It can absolutely be done. I was a good shooter in high school and after, lead my team in 3pt% and such. Can't remember, something like low-40's, which was really good at the time. Had good range, out to NBA range. But after back and neck surgery with a partial spinal fusion it completely wrecked my form. But at 30 y.o. I got into a rec league in Reno and volunteered at a local high school as a coach part time. I worked with their shooting coach and he really helped me get my form back, really re-tooled it since my arm and back don't flex the way they used to, and I lost a lot of strength in my shooting arm. I cannot shoot like I used to, especially now at a million years old, but at the time in that league over the next 6 or 7 years I got my percentages back up to high-30's and was reliable from mid-range and 80%+ on FT. You can absolutely work your way into being a decent shooter.