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The Caravan

Havent seen yall mention Billion dollar illegal empires, where you think they stand on tighter border security? Theyd be doing everything possible to strengthen the democratic party and anti trump propaganda.
It's fascinating how many different reasons the left can come up with that our border ought to remain porous.

Our southern border is not particularly porous now, compared with the our Canadian border, or the Afghani-Pakistani border, as examples. Long land borders will always allow determined people to find a way to cross them. Having a wall won't change that.
Havent seen yall mention Billion dollar illegal empires, where you think they stand on tighter border security? Theyd be doing everything possible to strengthen the democratic party and anti trump propaganda.

Are you talking about a movie or something? What is/are "Billion dollar illegal empires"?
surely the obvious narcotics, human trafficking etc. I know people who paid 10k to get across the border, their life savings. These coyotes make a lot of money and they're people on both sides making much $$$, but beyond that use your imagination - Anything you don't want on record to get around taxes, tariffs, sanctions. Animals, vehicles, clothes, minerals, grain, cash, all kinds of goods man. Think.
surely the obvious narcotics, human trafficking etc. I know people who paid 10k to get across the border, their life savings. These coyotes make a lot of money and they're people on both sides making much $$$, but beyond that use your imagination - Anything you don't want on record to get around taxes, tariffs, sanctions. Animals, vehicles, clothes, minerals, grain, cash, all kinds of goods man. Think.

Don't we make cheaper animals, cheaper grain, and cheaper minerals than Mexico? Aren't we already almost tariff-free regarding Mexico (NAFTA is still here)? I see a lot of profit in illegal goods and workers smuggling, very little in legal goods smuggling as opposed to just taking it over the border legally. Regarding the illegal goods, I don't think a border wall will deter much, if at all.
Our southern border is not particularly porous now, compared with the our Canadian border, or the Afghani-Pakistani border, as examples. Long land borders will always allow determined people to find a way to cross them. Having a wall won't change that.
Thank you for your input. Doesn't change anything about my statement. No matter what measure is suggested there is always a leftist who says it can't be done. Seems pretty obvious that the military rules Red was pointing out were to prevent our military from being used against our citizens. That's very different from sending them to the border to meet a caravan of foreigners who've announced that they are preparing to cross without permission.
There's a reason you see "made in china" on everything right, it's because it's cheaper to make things outside of USA. Also you're thinking one dimensional, we export products. Texas is the biggest manufacturer in the US I believe. Mexico is not necessarily the final destination. Also another personal story, I know of a nanny just got brought over by a wealthy jewish family in New York, she's their second.

Anyway, I'm wasting my time...
That's very different from sending them to the border to meet a caravan of foreigners who've announced that they are preparing to cross without permission.

The caravan has announced most of its members will be seeking asylum. The military will just stand there and watch.
There's a reason you see "made in china" on everything right, it's because it's cheaper to make things outside of USA.

It's cheaper to make various goods in China in large part because of supply chains and infrastructure. That's not true of Mexico.

I do agree you are wasting your time, although we probably disagree on why your time is being wasted.
Seems pretty obvious that the military rules Red was pointing out were to prevent our military from being used against our citizens.

I'm not an authority here by any means, but a quick search brought up this article.


"So why can’t US troops do what Trump wants and arrest immigrants who may be coming across the border illegally? Well, it’s against the law.

The US military is barred from using its capabilities directly to enforce US domestic laws — including immigration laws — unless Congress specifically authorizes it to do so. This measure, known as “posse comitatus,” is why US troops can only support US border agents, but not take direct action themselves."
One thing we are very unlikely to see are hoards of enraged Central Americans humming rocks at American soldiers. So foolish it is to pay any attention to what is obviously designed for the domestic consumption of Trump's base. He's a big shot. We are being invaded. He's protecting us. Our president is a freaking idiot.
One thing we are very unlikely to see are hoards of enraged Central Americans humming rocks at American soldiers. So foolish it is to pay any attention to what is obviously designed for the domestic consumption of Trump's base. He's a big shot. We are being invaded. He's protecting us. Our president is a freaking idiot.

Colossal jackass. I can't even fathom being one of his minions.

But I have to say as a relative student of history it is fascinating to see this happen.
Are we really still arguing about whether the gop has an anti-Semitic intentions when they label others as “globalists?”

It’s pretty obvious that the gop has anti-semitism all over itself. From Trump praising anti-semites in Charlottesville as “very fine people” to this republican attack ad on a Jewish democrat in Connecticut:

If you don’t recognize the anti-semitism when the gop talks about globalists then you’re not paying attention or you’re being deliberately deceiving.
True story, the more mad you all stay at each other, rabidly arguing over some **** that obviously will never matter the more the Russians win.

Report honestly on what this administration is doing and then vote the offenders out of office. The rest is just bad theater that tears the country apart.
True story, the more mad you all stay at each other, rabidly arguing over some **** that obviously will never matter the more the Russians win.

Report honestly on what this administration is doing and then vote the offenders out of office. The rest is just bad theater that tears the country apart.

Brosef, I agree with you. Russia's no pushover, and we need a united front.

That is simply impossible under current leadership.
The Pentagon rejected the DHS request for troops to serve as emergency law enforcement on the border. As pointed out here, the president could have simply used the National Guard. The use of troops was to impress his base, to broadcast to that base just how serious he was, and to make the "invasion" seem more dire then it is. All of his suggestions in recent days, including thinking he can overturn a Constitutional amendment via executive order, have really been bluster on his part, all about the midterms. It might help his cause. The most cynical president in our history, but there are suckers out there who will buy into all this BS.


Washington (CNN)When the Trump administration first asked the Pentagon to send troops to the southern border, they wanted them to perform emergency law enforcement functions, CNN has learned.

The Pentagon said no.

According to two defense official familiar with the request, the Department of Homeland Security asked that the Pentagon provide a reserve force that could be called upon to provide "crowd and traffic control" and safeguard Customs and Border Protection personnel at the border to counter a group of Central American migrants walking to the US border to request asylum...

...The request was turned down because the Department of Defense felt that active duty troops do not have the authority to conduct that type of mission unless they are granted additional authorities by the President.

.....Active duty US troops are barred from domestic law enforcement unless there is an emergency, but President Donald Trump has repeatedly raised the prospect of having troops enforce the border as he campaigns hard on the dangers of immigration in the final days before the midterm elections.

.....The Posse Comitatus law forbids the US military from enforcing domestic laws, unless there's no other choice. Military analysts say Trump can easily use the National Guard, US Marshals or personnel from Immigration and Customs Enforcement to back up border officers if need be.
I’m sorry but I’m old enough to remember a time when prominent politicians and those close to them avoided racist hate speech.
