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The annual “how are you watching the games this year” thread

Not sure on the channel options (I really wouldn’t watch anything besides Jazz games) but this Directv streaming option w/o contract is $20 more than YouTubeTV.

I started looking around last week for options and happened upon DirecTv’s streaming service too.
Being a YouTube TV subscriber, I don’t mind paying the extra 20, biggest thing for me is if I’ll actually be able to stream the Jazz games. I had DirecTv a few years ago and was able to watch the Jazz games, but when I’d use the DirecTv app, I’d not be able to watch the Jazz games as it would give me a message that I was out of market (Boise,ID). So I’m trying to get an answer out of DirecTv before I sign up. But it’s looking like that may be the way I go.
Not sure on the channel options (I really wouldn’t watch anything besides Jazz games) but this Directv streaming option w/o contract is $20 more than YouTubeTV.
What does their recording/DVR look like? I don't watch much tv. I just use Youtube TV to record sports and occasionally record some criminal investigation show. I love their unlimited DVR. Is Direct TV similar? I'd be willing to change if it means I can watch Jazz games.
What does their recording/DVR look like? I don't watch much tv. I just use Youtube TV to record sports and occasionally record some criminal investigation show. I love their unlimited DVR. Is Direct TV similar? I'd be willing to change if it means I can watch Jazz games.
I’ve just been googling and skimming, but I think this may answer that question:

I think I’ll probably do this. When I did league pass with a VPN it was a PITA because having to navigate VPN + the stupid NBA app + a number good games nationally televised not being on LP. Not sure if Directv addresses that but I assume ESPN and Turner stations are included with the package (hopefully NBATV, too).
I will be traveling to India this year. If you know, you know....but if you don't you can PM me.
How difficult is this for those of us not sophisticated enough to travel to India in the flip of a switch?
All about League Pass here.

Like the option to watch all games, and considering the Jazz are my entertainment for 60+ nights out of the year, the price is quite reasonable.
I agree. I thought the deal was going to be re-negotiated and they would carve out a streaming option. Apparently not. Now those of us with youtube tv are screwed. Not sure how we’re in 2021 and fans living in Utah are screwed unless they bow to Comcast or Dish.

I think this has to do with the new upcoming TV deal for the whole league. The league is going to want to negotiate with a position that they could sell all local TV contracts. That's how the streaming services will want to purchase the NBA...every game for every team. I'm guessing the league has instructed all the teams to find short term solutions so they can go into their next TV deal with everything up for negotiation.
What does their recording/DVR look like? I don't watch much tv. I just use Youtube TV to record sports and occasionally record some criminal investigation show. I love their unlimited DVR. Is Direct TV similar? I'd be willing to change if it means I can watch Jazz games.
It is. We have it and their DVR feature is fine for the most part. However, the one massive issue it has is there's no option to record past the allotted time. If you're out of market and use League Pass, they compensate by alotting 3 hours which typically works even for an OT game.

If you're in market, I think you can just record the upcoming program and you're good.
First game I will watch from right behind the Jazz bench, nice of them to start the season in San Antonio. After that... good 'ol league pass.
First game I will watch from right behind the Jazz bench, nice of them to start the season in San Antonio. After that... good 'ol league pass.
I lived within the Houston / Dallas / San Antonio triangle for four years and got all Texas games blacked out on LP. 12 games per year. 15% of the season.
I think this has to do with the new upcoming TV deal for the whole league. The league is going to want to negotiate with a position that they could sell all local TV contracts. That's how the streaming services will want to purchase the NBA...every game for every team. I'm guessing the league has instructed all the teams to find short term solutions so they can go into their next TV deal with everything up for negotiation.
When will that be? Id love for the option to buy jazz and depending on the price, Denver Nughead games. I think joker is really fun to watch tbh. The league will probably make a lot of money if they allow folks to buy games while using something like youtube tv.
I lived within the Houston / Dallas / San Antonio triangle for four years and got all Texas games blacked out on LP. 12 games per year. 15% of the season.
Weird. They only blackout Spurs games here, which I just watch on TV (and live when they are SAT games)
Weird. They only blackout Spurs games here, which I just watch on TV (and live when they are SAT games)
Yeah I didn’t live in any of the markets so I got them blacked out with no local option.
When will that be? Id love for the option to buy jazz and depending on the price, Denver Nughead games. I think joker is really fun to watch tbh. The league will probably make a lot of money if they allow folks to buy games while using something like youtube tv.

2025. The bid is expected to be something like 3x the last deal which leads me to believe that 1) the streaming sites are in play and 2) they want the local deals as well. If they get the local deals then there would be no more blackouts which is key.

I would imagine that you could buy single NBA teams or single games as add on packages to a YouTubeTV type package. The NBA already does this but blackouts are a huge problem as others have stated. Instead of your national TV games being on ABC they would just put that on the YouTube homepage and see a HUGE influx of new and unique NBA viewers. I really think cable TV is a dying medium and the streaming wars are going to really heat up. Online is a much better platform for the NBA and whoever wins the bid will make a **** ton of money. That’s why the bids are projected to be so high even though NBA ratings are not good.

I know a lot of people are going to think illegal streams are a counter to all of this, but people will pay for an easy, usable product. Every TV show, movie, and song can be downloaded easily from somewhere…but Netflix, Hulu, Spotify etc are still raking in the cash because people want what’s easy and convenient.

Dish sucks. Keep dropping channels and raising prices. As many of the best new shows are off cable, these networks need to lower prices, not raise them. I was paying $100 a month and they wanted to bump me to $120 for a new 2 year contract. As much as I enjoyed autoskip and auto recording of prime time shows, YTTV has been awesome.

I just wish the NBA would get all of their streams in 4K, and that the NBA App would support it.
I detest these archaic blackout rules so much. They don't really affect me for the Jazz, but I just hate them on principle. There's no reason in this day and age that someone shouldn't be able to shell out a reasonable price to see any game they want streaming anywhere they are, other than some ******* with an ungodly amount of money not having enough to install ivory inlays in their pool.