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If he stays and this was just false reporting then its whatever. I was not bugged that Hayward left but after this drama and attention grab by Hayward if he is leaving for Boston I will dislike him now.
I hope he signs in Utah and we trade him somewhere that sucks. Regardless, I'm done with this GQ wanna be mother****er.
Tribune has pulled their story announcing GH to Celtics
Yep. Can't expect total control in this media environment. Too many "sources", too much anticipation, too much confusion. Whatever is happening, Gordon has lost control over it. Fully.
The only greater sin GH could do today is to kick us in the nuts, apologize and help us up and say it was an accident, buy us some ice cream and then knock the ice cream out of our hands and then kick us back in the nuts again.
I'm not sure that's fair at all. His biggest mistake may have been letting a friend on Facebook know before calling the Jazz. A big mistake for sure, but not worth demonizing him for it.

I just hope someone leaked this to **** with the Celtics.
I, JazzAvenues, pledge to do an epic trolling of the Celtics boards if this was a rumor and they are first elated and then devastated.
Which I'll take back and deny I said if we find out the story is false.

You and me both, I posted it in the Stayward thread and am debating on whether it's worth my time to make it my official signature.

Also if it ends up just getting leaked early and still true, I vote no booing or cheering just complete silence, deafening silence in the arena with a bunch of the #20COWARD shirts.
He's going to Boston. He just hasn't finished writing his stupid f****** article about it for the players tribune.
I'm now starting to enjoy the absurdity of the situation.

If I wasnt a Jazz fan and just a neutral observer this would be the funniest **** ever.