.
I probably should have added a republican in the west. I know almost nothing about the political climate outside of the mountain west and I am constantly surprised by the rest if the country.

people like your wife are why, barring a third party spoiler candidate, hillary will win in a general election.

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Bernie isn't going to do that.

There's obvious value (from his perspective) in taking the primary all the way to the convention, but he isn't going to split the Democratic vote for Trump
I agree, but it is a possibility.

Who does paul ryan pick for president out of bernie, hillary or trump? They just have to win one state. Hell, utah might even write in mitt Romney to win if the scenario is trump or hillary.

This is a crazy enough year where the winner could be a total shocker. It's totally possible.

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