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TMZ reports that Kobe Bryant passed away.

I do wonder. I think it's kind of a Ouija Board phenomenon, where 5 people put their hands on the board and everybody involved is convinced that they're not influencing the movements, yet it produces result consistent with the collective desires of those handling it.
I also wonder if it creates additional urgency with LeBron... this has to be jarring for him... he may reach deeper or get more desperate.
I also wonder if it creates additional urgency with LeBron... this has to be jarring for him... he may reach deeper or get more desperate.
It's certainly a story that everyone wants to see. And I think it affects players on an unconscious level. Do you want to be the guy getting a base hit in the 9th with a guy throwing a perfect game? Kobe scores 60 in his final game. It was going to happen.
Thank you Kobe. You have touched my life and billions of others who watched you play. You inspired me more than words can Express, your competitive spirit and tenacity was unmatched. I will always remember the Kobe's I wore in high school playing for the ball team. May you and your daughter R.I.P.
Hearsky said:
Best reply "Do Trump Next"

That is why I posted about Trump and Rush Limbaugh.
Gee, nobody pounded Hearsky for saying that.

Maybe I am an arrogant prick. Doesn't matter. I stand by what I said. If you don't like it, go ahead and put me on ignore. Hardly matters. I'm rarely here.

And today, I care even less about Kobe. Sorry, I just don't care and I am at the point to pretty much ignore everything about it.

When I see an article say "Kobe's death is the biggest loss in NBA history" I just shake my head.
Oh, what about Reggie Lewis? He was in the prime of his career. All star captain of the Celtics. He dies of heart disease. Collapses on the court right in the middle of a playoff game. I remember seeing that live. It was scary.
(and here's something to really piss some of you off: Reggie should have been saved. He had a team of 12 top cardiologists hired to save him, paid 1 mil each. They didn't. Then the chief cardiologist on that dream team died the next year of the SAME THING! Some cardiologist. I wouldn't want him helping me. But look at Evander Hollyfeld. Same issue. How did he survive and come back and continue his career, even beating Tyson? He knew the right people, found a doctor who knew how to treat him, with something very simple and in 6 months, he was back. Who was that doctor? Joel Wallach, same guy who helped Theo Ratliff come back after retiring because of very bad joints)
Len Bias? Now I didn't feel so bad about him because he snorted a ton of cocaine. Stupid.

Magic Johnson didn't die, but when he announced the AIDS, we all thought he would. Back then any celeb that got AIDS was soon dead. He still had prime years left and suddenly he was just done.

Kobe had a 20 year career.
Many other NBA greats have died relatively young after they retired. The list is long.
Pro athletes tend to do that, and there is a reason for it.
Even Larry Bird has said that he doesn't expect to live a long life.

And I don't get why Kobe was so loved. Must be an LA thing.
He comes into the league and is arrogant, blows off Malone in the all star game.
Then he wins some titles and forces Shaq out of LA.
Then the rape charge
Then he whines about not having enough help.
The league lets the Gasol trade happen.
He is well known for being a ball hog...hence all the jokes about passing.
I just don't get the hero worship. Never did.

I don't mean to piss on Kobe's grave. It's a tragedy. If fans need to grieve so be it.
I'm just trying to lend some overall perspective. You don't have to like it or agree.
Oh, and I have no problem with anyone telling me off here or disagreeing. I don't take it personal. I tend to have opinions that are way outside the supposed mainstream.
Judge not ... I guess you never were a teen with raging hormones.
Holy Mother of *%$# Christ, this comment has so much wrong with it, it's impossible to know where to start explaining its tone deaf terribleness.

Whether Kobe raped this woman, I don't know (thought were I to bet on it, I'd lay odds that he did), but this kind of casual mansplaining of rape is repugnant and far more deserving of condemnation that those who choose not to engage in the social media Kobe Bryant hagiography and point out, appropriately so, that his legacy is complex and tainted.

I feel bad all around for this tragedy.You can remember Kobe for his good, or bad, qualities, doesn't matter to me either way, but dear God, don't try to justify your feelings for Kobe by mansplaining rape.
Hearsky said:
Best reply "Do Trump Next"

That is why I posted about Trump and Rush Limbaugh.
Gee, nobody pounded Hearsky for saying that.

Maybe I am an arrogant prick. Doesn't matter. I stand by what I said. If you don't like it, go ahead and put me on ignore. Hardly matters. I'm rarely here.

And today, I care even less about Kobe. Sorry, I just don't care and I am at the point to pretty much ignore everything about it.

When I see an article say "Kobe's death is the biggest loss in NBA history" I just shake my head.
Oh, what about Reggie Lewis? He was in the prime of his career. All star captain of the Celtics. He dies of heart disease. Collapses on the court right in the middle of a playoff game. I remember seeing that live. It was scary.
(and here's something to really piss some of you off: Reggie should have been saved. He had a team of 12 top cardiologists hired to save him, paid 1 mil each. They didn't. Then the chief cardiologist on that dream team died the next year of the SAME THING! Some cardiologist. I wouldn't want him helping me. But look at Evander Hollyfeld. Same issue. How did he survive and come back and continue his career, even beating Tyson? He knew the right people, found a doctor who knew how to treat him, with something very simple and in 6 months, he was back. Who was that doctor? Joel Wallach, same guy who helped Theo Ratliff come back after retiring because of very bad joints)
Len Bias? Now I didn't feel so bad about him because he snorted a ton of cocaine. Stupid.

Magic Johnson didn't die, but when he announced the AIDS, we all thought he would. Back then any celeb that got AIDS was soon dead. He still had prime years left and suddenly he was just done.

Kobe had a 20 year career.
Many other NBA greats have died relatively young after they retired. The list is long.
Pro athletes tend to do that, and there is a reason for it.
Even Larry Bird has said that he doesn't expect to live a long life.

And I don't get why Kobe was so loved. Must be an LA thing.
He comes into the league and is arrogant, blows off Malone in the all star game.
Then he wins some titles and forces Shaq out of LA.
Then the rape charge
Then he whines about not having enough help.
The league lets the Gasol trade happen.
He is well known for being a ball hog...hence all the jokes about passing.
I just don't get the hero worship. Never did.

I don't mean to piss on Kobe's grave. It's a tragedy. If fans need to grieve so be it.
I'm just trying to lend some overall perspective. You don't have to like it or agree.

I'm sorry, but none of your examples hold a candle to the passing of Kobe.

The thing about Kobe that made him so great was he realized he came into the league an arrogant, immature, easily hateable person and used that as motivation to become not only a better player, but a better person in life and a better father. The guy learned to play the piano to show his wife he was sorry and he loved her.

You don't get it simply because of your ignorance of what Kobe did, stood for, and became. The last 5 years of his life, off the court, the dude was happy, hungry, ambitious, and made the world a better place. 100%
I'm sorry, but none of your examples hold a candle to the passing of Kobe.

The thing about Kobe that made so great was he realized he came into the league an arrogant, immature, easily hateable person and used that as motivation to become not only a better player, but a better person in life and a better father. The guy learned to play the piano to show his wife he was sorry and he loved her.

You don't get it simply because of your ignorance of what Kobe did, stood for, and became. The last 5 years of his life, off the court, the dude was happy, hungry, ambitious, and made the world a better place. 100%

You are quite right that I don't know anything about the last 5 years of Kobe's life and I don't care at all. In fact I went out of my way to avoid seeing anything about him.
Should I really care that he played the piano? I play the piano too. So what?
He repeatedly cheated on his wife, but wow, he learned to play the piano to say he was sorry....yeeeah….ok

And how do you know what he became? Did you ever talk to him?
I read an article about his catholic faith and I didn't care or even believe it. So many celebs go out of their way to make sure they have a public persona. A lot of it is fake. Michael Jordan even employed an image consultant.
Doesn't matter anyway.
I was a jazz fan through all of Kobe's career and I got enough of him. I was happy when he went down with the torn calf (not because he was hurt, but because it meant I wouldn't have to put up with him anymore) and even happier when he retired.
And that's another on my list. He left the lakers in really bad shape. Just a fact.

I don't hero worship or idolize.
There was a time when I idolized Arnold. But over time, that went away. I learned some useful stuff from him from his books on bodybuilding, but I quickly realized that he was not worthy of idolizing. Now, I can hardly stand the guy.
Politics is headed to a scary place in this country. I feel like the anti-trump side should spend more energy finding and raising up an amazing candidate to take him down... but they too busy with the **** trump stuff.
I think the pro trump side should recognize that he sucks and try to raise up an amazing candidate to take him down.

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I think the pro trump side should recognize that he sucks and try to raise up an amazing candidate to take him down.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app

and monkees might fly out of my butt.
You may not like Trump or what he does, but speaking for myself, I love the guy and I love the way he is being president. Same with Reagan. They do the things that I want to see done.

I want someone to take the lakers down, but I don't expect lakers fans to agree with me about that.
The rape discussion should and needs to happen. Just not this day.

But this is the day with the most publicity and the biggest chance of having people actually pay attention. This is like the argument that protests should happen at a place unrelated to what's being protested against, and without inconveniencing anyone.

Today is exactly the day to talk about how we enable famous, powerful men to get away with abusing women.
But this is the day with the most publicity and the biggest chance of having people actually pay attention. This is like the argument that protests should happen at a place unrelated to what's being protested against, and without inconveniencing anyone.

Today is exactly the day to talk about how we enable famous, powerful men to get away with abusing women.

Curious how no woman's rights group or Me-Too whatevers have never come out against Kobe.
Believe all women? Unless they accuse the wrong guys...eh
and monkees might fly out of my butt.
You may not like Trump or what he does, but speaking for myself, I love the guy and I love the way he is being president. Same with Reagan. They do the things that I want to see done.

I want someone to take the lakers down, but I don't expect lakers fans to agree with me about that.
Trump the “grab em by the *****”, cheater, with ties to Epstein. The irony...
Trump the “grab em by the *****”, cheater, with ties to Epstein. The irony...

I don't buy any of that.
But I voted for Trump to be president, not the pope.
All I heard about Bill Clinton was, "who cares about his private life, as long as he was a good president" and now those same people complain about Trump's morality.
The...…………..uh...…...what was it...……………….oh yeah IRONY!
I don't buy any of that.
But I voted for Trump to be president, not the pope.
All I heard about Bill Clinton was, "who cares about his private life, as long as he was a good president" and now those same people complain about Trump's morality.
The...…………..uh...…...what was it...……………….oh yeah IRONY!
You referenced Trump so I’m referencing Trump. I don’t think any better of Bill Clinton. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy shown in your posts.
This thread really devolved into political discussion and arguments over an allegation nobody here is qualified to talk about because we don't have all of the necessary information to make a reasonable conclusion? FFS.

Can we just mourn the fact that 9 human beings lost their lives? What's wrong with some people?