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New Assistant Coach?

Also, his teams sucked not for a lack of talent.
What? When did Christian Laettner become an all-world talent? When did a bunch of 23-year-olds ever succeed in the NBA? The dude was the head coach of terrible NBA teams.
Look up his record. Also, his teams sucked not for a lack of talent. Oh well, I guess if it's a position that doesn't matter ..

I can't give a qualified opinion regarding his NC State tenure, but his NBA teams were the definition of no-talent teams. Pre-Garnett T'Wolves? Pre-Gasol Grizzlies? It's a miracle his record is as good as it is.
I was referring to his most recent tenure ... NC State. 25-54 in ACC play .. and he had CJ Leslie (sf/pf) who was mocked at 6 or 7 by DX and Ryan Harrow that is mocked at #10 for next years draft (after sitting out this year because of transferring out of NC State). Lowe was fired with 2 years remaining on his contract. Even if it's an assistant, why not get someone that develops players or something? I'll stop whining about this topic and find something else to bitch about.
Man, some of you guys need to get a life. This is an assistant coach who most likely will be a third assistant. As far as his past record, the T-Wolves sucked and NC State sucks so really what would you expect. I personally think Corbin made a good choice simply because he is a guy who he can trust and one who he has a past relationship. Nevertheless, it isn't that big a deal. I am surprised the Jazz hired anyone considering there may not be a season. Perhaps this is a good sign and the Jazz organization believe that there will be NBA basketball this year. Let's hope.
Yeah my phone sent me a FB update (2hrs ago) saying it's official, I've already increased what I knew about him 200% by reading this thread, guess I should go look on the interwebs myself.
I'm not really qualified to pass judgement on Lowe specifically but would have liked someone with a specialty, like defense or big men. Maybe he's that guy, I don't know, but someone with head coaching experience was probably important to the Jazz. I think we probably deprived ourselves of a chance at better candidates by waiting until October. It seems to me there were some quality hires during the summer.
He does have head coaching experinece, something this coaching staff needs desperatley (remember the end of the Hornets game).

So he coached the pre-Garnett T-wolves and the Pre-Gasol Grizzilies? Wow, what direction are the Jazz going in?
There's very little good news in this hire. The best we can do is hope that his actual record is the exact opposite of how he would actually coach with a lot of talent. Seems like a crap hire with questionable motives. Corbin hasn't impressed me at all either (I know how he was hired). Even Harpring would have been better because of his straight-shooting, defensive minded approach. Hopefully, Lowe's number 3 on the bench, but then who's number 1 after Corbin, Hornacek? Prove me wrong, Lowe.
I don't know anything about the guy, but I'm a little disappointed the guy Ty brought in doesn't have a reputation for defense. But Ty needs to have the staff he wants so I'm down.
Seriously don't know what he is good at but I hope he would be like Dwayne Casey to us. Casey sucked being a head coach but was a huge reason why the Mavericks played defense that led to their first championship.
Based on what? Lowe stinks. Before I share why I think he's bad, why do you think he may be good?

Because he has poor to average records in the NBA makes him a bad coach overall? Did you seemingly forget the success he had as an assistant with Flip Saunders in Minnesota and Detroit? He's played the game too which helps. Just because you have a poor record as an NBA coach doesn't make you a bad coach. There was a reason why he was given an NBA coaching gig back in the day and the job at NC State. He's got a knowledge for the game and is a good teacher.

Doc Rivers struggled in Boston with no talent, but that didn't make him a bad coach. He just had a bad team and other NBA teams were simply better. That all changed with they get KG, Rondo, and Allen. Even Kevin McHale, a man who had a piss poor record with the T-Wolves was given an NBA coaching gig with the Rockets because they feel he's a good coach and good teacher.

Basing W's and L's on the capability of an NBA head coach is so overrated and overused.
Definitely not impressed with him as a head coach of State, but hopefully he is a better assistant.
This is good news to me. Per SLTrib:

"There initially won’t be a lead assistant on Corbin’s staff. Instead, there’ll be opinions, voices and ideas. The Jazz will start from scratch whenever the NBA lockout ends and the 2011-12 season finally begins. Corbin thinks he stole Lowe while the league was sleeping."