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The Non-Jazz NBA Thread in the Jazz Section

Now that they’re in salary cap hell and have some tough decisions to make he’s out.
Remember when Lacob said the Warriors were light years ahead... Bob it seems is one step ahead of light years.

Curious where his name pops up again... can't think of a great situation but maybe wait a year... do media or something... then cherry pick a great scenario.
I keep seeing media types saying "what if they sell low on Poole and take like a future first and someone takes the deal?" I just can't see a team that would take that deal for free right now. I think they'd have to add the future first.

Or the Warriors let Green walk (if he opts out) and now you are still expensive but much worse and still aging. They also have to tell Klay he isn't getting a max extension. The next 3-4 years for GS will be awfully bitter-sweet. Still have the memory of Curry but not going to be able to justify the $$$ to make him relevant.
Warriors actually have a fair amount of assets to improve, but they owe their '24 pick to Memphis, except it's protected 1-4, then 1 in '25 then unconditional in '26, so I guess that means they can't trade any other picks than '28 and '30. I could see them give Grizzlies a call to ask them to just drop the protections.
Warriors actually have a fair amount of assets to improve, but they owe their '24 pick to Memphis, except it's protected 1-4, then 1 in '25 then unconditional in '26, so I guess that means they can't trade any other picks than '28 and '30. I could see them give Grizzlies a call to ask them to just drop the protections.
I wouldn’t do it if I’m the Grizz… I know some people don’t believe in this stuff but 2024 projects as a bad draft and 2025 and 2026 are projecting to be much better. Allowing GS some ability to move future picks helps them improve immediately and messes with your pick value.

I’d ask for something real if I was the Grizz… even if chances are the pick conveys in 2024 either way.
I wouldn’t do it if I’m the Grizz… I know some people don’t believe in this stuff but 2024 projects as a bad draft and 2025 and 2026 are projecting to be much better. Allowing GS some ability to move future picks helps them improve immediately and messes with your pick value.

I’d ask for something real if I was the Grizz… even if chances are the pick conveys in 2024 either way.
Yeah, I'd also at the very least require a 2nd or two. I guess Warriors would only be interested if they have something else lined up, though.

I saw some site where they were doing a what-if on Embiid requesting a trade, and what the Warriors could offer. They suggested Poole, Kuminga, Moody, Looney and Baldwin + 26/28/30 and swaps in 27/29. Any blockbuster deal like that is out if they keep the protections.
(A trade like that would still leave Warriors with a starting of Curry, Klay, Green, Wiggins and Embiid)
Dayummmmm!!!! Plus I think he had a year or two left on his last deal with the suns… Monty got da bag!

Will Hardy looking at that like…

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And it’s a six year deal, so he’s probably collecting double payments on the end of that contract, too, when he takes another job after Detroit screws the pooch and has to “do something” and fires the coach.
And it’s a six year deal, so he’s probably collecting double payments on the end of that contract, too, when he takes another job after Detroit screws the pooch and has to “do something” and fires the coach.
Quin gotta be a little jelly rn.
I think Monty is overrated but Detroit could have done a lot worse. I think they are a prime trade down candidate for us. Plus we have some history there from the Bogey/KO swap.
Quin gotta be a little jelly rn.
Doubtful. If memory serves, most of those contracts contain offset clauses where if they are let go and get a higher paying job elsewhere (don't know about same title or not), the former team is no longer obligated to pay on the deal. If they accept a deal elsewhere for less money, they offset would kick in and they'd make up the difference up to the former salary. Given Monty got that bag, doubtful Phoenix owes him anything.
And it’s a six year deal, so he’s probably collecting double payments on the end of that contract, too, when he takes another job after Detroit screws the pooch and has to “do something” and fires the coach.
I thought there are typically offset clauses in contracts so that the previous teams aren’t paying old coaches if they get another job… am I wrong?
I thought there are typically offset clauses in contracts so that the previous teams aren’t paying old coaches if they get another job… am I wrong?
Might be true as several have mentioned it... I've not heard it before... and that might be why they had to go real high... cuz Monty likely could bank 7 figures for a media gig and take a low stress year or two while getting paid. That might be why Detroit went higher.

Either way this sets the new market for big name coaches and is a notable development. Big names gotta be doing jumping jacks.